Camera shows Black Screen when using SFSafariViewController - ios

when I am loading web page using SFSafariViewController, and web page has option to upload photos.
I am able to upload photos from Photo Library but when I select to Take Photo or Video, camera loads up with black screen. I checked the setting "Camera is allowed for my app"


Is there any camera library (jQuery) that support in safari?

Try to open camera while accessing web page in safari. I'm using an overlay over the frame so user can position the object following the overlay frame.
But when try to capture, it moves to iPhone camera.It's showing another popup to open the camera not directly in the web page i prepared.
Is there any jQuery library that support camera running inside the webpage?
Both of web run camera directly in safari. not open another popup iPhone camera
My case, the camera show like this url :

WKWebview and 360 pics

Just for testing purposes I'm trying to show a react-vr example ( in a WKWebView, the website loads only on the device while on the simulator the screen stays blank.
Apart from that on the device I can't interact with the 360 pics, for example I can't pan to rotate the view or tap on the hotspots.
I tried to load the same website using Safari on iOS and the website is loaded correctly with all the interactions.
Do I have to enable something in the WKwebview?

Is there any way a user could save images to my app from safari as they can do with the native camera roll app?

On an iphone, if you hold down on an image while in safari, a diaglog pops up asking you if you want to save or copy the image. If saved, the image is downloaded straight to your camera roll. If I wanted the user to save images to my app as conveniently as they are saved to the camera roll from safari, how would I go about doing that?
You should be able to set up your app as being able to open image files of the desired types (.jpg, .png, etc) by adding the appropriate settings to your info.plist, and that should cause the system to add an "open in" item to the sharing dialog in Safari.

Take photos in iOS without preview screen

Is there a way to use a UIImagePickerController to take photos without each photo going to the Preview screen?
I need for my users to be able to take multiple photos and right now they must hit a button to open the camera, hit the shutter button, and then hit the Use button on the Preview screen. Is there any way cut off this last step and skip the Preview screen altogether?
Here's a tutorial using AVFoundation with which you can take photos using a live camera preview styled and sized as you wish and without the annoying confirmation wiew.

How can I access the photo library in iOS?

Is there any way to jump into photo library ?
I'm not asking about UIImagePicker.
In original camera app of iPhone, when I touch a thumbnail of one of the last photos (at the bottom left corner), it goes into photo library (actually, camera roll).
Is that private API or can i use it somehow? Well, I think I can implement that using ALAsset but I'm just wondering if there is any API
I believe you can launch the photo app, in order to view it as you would normally. However you cannot return to your app after launching the photo library.
You'll need to launch
