Tablix inside Rectangle inside Textbox not visible when report renders - textbox

I have built a report with a list of caveats at the end within a text box. Inside this list I need to display a table of static text. The only way I have found to show the table is to put a rectangle inside the text box and place the table inside the rectangle. However when I preview the report the table does not show. Also when in design mode if I click outside of the rectangle into the text box both the rectangle and table disappear and only reappear when I use the scroll bar. I have checked that both the rectangle and table are visible and have tried moving to front and moving back but it does not change. Can anyone point me in the right direction please.
To help with explanation I have added screenshots:
Image 1 - showing table in rectangle in text box in design view
Table 2 - showing result of preview where table should show

If I had been thinking straight and built this from scratch I would never have tried to do it the way I did. I suddenly realised that the answer was simple. Put a rectangle first then populate it with 2 textboxes and put the static text table between the 2 textboxes. The rectangle holds it all together and can have a border if required.


Can't change UITableView section index list position from center to top

I want to change the position of section index list of UITable view which is always in the center of the table view. I want to change the position to top. For example, I want the section index to start from top and then make its way to the bottom but can't find any resource to actually do that.
In the red box is the default position but I want the position to be in the green box. I would really appreciate if anyone can help. Any third part source would work as well. I tried finding things here and there but to no avail.

How to bring all desired UI Interface objects and views to the front?

I have a background image for the view controller and two labels. The two labels are not showing up because they are behind the imageview. When I go to editor->arrange the send to front option is not available for the labels. And when I check on the layout debugger I can see the labels are behind the imageview. Is there another way to bring to the labels in front?
Assuming you are using IB, you can move things to the front/back of one another by rearranging them in the left panel. The first item in the list will lie behind every other item. So in this case your list of subviews should go:
1. Image
2. Label
3. Label
This will result in the labels lying one top of the image.

UIViewController with UITableView and TextField storyboard placement

This might be a simple question but using storyboard I can't seem to position my table, a message field and a button correctly. In the picture below, if it's positioned that way, only then do I get to see the text field and button at the bottom of the screen and the table view takes up the rest of the screen. If I drag the text field and button to the bottom and resize the table, the text field and button disappear and the table is cut off. Why is that? Is there a solution to this without doing it programmatically?
Easy solution is to remove all constraints then position them where you want them.
You'll find you get different effect when try to reposition items depending where you drag from for example double tap an item and nudge it with arrow keys or grab the middle to move it resizing via the corners.
But in my opinion it's easier remove all constraints from the view and then set them as you go.
Also you might want to consider using a container view for the table view and have a separate UItableViewController that way you can easily separate out that the tableview logic from the other ViewController. It will help stop things getting a little messy later on as project grows.

ViewController gets misplaced, when a view size is adjusted

I'm quite new to the Xcode programming. I've added some view controller, labels, buttons and image view to my program, but, when I try to adjust, for example, the size of a label, the view controller that that label is in, gets displaced. I mean, when I try to drag the side of the label to change its size, the view controller moves down, making my label get displaced in the view controller. It is a very weird situation, here you have the screenshot of my project, the view controller misplaced is the one that says "Perfil" on the navigation bar. Every time I try to change one of those light blue views size, the entire view controller changes place. The more I try to change the side the more it will go down.
Sorry for my English, not my native language.
I think the bigger issue is that you are using Table View Cells that are not part of a table view.
Table ViewCells are supposed to be a part of a UITableView and not just stuck in a view.
Using UITableViewCells in this way is what is causing the strange behavior.
If you are trying to make a table, put a UITableView in your view, and then you can customize the table view cells in there.
It you aren't trying to make a table, just use UIView's instead of those UITableViewCells.
I have two ideas that may fix the problem:
First, if you're trying to drag and drop the label but the view controller moves instead, then you might just be grabbing the view controller's background by mistake. When this happened to me, it was because the order of my components in the xib file was wrong. Things are ordered from back to front, and when you click and drag something, you'll just be clicking and dragging whatever's on top. You can try and get past this by clicking the UI element on the left to be sure you select it, then dragging the handles.
It looks like you have things in a reasonable order, so that may not be the culprit at all.
Second, if that doesn't work, select the element you want to edit on the left, then open up the utilities pane on the right. Click the Attributes icon (should be fourth from the left) and look towards the bottom. You should see something like this:
Just manually edit the position and size of your labels there. You should see the change immediately reflected in the display.
Hope this helps!
Setting no autoresize behavior in Interface Builder solves the issue.

UIAutomation and reading static text in scroll view

I'm doing some UIAutomation testing using Xcode Instruments and have an issue accessing a staticText which I want to verify.
The situation:
I have some buttons that display different scroll views that contain multiple charts. These scroll views have 5+ items in each so when i initially do target.logElementTree() it only shows the visible ones. If i scroll down with window.scrollViews()[0].scrollDown() and again get a logElementTree() the bottom elements are shown however whenever i try to access them it keeps referring to the ones from the top of the scroll view.
Any ideas?
As per as my experience, whenever you do "taregt.logElementTree()", it will display you all the elements (visible & hidden or which are present even at the bottom of screen) which you can access by its name or index or position once scrolled down. But if you still face problem, I will recommend you to access the element by its position after scrolling down to make it visible.
