iOS swift: since 11.2 strange borders on some UiViews - ios

Since I've updated to iOS 11.2 on my iPhone 8 plus I see strange borders on some views. Not all, but just some.
I've tried to set the border color to clear, the border size to 0, but still the border are there.
If I try to take a screenshot the picture doesn't show the borders.
If I play the app from an other iOS version or from simulator there aren't any border.
Did some one have the same bug? Do you know a fix?


UITextView is changing color in iPhone 6+ automatically which is not required

I have set the color of the text of UITextView from storyboard to white color. Its working fine in iPhone 5,5s,6,6s (iOS version 10.1.1) but the color is automatically getting changed to black in iPhone 6s (iOS version 9.1.1). I also provided the text color through code, then also its not working.
This is a bug from Apple's part probably in iOS 9.3.3, and it was fixed for later version of iOS, as you say it is working fine in iOS 10.1.1. You can also look into another stack overflow's post with similar issue

Xcode 7.1 iOS 9.1 Simulator transparent

I just recognized that I can see thru the iOS Simulator if an UIView is defined with (semi-) transparent content. But I can not make a screenshot of it, on the screenshot the effect is gone.
The (custom) navigation bar on top has alpha set to CGFloat(0.9).
Here a screenshot taken with an iPhone 6:
Zoom in and you can see thru the simulator window on Xcode. I assume this is a bug, or is it intended behavior of the OS X transparency effects? If it is intended, can I turn it off?
Ok, I have found the problem. Actually it is not a transparency effect but a display problem. I am using an iMac 27inch with an IPS LCD display, which suffers heavily from "screen burning". Xcode is standing on this position for hours so it burned in into the display. That's why I can not make a screenshot - it is a hardware problem.
Yeah this is going to be a hardware / screen problem. Should not translate to your app.

Image not stretching in ios 7.1 but working perfectly in 7.0 and 8.0

Image is not stretching while using the method
_bubbleView.image=[[UIImage imageNamed:#"bubblebg"] resizableImageWithCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(40.0f, 19.0f, 11.0f, 10.0f) resizingMode:UIImageResizingModeStretch]
only in iOS 7.1. But this method works perfectly in iOS 7.0,8.0 and 8.1.
I remember have an issue with tab bar icons and edge insets of varying sizes in 7.1, might be an issue here as well.
For your insets, try making the top/bottom & left/right be equal and see if you still have the issue. UIEdgeInsetsMake(11.0f, 19.0f, 11.0f, 19.0f)

Buttons sized incorrectly on iOS8, correctly on iOS7

I solved this before posting, but I'm sharing this anyway just in case it helps someone else.
I'm having a problem with certain buttons sizing incorrectly on iOS8. They are coming out too tall, too wide, and the label is vertically misaligned. Interestingly, though the button is x-centered on the signin view, it maintains alignment on the left side. I'm still building on Xcode 5/iOS 7 as we have some higher priority issues we need to get out and building against iOS 8 breaks more than this. Are there different constraints I can apply here?
I've included the background image slicing also. It is 66x87 px, but the button is getting sized to 72px tall, so I'm not sure it is be related or not.
The problem here was that I did not have an #2x image for the button background. The button background is just a flat color so there was no real need for an #2x before.

strange uitableview top border only on iphone 5 simulator 4 inch

when I run the app on iphone 4 simulator or device, there is no topborder.
the border is not the uitableview.layer.border, it's moves with the content scroll.
I've tried to change and test the cell border, the table seperator..
but, I can't remove this strange gray border.
I also test to see if this border was hidden behind subview in iphone 4, but no,
on the iphone 4, the border is not exist.
again, only in iphone 5 simulator (I don't have device to test on).
any ideas ?
I manually add border to the layer of the uitableview.
unlucky then,'s better late then never..
