Image not stretching in ios 7.1 but working perfectly in 7.0 and 8.0 - ios

Image is not stretching while using the method
_bubbleView.image=[[UIImage imageNamed:#"bubblebg"] resizableImageWithCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(40.0f, 19.0f, 11.0f, 10.0f) resizingMode:UIImageResizingModeStretch]
only in iOS 7.1. But this method works perfectly in iOS 7.0,8.0 and 8.1.

I remember have an issue with tab bar icons and edge insets of varying sizes in 7.1, might be an issue here as well.
For your insets, try making the top/bottom & left/right be equal and see if you still have the issue. UIEdgeInsetsMake(11.0f, 19.0f, 11.0f, 19.0f)


UITabbar stretched in iOS 10 but not 11+

So I've been developing my app on iOS 11 and 12 for the past few weeks, but after testing on the iOS 10.3.3 iphone 7 simulator (and real iphone 7's), I just realized that the tab bar icons look really stretched for some reason.
They look fine on all phones iOS 11+
I followed the guidelines here:
My image sizes are
#3x: 75x75
#2x: 50x50
#1x: 25x25
I've played around in storyboard and have no idea how to fix this. Any thoughts?
Ok, so it turns out I had imbalanced tab bar item insets.
Changing from this:
To this:
ended up fixing the issue. Not really sure why it doesn't work below iOS 11.

iOS swift: since 11.2 strange borders on some UiViews

Since I've updated to iOS 11.2 on my iPhone 8 plus I see strange borders on some views. Not all, but just some.
I've tried to set the border color to clear, the border size to 0, but still the border are there.
If I try to take a screenshot the picture doesn't show the borders.
If I play the app from an other iOS version or from simulator there aren't any border.
Did some one have the same bug? Do you know a fix?

UITextView is changing color in iPhone 6+ automatically which is not required

I have set the color of the text of UITextView from storyboard to white color. Its working fine in iPhone 5,5s,6,6s (iOS version 10.1.1) but the color is automatically getting changed to black in iPhone 6s (iOS version 9.1.1). I also provided the text color through code, then also its not working.
This is a bug from Apple's part probably in iOS 9.3.3, and it was fixed for later version of iOS, as you say it is working fine in iOS 10.1.1. You can also look into another stack overflow's post with similar issue

Black bar on IOS 7

I have an iPad app. When I used it in iOS 5 or 6 its working fine and the UI also seems to be fine. But the same in iOS 7 a black bar on top, bottom, left and right of the screen appeared. Including on the splash screen.
I had tried it by hiding status bar of all views.But I cant fix the issue.
- (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden
return YES;
Can any one know what is the reason?
The same thing happened to me as a result of downloading the latest version of Xcode
and all I had to do was adjust the frame of my view as it was altered during the download. It's so simple I didn't even think to try it.
How big are the bars? Is there any chance this is actually an iPhone retina app and this is iOS 7's new automatic scaling for the iPad's bigger display instead of the old '2x' mode?
Also, does it behave like this in the simulator and if so, can you post simulator shots of it running under iOS 6 and iOS 7?
See here for what I mean :

How to manage Autolayout constraints which can be applicable for iOS 7 & iOS 6.0 both

I have created the new iOS project in xCode 5 with deployment target 6.0 and Apply Pin constraint [Bottom space to superview] to make AutoLayout applicable for iOS 7 as well iOS 6.0 with different devices but
When I choose option "View as : " : iOS 7.0 & later Button looks like following
then When I change option "View as : " : iOS 6.0 & earlier the button looks like following
How Do I manage constrait such a way that make applicable with iOS 6.0 & iOS 7.0 both ?
Thanks in advance !!
I had a similar issue in my story board, I searched a lot with no hope and ended up removing all constrains by:
Editor -> Resolve Auto-Layout Issues -> Clear all constraints in view controller
Then reordering again, this solved most of my issues.
First from Apple Transition Guide:
If business reasons require you to continue supporting iOS 6 or
earlier, you need to choose the most practical way to update the app
for iOS 7. The techniques you choose can differ, but the overall
advice remains the same: First, focus on redesigning the app for iOS
7. Then, bring the changes to the iOS 6 version as appropriate.
This means that you could face some issues in prior iOS versions, especially in layout and you need to re-layout your controls under iOS7 then test them under iOS6.
I'm developing an app that runs on both iOS 6 and iOS 7. Some of my buttons appear the same on both iOS 6 and iOS 7 and some appear to be vertically smaller on iOS 6 but normal on iOS 7. I looked and the difference appears to be that on the buttons which maintain their size, I am using a background image like so.
//...background button images are 33wx44h and 66wx88h. these correspond to the
// two name variations; <name>.png and <name>#2x.png. the former is used for
// standard resolution screens and the latter for retina screens.
// the UIEdgeInsetsMake is specifically set to 0, 16, 0, 16 (tp,lf,by,rt) so
// that we have no vertical stretching because Apple's preferred button size,
// vertically, is 44. horizontally, the button is 33w and we lock 16 from
// the left and 16 from the right to leave only a single vertical row of pixels
// to be stretched horozontally; which is the most efficient; processing wise.
UIEdgeInsets insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake( 00.0f,16.0f,00.0f,16.0f ); // tp,lf,bt,rt
UIIMage * btnImage = [[UIImage imageNamed: myImage ]
resizableImageWithCapInsets: insets];
[button setBackgroundImage: btnImage
forState: UIControlStateNormal];
I'm thinking that in my situation, I can put a background image into all of them, even if it is transparent, to maintain the same look.
Hope that's helpful.
