Why is a feature good for distinguishing a cluster? - machine-learning

Let us supposed that we are trying to rank the importance of each feature of the dataset for each given cluster, in a clustering task. What are the characteristics that we should measure in the feature for considering it good for characterizing a given cluster?
I am looking for a more analytical characterization of these features. For example, if a feature f have a high standard deviation in the whole dataset, but a small standard deviation within a cluster c, does this means that this feature is important for distinguishing the cluster c?

There are two approaches you could use here:
A feature selection approach would be to remove the said feature and redo the clustering and see if it had strong effect, if no you could say this feature is unnecessary for the clustering task. The down side of this approach is the time it would take to run the clustering process for each subset of features in the dataset.
A statistical approach would be to split the data into two groups: the samples from the cluster and the rest of the samples. Then you ask how different are the feature values when comparing the two populations. Depends on the distribution of this feature, you could pick for this task a test like KS test, t test, chi-squared test or any other test for comparing distributions of two samples.


How do engineered features help when they are not present in the test data

I am trying to classify between drones and birds using machine learning. I have got a big number of samples of feature vectors from a radar which generally consists of position(x,y,z), velocity(vx,vy,vz), acceleration(ax,ay,az), Noise, SNR etc plus some more features. Actual classes are known for the samples. However, These basic features are not able to distinguish between drones and birds for new(out of bag) samples. so I am going to try feature engineering to generate new features like standard deviation of speed calculated using mean-speed and then uses the difference between mean-speed and speeds obtained from individual samples(of the same track) to calculate standard deviation by averaging out the differences . Similarly, I generate new features using some other formula by using sum or difference or deviation from average(of different samples from same track) etc.
After obtaining these features we will use the same to create a trained model which will be used for classification.
However, I can apply all these feature engineering on the training dataset whereas the same engineered features will not be present in the test dataset obtained in the operational scenario where we get one sample after another. Also in operational scenario we do not know how many samples we will be getting for a track.
So, how can these engineered features be obtained so as to create a test feature vector with the same in actual operational scenario.
If these cannot be obtained while testing ,then how will the same engineered features (used for model training) be able to solve the classification problem when we do not have these in the test data?

Machine Learning - Feature Ranking by Algorithms

I have a dataset that contains around 30 features and I want to find out which features contribute the most to the outcome. I have 5 algorithms:
Neural Networks
Random Forest
I read a lot about Information Gain technique and it seems it is independent of the machine learning algorithm used. It is like a preprocess technique.
My question follows, is it best practice to perform feature importance for each algorithm dependently or just use Information Gain. If yes what are the technique used for each ?
First of all, it's worth stressing that you have to perform the feature selection based on the training data only, even if it is a separate algorithm. During testing, you then select the same features from the test dataset.
Some approaches that spring to mind:
Mutual information based feature selection (eg here), independent of the classifier.
Backward or forward selection (see stackexchange question), applicable to any classifier but potentially costly since you need to train/test many models.
Regularisation techniques that are part of the classifier optimisation, eg Lasso or elastic net. The latter can be better in datasets with high collinearity.
Principal components analysis or any other dimensionality reduction technique that groups your features (example).
Some models compute latent variables which you can use for interpretation instead of the original features (e.g. Partial Least Squares or Canonical Correlation Analysis).
Specific classifiers can aid interpretability by providing extra information about the features/predictors, off the top of my head:
Logistic regression: you can obtain a p-value for every feature. In your interpretation you can focus on those that are 'significant' (eg p-value <0.05). (same for two-classes Linear Discriminant Analysis)
Random Forest: can return a variable importance index that ranks the variables from most to least important.
I have a dataset that contains around 30 features and I want to find out which features contribute the most to the outcome.
This will depend on the algorithm. If you have 5 algorithms, you will likely get 5 slightly different answers, unless you perform the feature selection prior to classification (eg using mutual information). One reason is that Random Forests and neural networks would pick up nonlinear relationships while logistic regression wouldn't. Furthermore, Naive Bayes is blind to interactions.
So unless your research is explicitly about these 5 models, I would rather select one model and proceed with it.
Since your purpose is to get some intuition on what's going on, here is what you can do:
Let's start with Random Forest for simplicity, but you can do this with other algorithms too. First, you need to build a good model. Good in the sense that you need to be satisfied with its performance and it should be Robust, meaning that you should use a validation and/or a test set. These points are very important because we will analyse how the model takes its decisions, so if the model is bad you will get bad intuitions.
After having built the model, you can analyse it at two level : For the whole dataset (understanding your process), or for a given prediction. For this task I suggest you to look at the SHAP library which computes features contributions (i.e how much does a feature influences the prediction of my classifier) that can be used for both puproses.
For detailled instructions about this process and more tools, you can look fast.ai excellent courses on the machine learning serie, where lessons 2/3/4/5 are about this subject.
Hope it helps!

How to do machine learning when the inputs are of different sizes?

In standard cookbook machine learning, we operate on a rectangular matrix; that is, all of our data points have the same number of features. How do we cope with situations in which all of our data points have different numbers of features? For example, if we want to do visual classification but all of our pictures are of different dimensions, or if we want to do sentiment analysis but all of our sentences have different amounts of words, or if we want to do stellar classification but all of the stars have been observed a different number of times, etc.
I think the normal way would be to extract features of regular size from these irregularly sized data. But I attended a talk on deep learning recently where the speaker emphasized that instead of hand-crafting features from data, deep learners are able to learn the appropriate features themselves. But how do we use e.g. a neural network if the input layer is not of a fixed size?
Since you are asking about deep learning, I assume you are more interested in end-to-end systems, rather then feature design. Neural networks that can handle variable data inputs are:
1) Convolutional neural networks with pooling layers. They are usually used in image recognition context, but recently were applied to modeling sentences as well. ( I think they should also be good at classifiying stars ).
2) Recurrent neural networks. (Good for sequential data, like time series,sequence labeling tasks, also good for machine translation).
3) Tree-based autoencoders (also called recursive autoencoders) for data arranged in tree-like structures (can be applied to sentence parse trees)
Lot of papers describing example applications can readily be found by googling.
For uncommon tasks you can select one of these based on the structure of your data, or you can design some variants and combinations of these systems.
You can usually make the number of features the same for all instances quite easily:
if we want to do visual classification but all of our pictures are of different dimensions
Resize them all to a certain dimension / number of pixels.
if we want to do sentiment analysis but all of our sentences have different amounts of words
Keep a dictionary of the k words in all of your text data. Each instance will consist of a boolean vector of size k where the i-th entry is true if word i from the dictionary appears in that instance (this is not the best representation, but many are based on it). See the bag of words model.
if we want to do stellar classification but all of the stars have been observed a different number of times
Take the features that have been observed for all the stars.
But I attended a talk on deep learning recently where the speaker emphasized that instead of hand-crafting features from data deep learners are able to learn the appropriate features themselves.
I think the speaker probably referred to higher level features. For example, you shouldn't manually extract the feature "contains a nose" if you want to detect faces in an image. You should feed it the raw pixels, and the deep learner will learn the "contains a nose" feature somewhere in the deeper layers.

How to best deal with a feature relating to what type of expert labelled the data that becomes unavailable at point of classification?

Essentially I have a data set, that has a feature vector, and label indicating whether it is spam or non-spam.
To get the labels for this data, 2 distinct types of expert were used each using different approaches to evaluate the item, the type of expert used then also became a feature in the vector.
Training and then testing on a separate portion of the data has achieved a high degree accuracy using a Random Forest algorithm.
However, it is clear now that, the feature describing the expert who made the label will not be available in a live environment. So I have tried a number of approaches to reflect this:
Remove the feature from the set and retrain and test
Split the data into 2 distinct sets based on the feature, and then train and test 2 separate classifiers
For the test data, set the feature in question all to the same value
With all 3 approaches, the classifiers have dropped from being highly accurate, to being virtually useless.
So I am looking for any advice or intuitions as to why this has occurred and how I might approach resolving it so as to regain some of the accuracy I was previously seeing?
To be clear I have no background in machine learning or statistics and am simply using a third party c# code library as a black box to achieve these results.
Sounds like you've completely overfit to the "who labeled what" feature (and combinations of this feature with other features). You can find out for sure by inspecting the random forest's feature importances and checking whether the annotator feature ranks high. Another way to find out is to let the annotators check each other's annotations and compute an agreement score such as Cohen's kappa. A low value, say less than .5, indicates disagreement among the annotators, which makes machine learning very hard.
Since the feature will not be available at test time, there's no easy way to get the performance back.

cluster analysis? label the cluster

I am quite confused about following two problems:
I have a 15 dimensional dataset which should be used to cluster how many types of attacks are contained in the dataset.
1. now i have already clustered my dataset into 5 clusters (5 attacks). Does anyone know how can i point which cluster is which attack? (how to label the clusters not by just "cluster 1,cluster 2...")
2. In supervised classification, we have training dataset and testing dataset, and the testing is conducted with the classifier built from traning dataset. My question is, can the same approach be used for clustering. Like building a model with clustering algorithm, and then automatically classify the new instance into a specific cluster? Is this achievable?
How should an unsupervised method be able to identify named attacks?
The human-assigned name is not in the data!
For some clustering algorithms you can assign new instances automatically, but in general you cannot (not without knowing the model used by the clustering). In the worst case, a new observation would even e.g. merge two clusters into one. What are you going to do then?
If you want classification, use classification, not clustering.
Clustering has a very different mind-set. If you approach it from a classification point of view, you will not really understand it. You use clustering for finding something unknown in data, classification for generalizing something known to new data.
If necessary, you can also train a classifier on your cluster. But don't do this blindly. First make sure that the clusters actually are something useful. It's much easier to come up with a completely meaningless clustering result than with a good clustering. Training a classifier on worthless clusters won't produce a meaningful output.
