Neo4j Windows Desktop v.1.0.6 install won't create new database, error: invalid central directory file header signature - neo4j

I have downloaded and attempted to install the 1.0.6 version of the Neo4j Desktop (Graph Platform) under Windows 10. The silent installation happens quickly without any prompting about where to install or what to expect installation-wise. Upon installation the Neo4j Desktop icon is added to the Windows desktop and the Desktop automatically opens with the appearance that it is all ready to go.
I select the default MyProject and click the New Database panel. The Local/Remote dialog pops up, I select Local. I accept the default Database name, don't add an optional description and click the Create button at which time I a red error dialog pops up saying:
`Database failed to create: Error: invalid central directory file header signature: 0xef42a50`
I get this result whether I create a new project and then attempt to create a new database in that new project. I get the same result if I change default names of proposed new databases. I can't attach to a remote new database because Neo4j does not appear to be running at this point and I have been given no indication where the installation even put anything.
When I ferret out the installation, I find it has silently been put in the typically hidden user subdirectories of "../AppData/Local/Programs/neo4j-desktop" and "..AppData/Roaming/Neo4j Desktop".
In the Roaming neo4j subdirectory, I find the log.log file which contains the single line of warning [2017-11-28 16:42:30:0451] [warn] auth is not initialised yet.
Any insights/recommendations appreciated. I am a "retired" #CitizenScientist and around most of the time to answer additional questions or to try any recommended fixes.
BTW, I have been using Neo4j Community Edition on my Windows dev box for years, mostly the manually installed version that provides support for running as a Windows service.
Also, my issue seems similar to this installation failure cited here: neo4j windows desktop: Unrecoverable authentication error.


Neo4j Admin Import Database not Available in Console

I have a successful import using the bin/neo4j-admin tool, can see the new database folder in my /databases, have restarted the server, but cannot get the database to appear in the console as an option to switch to. Do you have any suggestions for getting a newly imported database to be available in the console?
I assume that you are referring to the Neo4j Desktop environment.
The Desktop currently seems to be designed to support local DBs created by the Desktop itself.
As a workaround, you can:
Create a new "Graph" in the Desktop, using the "Connect to Remote Graph" option.
Accept the default "bolt://localhost:7687" as the Connect URL (assuming the default is acceptable).
Manually start your local neo4j installation from the command line, and
Click Connect on your "Graph" to connect.
Be aware that the Desktop has fewer bells and whistles for "remote
I resolved the issue. The steps I found to successfully import a set of CSV using the admin -import tool is to:
Stop the server
Run the admin -import tool and use --database=aDatabaseName
Start the server
In the console switch to the System database using the pulldown control
Run the following command at the system prompt: create database aDatabaseName
(should be the same name set in #2 above)
Switch to the database just created using the console pulldown control
I was able to see the database nodes and relationships I created following the above steps
This is what worked for me. I was trying to access my database generated through neo4j-admin on my Neo4j Desktop app browser console.
On Neo4j Desktop App open the browser of the database server you want to include the new database
Switch to the system database
:use system
as system, create the database you want to import
:create database dbname
Stop the server
Use the neo4-admin tool to import the database (make sure to use the same name --database dbname). Run these command on the terminal opened from the Desktop app under the databases>_Open Terminal. On windows the neo4j-admin.bat is located in the bin directory
start the server and open the neo4j browser and switch to the system database
:use system
To list all the database available to use as system
switch to your imported database
:use dbmame
Your browser console is ready now for your queries.

The Bootstrap service is not found - after computer name change

Error: Failed to deploy COMPUTER_NAME :The Bootstrap service is not found on remote machine
Hello Stack overflow users. Google yields no results...
I configured a Wonderware Intouch for System Platform Runtime Client remote computer according to best practices found in the README files and other documentation.
On the GR in the ArchestrA IDE I created a platform then a view-engine and then an instance of the Intouch app underneath that.
I successfully deployed the application to the remote computer and everything was working as expected.
Afterwards I had to change the remote computer name as per our policy because the computer would be used at another site.
First I undeployed everything including the platform from the remote runtime computer. Then I changed the remote runtime computer name. Then I renamed all the objects in the IDE on the GR accordingly and changed the computer host name in the platform object instance accordingly.
I then tried to deploy the platform again, no success, I only receive an error message:
"Error: Failed to deploy COMPUTER_NAME :The Bootstrap service is not found on remote machine"
I have tried:
- Restarting the computer.
- Changing the IP Address.
- Google and AVEVA Knowledge base.
- Platform removal tool (which cannot be accessed since the platform does not display in the SMC manager)
The version of System Platform is 2014 R2 SP1.
When I look in the SMC log file, the Bootstrap service is starting on the remote runtime client.
I am not to keen to format the computer and start over so I would like to know if there may be some files that I need to delete or something else I could do to fix this problem.
I have also as mentioned in the comments and additionally tried:
- Uninstall Wonderware completely followed by a new fresh Install.
I had this problem recently. The problem seems to be that when creating a platform in the IDE it associates an ID for it and if you change the name of the machine and change the name of the platform it can try to search for the old platform through the id. To solve this, create a new platform and try to deploy it, System Platform can associate an old ID with the new platform, then create platforms until you have a unique id not yet used and deploy it. The platform id can be verified in the SMC. When deploying, leave the SMC open next to the IDE and note the ID of the platform being deployed.

Unable to Launch the Administrator tool of Mirth

I have Mirth Connect Version installed on RHL I want to access my Mirth my Local Machine which have Java 1.8(Java 1.7 it Work fine), I am not able to launch the Administrator tool of Mirth. When I clicked on the administrator button, It opened the window saying starting application after giving User name and Password it give error 'There was an error connecting to the server at the specified address. Please verify that the server is up and running'
Java 8 should work with version 2.2.3, but you must be using the Oracle JRE. OpenJDK only recently became supported with version 3.7.
You may also want to try using the new Administrator Launcher available on the mirth downloads page. It comes bundled with a Java 8 JVM so that you don't need to install one separately. It works with all versions of mirth from 2.x and up. See announcement here:

Starting Neo4j Server failed: Component was successfully initialized, but server failed to start

I was given a graph db I must open with Neo4j. Installed community version Neo4j-2.2.0-M02 on Win7 Ultimate laptop successfully. When I tried to start the server, after pointing to the graph db, I get the following error:
Starting Neo4j Server failed:
Component org.neo4j.server.database.LifecycleManagingDatabase#325ce05c was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see attached cause exception.
Logged in as windows local admin. Windows FWall is off. There's no antivirus SW installed on the machine. Local admin has full perms on entire root drive. When I point to the default db, Neo4j server starts normally and I can browse http://localhost:7474/ without a problem.
Any lead will be appreciated.
The aforementioned error message was the result of using a Neo4j version different to the one the graph db was originally developed. In particular, the original graph db was developed in ver 2.0.4 Community that due to my lack of knowledge I was trying to run on an installation of Neo4j ver. 2.2.0-M02 (for development only).
The code owner enlightened me to the fact and an attempt to bring up the graph db on ver. 2.0.4 Community was successful.
Thanks for your support.
Delete the folder "c:\Users\Yourname\MyDocuments\Neo4j"
I removed the plugins that were loaded from <NEO4J_HOME>/plugins as they were also loaded from under <DATABASE_HOME>/plugins

SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 : Installing monitoring service

We are setting up Tridion 2011 SP1 CDS (.net based) on one of our servers.
We are sruck at point 'Installing Monitoring as a Wndows Service'.
Evern after running the batch file 'StartCDInstaller.bat' and following the procedure, we cannot locate the Tridion Monitoring Agent service in the windows services.
Are we missing something?
Also another question regarding CDS, can we change the location of config files (Deployer, Storage_conf etc) post Installation? Or do we need to re-run the installer?
The same error even after reinstalling the monitoring service.
"The Event log details: The description for Event ID 100 from source TCDmonitor cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted"
You can change the location of tridion folder structure by setting the System variable in environment variable(Control panel -> system and security -> System -> Advance -> Environment variables -> system variables) called "Tridion_Home" and value as "d:\tridion" (this is the path of the tridion folder ). You can test this after going to run and type %tridion_home% .
If for some reason the Tridion Monitoring Service was not installed by the installer, you can do it manually.
Locate the file cd_monitor.exe (it is on the installation CD in Content Delivery\roles\monitoring\windows).
Copy it to a location where you keep your executables (e.g. to the Tridion\bin folder)
Start a command prompt as administrator and type 'cd_monitor -install'
Go to the services console and start the monitoring service
Had a similar issue too, it was an x64 Content Delivery server with x64 Java installed. Manually installed the monitoring service but refused to start with:
The description for Event ID 100 from source TCDmonitor cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
Could not load Java runtime libraries at
the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table
The monitoring service requires 32bit Java, as soon as that is installed it started with no problem.
Hope that helps.
