Is it possible to use AVFoundation to take a picture using PCL project - ios

I'm fairly new to Xamarin, and I was handed a PCL project and asked to add the option to take a picture "within" the application (not by simply calling the camera app). For iOS, it seems the only way to do this is using the AVFoundation library. However, when I went to look into the issue, it seems that they're relying on using UIKit and UIView controls to accomplish their tasks. Is there anyway I can implement this into my PCL project? Maybe by using a DependencyService? I'm at a loss here.

I was able to figure this out by using a CustomPageRenderer in the iOS portion of the app. I borrowed a lot of code from here.


iOS Plugin Unity

I am currently working on a augmented reality project. I would like to place some virtual objects on a human body. Therefore I created an iOS facetracking app(with openCV; C++) which I want to use as a plugin for Unity. Is there a way to build a framework from an existing iOS app? Or do I have to create a new Xcode project and create a cocoa touch framework and copy paste the code from the app into this framework? I am a little bit confused here. Will the framework have camera access?
My idea was to track the position of a face and to send the position to unity, so that I can place some objects on it. But I do not know how to do that. Can anybody help?
nice greets.
as far as I know you need to make your Unity project, and use assets like OpenCV, but it doesn´t allow you to track the human body (without markers).
About building a fremwork starting from an iOS app, first time I heard that!

Use FBX file with 3D model in iOS native app

I have a requirement to display an interactive 3D model (the client supplies few FBX files) in one of the screens in a native Objective-C/Swift app.
I know that there's a possibility to work with Unity/Cocos3D but then the entire app will have to be Unity/Cocos3D based. In my case the app has to be native and only one screen (one of the tabs in the tab bar controller) should integrate the 3D model that the user can move/rotate etc.
The FBX SDK is available on iOS and I wrote a little tutorial to demo how to use it here. However, the FBX SDK does contain a viewport/canvas for displaying FBX file on any OS. For displaying FBX you would need to create your own view. There is couple of solutions you can use here:
without programming, you can use the 'FBX Review'. This tools is free and designed to display FBX, DAE, OBJ, ... files
you can implement your own viewport/view such as an obj view like I did here, but it would probably need to be rewritten. I wrote it overnight for a hack, so it needs to be optimized.
you use the iOS SceneKit library which would be a better approach than implementing your own view.
If you go with option 3 above, you can use Unity to export a Collada (.dae) file for importing into SceneKit thru the collada exporter. You can buy the exporter on the Unity Asset Store directly; there's one for Unity 5.x and one for Unity 2017.

iOS Widevine with Xamarin

I am needing to use the widevine api in an ios app written in xamarin. From what I understand I need to make a wrapper for the library and such, but I have no idea where to start. Can anyone either explain in more detail what to do, or point me somewhere that explains it well?
Thanks, I am quite new to Xamarin, and rusty on C#
You definitely want to follow Jason's comment. In short, you need the .a (fat library) and the header files and then create a Xamarin.iOS binding project that exposes the native interface to C#. Access to the source code is not necessary.

json2view like solution for iOS

For Android I see there is a very good solution Json2View:
for creating Android app UI on the fly. Is there any similar solution available for iOS? Is there any constraint is having JSON based UI concept for iOS, the way json2view does for Android? Or best would be some common open source library that has flavor for both Android and iOS.
Using React Native you can accomplish the same.
Strictly speaking, its not Json to View but its JavaScript to View.
Whatever views you create in ReactJS, will be created using native UIKit Framework.
For example, if you use scrollview component in JS, it will use a scrollview subclassed of UIScrollView.
Please check this link for in-depth overview
You cannot do anything like this, you will get apple rejected because of using any kind of code injection.

Creating an iOS library or framework using libgdx (roboVM)

Is it possible to create an iOS library or framework using libgdx (RoboVM) that can be imported into Xcode?
One of my colleagues has created a 3D visualisation app as a libgdx project for android and windows desktop. It can be compiled to run on iOS using RoboVM. However, I would like to wrap extra native user interface elements around it using Xcode. I know its possible to build the user interface programmatically via RoboVM but I would be keen to investigate if its possible to bring the existing work into Xcode. I don't need to edit the 3D visualisation component but add extra GUI elements around the 3D Vis window. I thought compiling the libgdx (RoboVM) code to a framework or library might be a solution that could be imported?!
Yes you can do it.
All you need to create a method, say initRoboVM(), This will be called by your code when you want to initialize libgdx. You'll need to pass the app path in, which you can hardcode when you're testing.
initRoboVM() will need some modifications, namely it should not call your Java app's main method, well, at least, that's what well behaving libraries should not do IMO. It should also not call rvmShutdown.
You can get further information from here
Thanks :)
I asked the RoboVM team directly. Their answer: It's not a native function, but it certainly can be done.
The complete message...
Sorry for the late reply. This use case is not something we're going
to do now. It is possible though if you're prepared to do some
patching of RoboVM. Search the RoboVM Google Group and you should find
others who have managed to get this working.
We get this request every know and then so we will add support for
this eventually.
Regards, Niklas
