json2view like solution for iOS - ios

For Android I see there is a very good solution Json2View:
for creating Android app UI on the fly. Is there any similar solution available for iOS? Is there any constraint is having JSON based UI concept for iOS, the way json2view does for Android? Or best would be some common open source library that has flavor for both Android and iOS.

Using React Native you can accomplish the same.
Strictly speaking, its not Json to View but its JavaScript to View.
Whatever views you create in ReactJS, will be created using native UIKit Framework.
For example, if you use scrollview component in JS, it will use a scrollview subclassed of UIScrollView.
Please check this link for in-depth overview

You cannot do anything like this, you will get apple rejected because of using any kind of code injection.


Is it possible to use AVFoundation to take a picture using PCL project

I'm fairly new to Xamarin, and I was handed a PCL project and asked to add the option to take a picture "within" the application (not by simply calling the camera app). For iOS, it seems the only way to do this is using the AVFoundation library. However, when I went to look into the issue, it seems that they're relying on using UIKit and UIView controls to accomplish their tasks. Is there anyway I can implement this into my PCL project? Maybe by using a DependencyService? I'm at a loss here.
I was able to figure this out by using a CustomPageRenderer in the iOS portion of the app. I borrowed a lot of code from here.

Is possible to use React Native *only for UI* and the logic in .NET?

I need to create a multi-platform app for web, ios, android and partially desktop.
I wish to use .NET/F#, but the UI is a complication. I have tried Xamarin.Forms and it is too limited to me. I could live to use React Native but I don't wanna to code the full app in javascript, instead, I wish to use F# for all the logic and web backend, and use react only for the UI in mobile.
But I wonder how?
How feed data to the UI and react to events there?
P.D: If nativescript make this possible I'm all ears. I'm still not rule out xamarin for it, but forms is too limited and the nature of the apps and so far think react native is the closer to my needs.
There's already a sample of this, because the entry file of the Fable React Native demo is a pure JS file that calls the JS generated by Fable. You just need to extend this pure JS layer and import the code generated by Fable when needed.

Using native ios views in React Native

Is there a way to use native ui components except delivered by react native (ListView, Text, etc) in js file?
For example, I have application created by react native and I want to use MWPhotoBrowser in it.
Yes. If you take a look at this section of the docs, under the title "Extensibility", then there's a bit that says "Custom iOS views can be exposed by subclassing RCTViewManager". This should get you started and then you can look at the React Native source code for examples of view classes that subclass RCTViewManager.

Is it possible to design native iOS user interface with the CSS?

I'm interested in such a thing - are there some tools, libraries, etc which will allow to design native iOS UI (UILabels margins, etc.) with the help of CSS? I am not talking about libraries such as PhoneGap or Appcelator. I'm interested in something like CSS parser which will allow me to transform CSS code into Objective-C UI code or Interface Builder.xib files. Let's say I have a good web-designer fluent in CSS and HTML and I want him to write UI code for my iOS application in CSS+HTML and then I transform it in Objective-C UI code or IB .xib files.
I think my question is clear and I hope for some good answers.
Services that allow you to design "native apps" or, more accurately, "hybrid apps" are actually bare bones app dominated by a web view or frame for a webpage so that you provide content and styling on a website that is being displayed by the app. It expands the capabilities of the "app" and allows you to put an app in the store but it is not on a par with true native apps.
There is no elegant conversion from HTML to Objective-C.
Seriously, if you want a native app, make an actual native app. Otherwise, just stick with a web app.
for native ios development,it is very good tutorial for ios+CSS
Also check out: http://www.pixate.com/
It's not free but let's you do exactly what you're looking for.
The reason for PhoneGap, AppCelator etc. to exist is the reason that HTML+CSS (in other words "web pages") cannot be converted into Objective-C easily.
I suggest you take the straightforward way. Teach your designer to use the Interface Builder. It's just a WYSIWYG editor, nothing complicated even for a designer.

WebKit implementation for iOS in Xcode

Is there any way to use WebKit for developing iOS applications in xCode? I'm pretty sure you can use WebKit for making Mac applications, but how about iOS ones?
Yes, just drag out a UIWebView from the Library. You have less control over the content but it works to display webpages and javascript. However it may or may not suit your needs, depending on what you're looking for—you haven't specified.
Documentation: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIWebView_Class/Reference/Reference.html
You can check my open source code here as a start project : https://github.com/sylverb/CIALBrowser
