How to remove dots only from starting of string [duplicate] - ios

This question already has answers here:
Swift: Remove specific characters of a string only at the beginning
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
My string text is Like -
1) .....bla ..bla...
2)...bla.. bla…bla.
3).bla.. bla…bla.
dots are not static.I want to remove dots only from starting. not All dots
I have tried with this
NSString *newString = [myString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"." withString:#""];
but this is removing all dots.

try this.
NSString* regex = #"^\\.*";
NSString* input = #"";
NSString* output = [input stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:regex withString:#"" options:NSRegularExpressionSearch range: [input rangeOfString:input]];

var test = "";
while test.hasPrefix(".") {
test.remove(at: test.startIndex)
//test variable will have dots removed at the start.
Try this.

Try this:
NSString *str = #"...Videt...IDL";
__block NSInteger loc = 0;
[str enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, str.length) options:NSStringEnumerationByWords usingBlock:^(NSString * _Nullable substring, NSRange substringRange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
loc = substringRange.location;
*stop = YES;
NSString *convStr = [str substringFromIndex:loc];
NSLog(#"%#", convStr);

NSString *str = #"....bla .... bla..... bla";
NSCharacterSet *charSet = [NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet];
int letterNO = 0;
for (int i =0; i<str.length; i++)
NSString *letter = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c",[str characterAtIndex:i]];
if ([letter rangeOfCharacterFromSet:charSet].location != NSNotFound)
letterNO = i;
NSString * newString = [str substringFromIndex:letterNO];
NSLog(#"newString %#",newString);


How to fetch the last word from textfield [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Getting the last word of an NSString
(7 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have the following text in the text field
The Taj, Restraint, Renovation, Catch
How to get the Catch word alone from the text field.
NSString *str = #"The Taj, Restraint, Renovation, Catch";
NSString *lastWord = [[str componentsSeparatedByString:#","] lastObject];
Try this
NSString *myString = #"Taj, Restraint, Renovation, Catch" ;
__block NSString *lastWord = nil;
[myString enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, myString.length) options:(NSStringEnumerationByWords | NSStringEnumerationReverse) usingBlock:^(NSString *substring, NSRange subrange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL *stop) {
lastWord = substring;
*stop = YES;

NSString to treat "regular english alphabets" and characters like emoji or japanese uniformly

There is a textView in which I can enter Characters. characters can be a,b,c,d etc or a smiley face added using emoji keyboard.
-(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
NSLog(#"char:%c",[textField.text characterAtIndex:0]);
Currently , The above function gives following outputs
if textField.text = #"qq"
if textField.text = #"😄q"
What I need is
if textField.text = #"qq"
if textField.text = #"😄q"
Any clue how to do this ?
Since Apple screwed up emoji (actually Unicode planes above 0) this becomes difficult. It seems it is necessary to enumerate through the composed character to get the actual length.
Note: The NSString method length does not return the number of characters but the number of code units (not characters) in unichars. See NSString and Unicode - Strings - issue #9.
Example code:
NSString *text = #"qqq😄rrr";
int maxCharacters = 4;
__block NSInteger unicharCount = 0;
__block NSInteger charCount = 0;
[text enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, text.length)
usingBlock:^(NSString *substring, NSRange substringRange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL *stop) {
unicharCount += substringRange.length;
if (++charCount >= maxCharacters)
*stop = YES;
NSString *textStart = [text substringToIndex: unicharCount];
NSLog(#"textStart: '%#'", textStart);
textStart: 'qqq😄'
An alternative approach is to use utf32 encoding:
int byteCount = maxCharacters*4; // 4 utf32 characters
char buffer[byteCount];
NSUInteger usedBufferCount;
[text getBytes:buffer maxLength:byteCount usedLength:&usedBufferCount encoding:NSUTF32StringEncoding options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, text.length) remainingRange:NULL];
NSString * textStart = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:buffer length:usedBufferCount encoding:NSUTF32LittleEndianStringEncoding];
There is some rational for this in Session 128 - Advance Text Processing from 2011 WWDC.
This is what i did to cut a string with emoji characters
return [string lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF32StringEncoding]/4;
+(NSString*)unicodeString:(NSString*)string toLenght:(NSUInteger)len{
if (len >= string.length){
return string;
NSInteger charposition = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
NSInteger remainingChars = string.length-charposition;
if (remainingChars >= 2){
NSString* s = [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(charposition,2)];
if ([self unicodeLength:s] == 1){
return [string substringToIndex:charposition];

Finding word in NSString and checking before and after character this word?

How to find word in NSString and check characters before and after this word?
"This pattern has two parts separated by the"
How to find tern and how to check the character before and after
Before word character:"t"
After word character:" "
You can use NSScanner to get indexes of these two characters.
NSString *string = #"tern";
NSScanner *scanner = [[NSScanner alloc] initWithString:#"This pattern has two parts separated by the"];
[scanner scanUpToString:string intoString:nil];
NSUInteger indexOfChar1 = scanner.scanLocation - 1;
NSUInteger indexOfChar2 = scanner.scanLocation + string.length;
You can also use a rangeOfString method:
NSRange range = [sourceString rangeOfString:stringToLookFor];
NSUInteger indexOfChar1 = range.location - 1;
NSUInteger indexOfChar2 = range.location +range.length + 1;
Then, when you have indexes, getting the characters is easy:
NSString *firstCharacter = [sourceString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(indexOfChar1, 1)];
NSString *secondCharacter = [sourceString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(indexOfChar2, 1)];
Hope this helps.
Here is an implementation using Regular Expressions
NSString *testString= #"This pattern has two parts separated by the";
NSString *regexString = #"(.)(tern)(.)";
NSRegularExpression* exp = [NSRegularExpression
options:NSRegularExpressionSearch error:&error];
if (error) {
NSLog(#"%#", error);
} else {
NSTextCheckingResult* result = [exp firstMatchInString:testString options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [testString length] ) ];
if (result) {
NSRange groupOne = [result rangeAtIndex:1]; // 0 is the WHOLE string.
NSRange groupTwo = [result rangeAtIndex:2];
NSRange groupThree = [result rangeAtIndex:3];
[testString substringWithRange:groupOne],
[testString substringWithRange:groupTwo],
[testString substringWithRange:groupThree] );
[t][tern][ ]
Its better to get pre and post character in NSString to avoid handling of unicode characters.
NSString * testString = #"This pattern has two parts separated by the";
NSString * preString;
NSString * postString;
NSUInteger maxRange;
NSRange range = [testString rangeOfString:#"tern"];
if(range.location == NSNotFound){
NSLog(#"Not found");
if (range.location==0) {
preString = [testString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(range.location-1,1)];
maxRange = NSMaxRange(range);
if ( maxRange >=testString.length ) {
postString = nil;
postString = [testString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(range.location+range.length, 1)];

iOS : Get substring from a html tag response

In my program I'm getting an html notification tag use
"<script>p(34,'1','hello world');</script>/r/n"
I need now is to get the string "hello world" from above tag and it should be a dynamic process as the length of text varies for every response tag.
Something like this will work. You may have to adjust the fromString and toString if those parts of the message are also dynamic, but this will get you started.
NSString *someString = #"<script>p(34,'1','hello world');</script>/r/n";
NSString *fromString = #"<script>p(34,'1','";
NSRange fromRange = [someString rangeOfString:fromString];
NSString *toString = #"');</script>/r/n";
NSRange toRange = [someString rangeOfString:toString];
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(fromRange.location + fromRange.length, toRange.location - (fromRange.location + fromRange.length));
NSString *result = [someString substringWithRange:range];
Please try to use this one.... I Hope this work will fine..
NSString *data = #"<script>p(34,'1','hello world');</script>/r/n";
NSRange divRange = [data rangeOfString:#"','" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
if (divRange.location != NSNotFound)
NSRange endDivRange;
endDivRange.location = divRange.length + divRange.location;
endDivRange.length = [data length] - endDivRange.location;
endDivRange = [data rangeOfString:#"'" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:endDivRange];
if (endDivRange.location != NSNotFound)
divRange.location += divRange.length;
divRange.length = endDivRange.location - divRange.location;
NSLog(#"SubString %#",[data substringWithRange:divRange]);
NSString * myString = #"<script>p(34,'1','hello world');</script>/r/n";//#" hello(1234)";
NSRange range1 = [myString rangeOfString:#"," options:NSBackwardsSearch];
NSRange range2 = [myString rangeOfString:#"'" options:NSBackwardsSearch];
if ((range1.length == 1) && (range2.length == 1) && (range2.location > range1.location))
NSRange range3;
range3.location = range1.location+2;
range3.length = (range2.location - range1.location)-2;
NSString *subString = [myString substringWithRange:range3];
outPut----> hello world

Truncate string containing emoji or unicode characters at word or character boundaries

How can I truncate a string at a given length without annihilating a unicode character that might be smack in the middle of my length? How can one determine the index of the beginning of a unicode character in a string so that I can avoid creating ugly strings. The square with half of an A visible is the location of another emoji character which has been truncated.
NSString *original = [_postDictionay objectForKey:#"message"];
NSMutableString *truncated = [NSMutableString string];
NSArray *components = [original componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
for(int x=0; x<[components count]; x++)
//If the truncated string is still shorter then the range desired. (leave space for ...)
if([truncated length]+[[components objectAtIndex:x] length]<range.length-3)
//Just checking if its the first word
if([truncated length]==0 && x==0)
//start off the string
[truncated appendString:[components objectAtIndex:0]];
//append a new word to the string
[truncated appendFormat:#" %#",[components objectAtIndex:x]];
x=[components count];
if([truncated length]==0 || [truncated length]< range.length-20)
truncated = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[original substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(range.location, range.length-3)]];
[truncated appendString:#"..."];
NSMutableAttributedString *statusString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:truncated];
[statusString addAttribute:(id)kCTFontAttributeName value:[StyleSingleton streamStatusFont] range:NSMakeRange(0, [statusString length])];
[statusString addAttribute:(id)kCTForegroundColorAttributeName value:(id)[StyleSingleton streamStatusColor].CGColor range:NSMakeRange(0, [statusString length])];
return statusString;
UPDATE Thanks to the answer, was able to use one simple function for my needs!
NSString *original = [_postDictionay objectForKey:#"message"];
NSMutableString *truncated = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[original substringWithRange:[original rangeOfComposedCharacterSequencesForRange:NSMakeRange(range.location, range.length-3)]]];
[truncated appendString:#"..."];
NSMutableAttributedString *statusString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:truncated];
[statusString addAttribute:(id)kCTFontAttributeName value:[StyleSingleton streamStatusFont] range:NSMakeRange(0, [statusString length])];
[statusString addAttribute:(id)kCTForegroundColorAttributeName value:(id)[StyleSingleton streamStatusColor].CGColor range:NSMakeRange(0, [statusString length])];
return statusString;
NSString has a method rangeOfComposedCharacterSequencesForRange that you can use to find the enclosing range in the string that contains only complete composed characters. For example
NSString *s = #"😄";
NSRange r = [s rangeOfComposedCharacterSequencesForRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
gives the range { 0, 2 } because the Emoji character is stored as two UTF-16 characters (surrogate pair) in the string.
Remark: You could also check if you can simplify your first loop by using
with the NSStringEnumerationByWords option.
"truncate a string at a given length" <-- Do you mean length as in byte length or length as in number of characters? If the latter, then a simple substringToIndex: will suffice (check the bounds first though). If the former, then I'm afraid you'll have to do something like:
NSString *TruncateString(NSString *original, NSUInteger maxBytesToRead, NSStringEncoding targetEncoding) {
NSMutableString *truncatedString = [NSMutableString string];
NSUInteger bytesRead = 0;
NSUInteger charIdx = 0;
while (bytesRead < maxBytesToRead && charIdx < [original length]) {
NSString *character = [original substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(charIdx++, 1)];
bytesRead += [character lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:targetEncoding];
if (bytesRead <= maxBytesToRead)
[truncatedString appendString:character];
return truncatedString;
EDIT: Your code can be rewritten as follows:
NSString *original = [_postDictionay objectForKey:#"message"];
NSArray *characters = [[original componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF != ''"]];
NSArray *truncatedCharacters = [characters subarrayWithRange:range];
NSString *truncated = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#...", [truncatedCharacters componentsJoinedByString:#" "]];
