how to mange dependent docker services - docker

I have two dockers one containing a Cassandra server and one containing a jetty server which has my application.
both dockers use chef-solo for configuration and for running tasks after the jetty and the Cassandra start.
in the Cassandra docker, we run the keyspace creation after the server has started.
and in the jetty, we preload data into the system after the server started.
the problem is that I need to know when the Cassandra docker has completed its initialization before I can start the jetty because in order to preload the data I need a connection to thew Cassandra.
my question is how can this be achieved?
is there a docker commend that can notify the system my docker is ready?
is there a way to check the chef if it completed its initialization?
perhaps I need another approach?
suggestions will be welcomed.

No, there's no native way to do this in Docker - and the reasoning for that is because it's not how containers should be used. Your image is your application; and provisioning should not be happening upon coming online.
What you should do here is add your Chef scripts into a Dockerfile and build your image from it; that way you're ready to go when you run the application.
However if you'd like to control start-up order; you wait for the container to be running before starting another; but it will not wait until it is "ready". Further reading on this can be found here.
Good luck!


Port allocation when running build job in Jenkins

My project is structured in such a way that the build job in Jenkins is triggered from a push to Git. As part of my application logic, I spin up kafka and elastic search instances to be used in my test cases downstream.
The issue I have right now is, when a developer pushes his changes to Git, it triggers a build in Jenkins which in turn runs our code and spawns kafka broker in localhost:9092 and elastic search in localhost:9200.
When another developer working on some other change simultaneously, pushes his code, it triggers the build job again and tries to spin up another instance of kafka/elastic search but fails with the exception “Port already in use”.
I am looking at options on how to handle this scenario.
Will running these instances inside of docker container help to some extent? How do I handle the port issue in that case?
Yes dockerizing these instances can indeed help as you can spawn them multiple times.
You could create a docker container per component including your application and then let them talk to each other by linking them or using docker-compose
That way you would not have to expose the ports to the "outside" world but keep it internal within the docker environment.
That way you would not have the “Port already in use”. The only problem is memory in that case. e.g. if 100 pushes are done to the git repo, you might run out of memory...

How would a provide a self-updating web application, delivered via docker image?

I would like to build in my web application, the ability to monitor updates, and install them, if the admin chooses to do so.
This functionality is some-what similar to what Jira does.
The question is, how would I perform this?
Let's assume I have full admin access to the docker host.
Maybe there is a tool out there?
I was thinking something along the lines of:
Have a seperate "update" docker container.
When starting an update, the web app communicates to host docker to startup the update container.
The update container will receive the new docker images then docker save && docker load into the host machine (can child containers do this?)
The update container will shutdown web container and start another web container (progress container) that just gives update progress on port 80.
The update container will update the web container with new image.
When complete, the update container will shutdown the progress container, and start the new web application.
Sorry if this isn't exactly a Q/A question, but I am wondering if there is a tool out there that does something like this, or maybe a tool that could be re purposed for this.
i'm not an expert, but answering in case someone like me searches and finds this.
so maybe the answer is you wouldn't. docker container shall be immutable. so the way you update your webapp is by building a new docker image and deploying that.
see also:
Can I push application updates to docker image without rebuilding?

Multiple applications running simultaneously on a single Docker image

Suppose I have a webserver and a database server installed on the same common Docker image, Is it possible to run them simultaneously, as if they were running inside the same virtual machine?
Is it running docker run <args> twice the best practice for this use case?
You should not use a single image for your web server and the database. You should use one image for the web server and one for the database.
To run this, you would run your database server and then run your webserver and link it to your database server.
There are many examples on internet. I'll just leave this one here :
According to this stack overflow answer it is perfectly possible to do that via a script that takes charge of starting each of these services
Can I run multiple programs in a Docker container?
Although most people just tell you to micro service everything into multiple different containers. It might well be much more manageable in some cases to have containers that lunch more than one process if you think about cloud deployment where you might want to run multiple web apps each corresponding to a different system test.
So you would have your isolated small hsql db running In server mode followed by your wildly or springboot app and finally your system test by mvn..
If you have all three in one container... Then it is just a matter of choosing in which Jenkins node your all in one container is put to run. Since it packs all within irrespective of any other container and the image size is not monstrous... You are really agile. As an example.
So you have to see what is best for you.
With big dBs like mysql you are often better of running them on an isolated container as a base platform for all other docker containers. With dBs like hsql you can easily afford a db per container.

Docker - one process per container?

I sometimes use Docker for my development work. When I do, I usually work on an out-of-the-box LAMP image from tutum.
My question is: Doesn't it defeat the purpose to work with Docker if it runs multiple processes in one container? (like the container started off Tutum's LAMP image) Isn't the whole idea of Docker to separate each process into a separate container?
While it is generally a good rule of thumb to separate processes into separate containers, that's not the main benefit/purpose of docker. The benefit of docker is immutability. And if throwing two processes into a single container makes for cleaner logic then go for it. Though in this case, I would definitely consider at least stripping out the DB into its own container, and talk to it through a docker link. The database shouldn't have to go down every time you rebuild your image.
Generally sometimes it is neccessary or more useful to use one container for more than one process like in this situation.
Such situation happens when processes are used together to fulfill its task. I can imagine for example situation when somebody want to add logging to the web application by using ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana). Those things run together and can have supervisor for monitoring processes inside one container.
But for most cases it is better to use one process per container. What is more docker command should start process itself, for example running java aplication by
/usr/bin/java -jar application.jar
apart from running external script:
See discussion on where the problem is concerned.

What would be a good docker webdev workflow?

I have a hunch that docker could greatly improve my webdev workflow - but I haven't quite managed to wrap my head around how to approach a project adding docker to the stack.
The basic software stack would look like this:
Docker image(s) providing custom LAMP stack
Apache with several modules
Some CMS, e.g. Silverstripe
I could imagine the workflow to look somewhat like the following:
Write a Dockerfile that defines a LAMP-container meeting the requirements stated above
REQ: The machine should start apache/mysql right after booting
Build the docker image
Copy the files required to run the CMS into e.g. ~/dev/cmsdir
Put ~/dev/cmsdir/ under version control
Run the docker container, and somehow mount ~/dev/cmsdir to /var/www/ on the container
Populate the database
Do work in /dev/cmsdir/
Commit & shut down docker container
Set up remote host (e.g. with ansible)
Push container image to remote host
Fetch cmsdir-project via git
Run the docker container, pull in the database and mount cmsdir into /var/www
Now, this looks all quite nice on paper, BUT I am not quite sure whether this would be the right approach at all.
While developing locally, how would I get the database to persist between reboots of the container instance? Or would I need to run sql-dump every time before spinning down the container?
Should I have separate container instances for the db and the apache server? Or would it be sufficient to have a single container for above use case?
If using separate containers for database and server, how could I automate spinning them up and down at the same time?
How would I actually mount /dev/cmsdir/ into the containers /var/www/-directory? Should I utilize data-volumes for this?
Did I miss any pitfalls? Anything that could be simplified?
If you need database persistance indepent of your CMS container, you can use one container for MySQL and one container for your CMS. In such case, you can have your MySQL container still running and your can redeploy your CMS as often as you want independently.
For development - the another option is to map mysql data directories from your host/development machine using data volumes. This way you can manage data files for mysql (in docker) using git (on host) and "reload" initial state anytime you want (before starting mysql container).
Yes, I think you should have a separate container for db.
I am using just basic script:
$JOB1 = (docker run ... /usr/sbin/mysqld)
$JOB2 = (docker run ... /usr/sbin/apache2)
echo MySql=$JOB1, Apache=$JOB2
Yes, you can use data-volumes -v switch. I would use this for development. You can use read-only mounting, so no changes will be made to this directory if you want (your app should store data somewhere else anyway).
docker run -v=/home/user/dev/cmsdir:/var/www/cmsdir:ro image /usr/sbin/apache2
Anyway, for final deployment, I would build and image using dockerfile with ADD /home/user/dev/cmsdir /var/www/cmsdir
I don't know :-)
You want to use docker-compose. Follow the tutorial here. Very simple. Seems to tick all your boxes.
I understand this post is over a year old at this time, but I have recently asked myself very similar questions and have several great answers to your questions.
You can setup a MySQL docker instance and have data persist on a stateless data container, aka the data container does not need to be actively running
Yes I would recommend having a separate instance for your web server and database. This is the power of Docker.
Check out this repo I have been building. Basically it is as simple as make build & make run and you can have a web server and database container running locally.
You use the -v argument when running the container for the first time, this will link a specific folder on the container to the host running the container.
I think your ideas are great and it is currently possible to achieve all that you are asking.
Here is a turn key solution achieving all of the needs you have listed.
I've put together an easy to use docker compose setup that should match your development workflow requirements.
Main Features
Persistent DB
Your choice of HHVM + NGINX or Apache2 + PHP5
Debug and set breakpoints with xDebug
The should be clear enough to get you started.
