Port allocation when running build job in Jenkins - docker

My project is structured in such a way that the build job in Jenkins is triggered from a push to Git. As part of my application logic, I spin up kafka and elastic search instances to be used in my test cases downstream.
The issue I have right now is, when a developer pushes his changes to Git, it triggers a build in Jenkins which in turn runs our code and spawns kafka broker in localhost:9092 and elastic search in localhost:9200.
When another developer working on some other change simultaneously, pushes his code, it triggers the build job again and tries to spin up another instance of kafka/elastic search but fails with the exception “Port already in use”.
I am looking at options on how to handle this scenario.
Will running these instances inside of docker container help to some extent? How do I handle the port issue in that case?

Yes dockerizing these instances can indeed help as you can spawn them multiple times.
You could create a docker container per component including your application and then let them talk to each other by linking them or using docker-compose
That way you would not have to expose the ports to the "outside" world but keep it internal within the docker environment.
That way you would not have the “Port already in use”. The only problem is memory in that case. e.g. if 100 pushes are done to the git repo, you might run out of memory...


Self updating docker stack

I have a docker stack deployed with 20+ services which comprise my application. I would like to know that is there a way to update this stack with the latest changes to the software from within one of the containers running as a part of the stack?
Approach i have tried:
In one of the containers for a service, mounted the docker socket and the /usr/bin/docker file and downloaded the latest compose file from the server.
Instantiated a script which downloads the latest images
Initiate a docker stack deploy with the new compose file
Everything works fine this way but if the service which is running this process itself has an update and if that docker stack deploy tries to create this service before any other service in the stack, then the stack update fails.
Any suggestion or alternative approaches for this?
There is no out of the box solution for docker swarm mode (something like watchtower for single docker). I think you already found the best solution for doing this automatically. I would suggest you put the update container (the one that is updating the services) on a ignore list. Then on one of your master nodes, create a cron that updates that one container. I know this is not a prefect solution, but it should work.
The standard way to do this is to build a new Docker image that contains your new application code. Tag it (as in the docker build -t argument) with some unique version, like a source control tag or date stamp. Start a new container with the new application code, then stop and delete the old container.
As a general rule you do not upgrade the software inside a running container. Delete the old container and start a new container with the software and version you want. Also, this is generally managed by an operator, a continuous deployment system, or an orchestration system, not by the container itself. (Mounting the Docker socket into a container is a significant security exposure.)
(Imagine setting up a second copy of your cluster that works exactly the same way as your production cluster, except that it has the software you want to deploy tomorrow. You don't want your production cluster picking that up on its own until you've tested it. This scheme should give you a reproducible deployment setup so that it's easy to start that pre-production cluster, but also give you control over which specific versions are running where.)

CI testing with docker-compose on Jenkins with Kubernetes

I have tests that I run locally using a docker-compose environment.
I would like to implement these tests as part of our CI using Jenkins with Kubernetes on Google Cloud (following this setup).
I have been unsuccessful because docker-in-docker does not work.
It seems that right now there is no solution for this use-case. I have found other questions related to this issue; here, and here.
I am looking for solutions that will let me run docker-compose. I have found solutions for running docker, but not for running docker-compose.
I am hoping someone else has had this use-case and found a solution.
Edit: Let me clarify my use-case:
When I detect a valid trigger (ie: push to repo) I need to start a new job.
I need to setup an environment with multiple dockers/instances (docker-compose).
The instances on this environment need access to code from git (mount volumes/create new images with the data).
I need to run tests in this environment.
I need to then retrieve results from these instances (JUnit test results for Jenkins to parse).
The problems I am having are with 2, and 3.
For 2 there is a problem running this in parallel (more than one job) since the docker context is shared (docker-in-docker issues). If this is running on more than one node then i get clashes because of shared resources (ports for example). my workaround is to only limit it to one running instance and queue the rest (not ideal for CI)
For 3 there is a problem mounting volumes since the docker context is shared (docker-in-docker issues). I can not mount the code that I checkout in the job because it is not present on the host that is responsible for running the docker instances that I trigger. my workaround is to build a new image from my template and just copy the code into the new image and then use that for the test (this works, but means I need to use docker cp tricks to get data back out, which is also not ideal)
I think the better way is to use the pure Kubernetes resources to run tests directly by Kubernetes, not by docker-compose.
You can convert your docker-compose files into Kubernetes resources using kompose utility.
Probably, you will need some adaptation of the conversion result, or maybe you should manually convert your docker-compose objects into Kubernetes objects. Possibly, you can just use Jobs with multiple containers instead of a combination of deployments + services.
Anyway, I definitely recommend you to use Kubernetes abstractions instead of running tools like docker-compose inside Kubernetes.
Moreover, you still will be able to run tests locally using Minikube to spawn the small all-in-one cluster right on your PC.

Best Practices for Cron on Docker

I've transitioned to using docker with cron for some time but I'm not sure my setup is optimal. I have one cron container that runs about 12 different scripts. I can edit the schedule of the scripts but in order to deploy a new version of the software running (some scripts which run for about 1/2 day) I have to create a new container to run some of the scripts while others finish.
I'm considering either running one container per script (the containers will share everything in the image but the crontab). But this will still make it hard to coordinate updates to multiple containers sharing some of the same code.
The other alternative I'm considering is running cron on the host machine and each command would be a docker run command. Doing this would let me update the next run image by using an environment variable in the crontab.
Does anybody have any experience with either of these two solutions? Are there any other solutions that could help?
If you are just running docker standalone (single host) and need to run a bunch of cron jobs without thinking too much about their impact on the host, then making it simple running them on the host works just fine.
It would make sense to run them in docker if you benefit from docker features like limiting memory and cpu usage (so they don't do anything disruptive). If you also use a log driver that writes container logs to some external logging service so you can easily monitor the jobs.. then that's another good reason to do it. The last (but obvious) advantage is that deploying new software using a docker image instead of messing around on the host is often a winner.
It's a lot cleaner to make one single image containing all the code you need. Then you trigger docker run commands from the host's cron daemon and override the command/entrypoint. The container will then die and delete itself after the job is done (you might need to capture the container output to logs on the host depending on what logging driver is configured). Try not to send in config values or parameters you change often so you keep your cron setup as static as possible. It can get messy if a new image also means you have to edit your cron data on the host.
When you use docker run like this you don't have to worry when updating images while jobs are running. Just make sure you tag them with for example latest so that the next job will use the new image.
Having 12 containers running in the background with their own cron daemon also wastes some memory, but the worst part is that cron doesn't use the environment variables from the parent process, so if you are injecting config with env vars you'll have to hack around that mess (write them do disk when the container starts and such).
If you worry about jobs running parallel there are tons of task scheduling services out there you can use, but that might be overkill for a single docker standalone host.

Docker Hub Update Notifications

Are there any good methods/tools to get notifications on updates to containers on Docker Hub? Just to clarify, I don't want to automatically update, just somehow be notified of updates.
I'm currently running a Kubernetes cluster so if I could just specify a list of containers (as opposed to it using the ones on my system) that would be great.
Have you tried docker-notify? It runs on Node (perhaps imperfect).. but within it's own container. You'll need a mailserver or a webhook for it to trigger against.
I'm surprised this isn't supported by docker.exe or Docker-hub.. base image changes (eg Alpine) cause a lot of churn with both hub-dependent (Nginx, Postgres) and local dependent containers possibly needing rebuild.
I also found myself needing this, so I helped build image-watch.com, which is a subscription-based service that watches Docker images and sends notifications when they are updated. As a hosted service, it's not free, but we tried to make it as cheap as possible.

How to use docker for many connected projects

I want to use docker for development. I have projects which are somehow connected with each other - API calls between services.
Is it possible to have one generic Dockerfile for starting main project and its dependent projects?
Or maybe it is better to have Dockerfile in every of those projects and fire up them via docker-compose run separately?
Suppose I have projectMain, which calls projectA and projectB APIs to fullfil some operations.
The docker approach is to have one process per container, instead of a collection of one, because of signal management (kill/stop).
You can use one giant container by building on top of phusion/baseimage-docker.
See "PID 1 zombie reaping issue": by declaring your script as a daemon, you will make sure the image handles the shutdown signal properly, and you can add as many "daemons" as you want in it.
But it is best (with docker 1.10 released in two weeks) to setup a user-defined network, and start your main project using links to aliases of your other containers, even if your other containers are not started yet.
See a concrete example in "Adding --link target to a running nginx container"
