Edit and Share Angular Material Demos - angular-material

I am trying to share an idea for part of a webpage using Angular Material, but I can't. I am trying to send a sample using CodePen or Plunker, or any other similar webpage, but they don't load.
What I want to do is similar to the 'Demos' that they show on Angular Material webpage (Link to Angular Material Demos).
It is strange that all Demos have a link to CodePen, but they don't load.
I tried the same code using Plunker, but it doesn't work either.
So my question is if there is any way to host Angular Material in one site like Pluker, CodePen or any other?

The problem here is that one of the CDN links is broken.
I modified the Demos provided by Angular Material and changed its settings from:
And it worked


How to create the wrapper cards shown in Angular Material examples

Each material component example is wrapped in a card e.g:
How can i replicate this wrapper? Is the style is custom made for the site is or is easy reproducible using Angular Material?
The Angular material website is open source, so you can have a look at it for yourself.
Specifically, the component you are looking for is this one.

Design Help Required in Vaadin

Hope you are fine and doing good.
Im new in VAADIN and my seniors give a task to create a website using VAADIN but im facing a alot of difficulties in VAADIN for creating HTML,CSS etc. Designer gives me website design in PSD/JPG format and i have to implement those in VAADIN. but how....
Please help me or guide me. if you any any video tutorial link on this please share it with me.
I have sound knowledge in HTML5, CSS3, JQUERY, BOOTSTRAP, RESPONSIVE Webdesign.
Inshort my question is how can i create webpage from PSD to HTML using vaadin
The Vaadin framework has changed a lot over the last few years, just be careful in searching for answers that you get the latest information. The Book of Vaadin is a great place to start. The Demo Sampler also gives you code examples (the icons in Menu provide various code details).

Angular JS and jQuery Mobile routing - treatment of hash anchors in the URL

This is my first question on SO so i'll try and make it as clear and as understandable as possible.
I've recently started messing around with Angular JS and currently I am working on a mobile app using Angular JS and jQuery Mobile. So far I've not had any major problems and so far have no had a need to consider any external libraries for integration (such as the angular js + jquery mobile adapter). I've created a multi-page app (currently only two pages) and used separate controllers for each page (login + content page). The app itself is simple, it's just a list keeping app and i've created a quick jsfiddle based on the ui aspect of the content page: http://jsfiddle.net/G7JNV/4/
The app works as expected from the jsfiddle. However because the content page is a page in the same html document (index.html) as the login page, to navigate to the content page the url becomes:
(mainpage being the page for the list keeper)
Thats when things start getting funny. When the url is like above, when adding an item to the list, the item is initially unstyled (it doesn't look like it's part of the list) but the css styling for that item comes back after adding another item. Of course the next item is then unstyled (and so on).
If you want to see what the issue looks like:
Everything however works fine if i don't have the hash page as part of the URL (I tested this by turning the two page app into just one page for the content so that .../index.html goes straight to the content page). The css is applied to the dynamic content fine as one would expect.
Of course I have no idea why it's doing this and I suspect that it's something to do with how angular and jqm treat the hash anchor in the URL (but bare in mind I don't have much experience in both Angular JS nor jQuery Mobile).
Any help from any of the more experienced Angular JS (and jQuery Mobile) users would be greatly appreciated!
You should be creating a directive that encapsulates the list and the logic that you have for it.
As suggested in the comments to your questions, a timeout can work. If you're having issues with the element "flashing" or "flickering", you can use the ngCloak directive to deal with this.
You may also want to check out the $locationProvider configuration in your app and turn off HTML5 mode or set the hash prefix.

Meteor + jQuery Mobile + Phonegap

How to connect jQuery Mobile (meteor add ...)? I understand that you can connect by adding the head, but I do not want to.
I know about how to use Meteor + Phonegap, however, advise which option is better?
Outdated information:
jQuery-Mobile Meteor sample integration and/or integration guidelines
I created a new jQuery mobile (jqm) demo app at jqmdemo.meteor.com
because the "old" demo app (jqm.meteor.com) wasn't working as expected.
You can create a package in your local lib folder to use jqm in meteor (see source code on bitbucket, link is on the demo page).
There's no meteorite package for this at atmosphere yet (mrt add ...). I haven't created one, because I think there are still many things that can be improved in the demo (e.g. popups are not working in the demo).
Also event binding needs to be re-checked because I added the event to the rendered function of the templates with jQuery.on(...).
Attaching the jquery mobile events to the template.[yourtemplate].events({}) handler would be better, but I don't know how to do this.
I can not say anything to phonegap at the moment. Because I haven't tested it.
But at the moment I think that jqm and meteor is a bit slow in performance. If you have a look at the fontawesome-demo inside of the jqm demo you'll notice that it takes quite long to render the >300 icons. Maybe a server side rendering would be better, but I think that's not ready in meteor.

jQuery UI CSS Framework Information

Does anyone know of any good tutorials, blogs etc on usage of the jQuery UI CSS Framework. I have read everything on the Jquery website but the documentation is quite poor. Via google I have been unable to find any additional information other then what is on the JQuery website. I know some good material must exist, but does anyone know where it is?
Found these links that might be interesting for you:
The jQuery UI CSS Framework – Part 1: Intro and How To Style a Button
The jQuery UI CSS Framework – Part 2: How To Create Widget-style Boxes
TOC Tutorial JQuery User Interface
How to jQuery - Theming jQuery UI
The site seems unreachable but it normally is, i guess it's just temporary:
Styling Buttons and Toolbars with the jQuery UI CSS Framework
Develop Your Own jQuery “ThemeRoller-Ready” Components
