Pass data back to uiviewcontroller on pop (NavigationController.PopViewController) - ios

I'm developing an iOS application using Xamarin.iOS (Code only, no storyboards) and I wonder what the best way to send data back to the original uiviewcontroller when I pop from the navigationcontroller.
In android I use StartActivityForResult and then override OnResult, but I can't find a similar way for iOS.
I know there's overrides for ViewDidLoad, ViewDidAppear, etc, what I'm looking for is some kind of ViewDidGetPoppedBackTo (hope you get it).
Or is there another better way to achieve this?

NavigationController keeps track of all the ViewControllers as an array: NavigationController.ViewControllers
You can get an existing instance of the ViewController Type from this array via following code:
(You may write this method in BaseViewController if you have it.)
public T InstanceFromNavigationStack<T> () where T : UIViewController
return (T)NavigationController.ViewControllers.FirstOrDefault(v => v is T);
Then use it like :
var myVCInstance = InstanceFromNavigationStack<MyTargetViewController>();
if(myVCInstance != null)
//Assign a value like
myVCInstance.MyVariable = "MyValue";
//Or call a method like
//Go Back Navigation Code
//Then here write your navigation logic to go back.
This not only helps passing data in Previous ViewController, but Any ViewController in the stack. Simply pass the Type of it to get an Instance from Stack.
NOTE: This should work if your Navigation stack doesn't have multiple instance of the same ViewController Type.

Use this way
ViewController viewController = (ViewController)NavigationController.TopViewController;
Create method SendData in your ToViewController this method is called first when navigationg back and your data send to your previous ViewController.

Another option that I've started using is EventHandler methods. Here is an example I use to populate a UITextField in the parent view controller with the selection from a UITableView (child view controller) and then close the child.
Define the EventHandler method in your parent view controller:
void LocationLookup_OnSelected(object sender, EventArgs e)
chosenLocation = (MKPlacemark)sender;
planLocation.Text = chosenLocation.Name;
this.ParentViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);
Pass the EventHandler method from the parent as a property of the child.
public partial class LocationLookupViewController : UITableViewController
private event EventHandler OnSelected;
public LocationLookupViewController(EventHandler OnSelected)
this.OnSelected = OnSelected;
Call the EventHandler passing in the object / data that you need in the parent
public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
OnSelected(response?.MapItems[0].Placemark, new EventArgs());
Note - The above class and function are incomplete but should provide you with an idea of how this technique works.


How to prevent timer reset using pushViewController method?

I'm trying to keep a timer running even if I switch view controllers. I played around with the Singleton architecture, but I don't quite get it. Pushing a new view controller seems a little easier, but when I call the below method, the view controller that is pushed is blank (doesn't look like the view controller that I created in Storyboards). The timer view controller that I'm trying to push is also the second view controller, if that changes anything.
#objc func timerPressed() {
let timerVC = TimerViewController()
navigationController?.pushViewController(timerVC, animated: true)
You need to load it from storyboard
let vc = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "VCName") as! TimerViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(timerVC, animated: true)
Not sure if your problem is that your controller is blank or that the timer resets. Anyway, in case that you want to keep the time in the memory and not deallocate upon navigating somewhere else I recommend you this.
Create some kind of Constants class which will have a shared param inside.
It could look like this:
class AppConstants {
static let shared = AppConstants()
var timer: Timer?
And do whatever you were doing with the timer here accessing it via the shared param.
AppConstants.shared.timer ...
There are different parts to your question. Sh_Khan told you what was wrong with the way you were loading your view controller (simply invoking a view controller’s init method does not load it’s view hierarchy. Typically you will define your view controller’s views in a storyboard, so you need to instantiate it from that storyboard.)
That doesn’t answer the question of how to manage a timer however. A singleton is a good way to go if you want your timer to be global instead of being tied to a particular view controller.
Post the code that you used to create your singleton and we can help you with that.
Edit: Updated to give the TimeManager a delegate:
The idea is pretty simple. Something like this:
protocol TimeManagerDelegate {
func timerDidFire()
class TimerManager {
static let sharedTimerManager = TimerManager()
weak var delegate: TimeManagerDelegate?
//methods/vars to manage a shared timer.
func handleTimer(timer: Timer) {
//Put your housekeeping code to manage the timer here
//Now tell our delegate (if any) that the timer has updated.
//Note the "optional chaining" syntax with the `?`. That means that
//If `delegate` == nil, it doesn't do anything.
delegate?.timerDidFire() //Send a message to the delegate, if there is one.
And then in your view controller:
//Declare that the view controller conforms to the TimeManagerDelegate protocol
class SomeViewController: UIViewController, TimeManagerDelegate {
//This is the function that gets called on the current delegate
func timerDidFire() {
//Update my clock label (or whatever I need to do in response to a timer update.)
override func viewWillAppear() {
//Since this view controller is appearing, make it the TimeManager's delegate.
sharedTimerManager.delegate = self

Segues Programmatically Pattern

Does anybody know if there is a certain pattern for handling segues programmatically in a MVC way?
I would think the best way would be to work with an event system within a controller.
I want that all the view controllers connect to this navigationController instead of handling all the logic within the viewController logic itself. I want to out source this logic
In most of your view controllers, you will have access to a prepareForSegue function, with one parameter called sender.
If you kick off a segue programatically with performSegue(withIdentifier: "mySegueID", sender: yourVC) then this function will be called, and you'll be able to pass information from the sender to the new view controller.
In this function, to get a handle on the next VC, use segue.destinationViewController.
I don't know about a particular pattern but a simple way to programmatically handle transitions between 2 UIViewController could be to have a separated manager whose job is just to push/present/whatever new controllers over current, and to pop/dismiss/whatever current controllers to old ones.
The way I usually do this is by having a class we can name WorkflowManager, which will handle all transitions. Associated with this manager, you declare a WorkflowManagerComponent protocol and implement it :
protocol WorkflowManagerComponent {
var completionHandler: (hasCompleted:Bool,data:Any)->() {get set}
Make each UIViewController implement this, for example by calling completionHandler(true,someData) when the user taps a "next" button, or completionHandler(false,nil) when the user taps a "back" button.
Then in your workflow manager, you perform transitions to the next or previous UIViewController according to parameters sent in the completionHandler:
//init viewController1 ...
viewController1.completionHandler = onViewController1Completes
// ...
func onViewController1Completes(_ completed: Bool, data: Any) {
if hasCompleted {
//init viewController2 ... = data
viewController2.completionHandler = onViewController2Completes
//Push the new vc
viewController1.navigationController.push(viewController2, animated: true)
} else {
//The vc1 was presented as a modal, dismiss it
This way each UIViewController is separated from others, free off any transition logic.

Detect that from which Page I come to the current Page

I want to know how to do this:
I have 3 view controllers and the first and second view controller are connected to the third one !
I want to know how can I write a code that detect from which one I came to this view controller
I have searched here for my answer But all of the similar questions asked about navigation !!!
The Important thing is that I don't have navigation in my app!!
I don't know if my answer will help you in your specific case, but here is the implementation I see from what you are asking. Maybe it will inspire you.
So imagine your are in your homePage or whatever viewController and you want to navigate throw other, but you want to know from which viewController you came from.
-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:segue_VC1]) {
CustomViewController1* destinationVC = segue.destinationViewController;
destinationVC.fromSegue = #"I AM VC 1";
if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:segue_VC2]) {
CustomViewController2* destinationVC = segue.destinationViewController;
destinationVC.fromSegue = #"I AM VC 2";
The more important thing you have to know is that you can access attribute from the destination view controller you will access with your segue.
I know this is in Obj C, but the implementation is still the same.
So that when you navigate from a ViewController to an other one, you can set the attribute of the destinationViewController.
Then when you are in the view controller you wanted to navigate you can check :
if ([_fromSegue isEqualToString: "I AM VC 1"])
// do specific stuff when you come from VC 1
else if ([_fromSegue isEqualToString: "I AM VC 2"])
// do specific stuff when you come from VC 2
// other case
There are many ways to do that like simply passing a view controller as a property to the new instance. But in your case it might make more sense to create a static variable which holds the stack of the view controllers the same way the navigation controller does that.
If you are doing this only between the UIViewController subclasses I suggest you to create another subclass of it form which all other view controllers inherit. Let us call it TrackedViewController.
class TrackedViewController : UIViewController {
static var currentViewController: TrackedViewController?
static var previousViewController: TrackedViewController?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
TrackedViewController.previousViewController = TrackedViewController.currentViewController
TrackedViewController.currentViewController = self
Now you need to change all the view controllers you want to track so that they all inherit from TrackedViewController as class MyViewController : TrackedViewController {. And that is pretty much it. Now at any point anywhere in your project you can find your current view controller via TrackedViewController.currentViewController and the previous view controller via TrackedViewController.previousViewController. So you can say something like:
if let myController = TrackedViewController.previousViewController as? MyViewController {
// Code here if the screen was reached from MyViewController instance
Now the way I did it was through the instance of the view controller which may have some side effects.
The biggest problem you may have is that the previous controller is being retained along with the current view controller. That means you may have 2 controllers in memory you do not need.
If you go from controller A to B to C and back to B then the previous view controller is C, not A. This might be desired result or not.
The system will ignore all other view controllers. So if you use one that is not a subclass of TrackedViewController the call will be ignored: A to B to UITableViewController to C will report that the C was presented by B even though there was another screen in between. Again this might be expected result.
So if the point 2 and 3 are good to you then you should only decide weather to fix the point 1. You may use weak to remove the retaining on the two properties but then you lose the information of the previous view controller if the controller is deallocated. So another choice is to use some identifiers:
class TrackedViewController : UIViewController {
static var currentViewControllerID: String?
static var previousViewControllerID: String?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
TrackedViewController.previousViewControllerID = TrackedViewController.currentViewControllerID
TrackedViewController.currentViewControllerID = self.screenIdentifier
var screenIdentifier: String {
return "Default Screen" // TODO: every view controller must override this method and have unique identifier
Also you may replace strings with some enumeration or something. Combining them with some associated values could then create quite a powerful tool.

Swift, how to tell a controller that another controller is its delegate

I'm learning Swift and I'm studying the delegation pattern.
I think I understand exactly what is delegation and how it works, but I have a question.
I have a situation where Controller A is the delegate for Controller B.
In controller B I define a delegate protocol.
In controller B I set a variable delegate (optional)
In controller B I send message when something happens to the delegate
Controller A must adopt method of my protocol to become a delegate
I cannot understand if every delegate controller (in this case A) listens for messages sent by controller B or If I have to tell to controller B that A is now his delegate.
I notice that someone use this code (in controller A)
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "Example" {
let navigationController = segue.destinationViewController as UINavigationController
let controller = navigationController.topViewController as AddItemViewController
controller.delegate = self
Is this the only way to tell a delegator who is his delegate?
I believe, you need to tell a deligator who is its delegate upon creation of that it. Now, the delegator can be created programatically or through storyboard. So, based on that you have two options, you can tell it who is its delegator programatically like you showed in the code or from IB.
The key here is upon creation. Let's me explain myself. Take the case of a UIView. Say, you want a Custom UIView object(CustomView). So, you drag and drop a UIView in your View Controller and in the identity inspector, you assign its class as of your CustomView's class. So, basically, as soon as the controller is created, your custom view will also be created. Now, you can either say it that the View Controller in which it is created is its delegate or You can go to the IB and connect the view's delegate to the View Controller.
Now, let's assume that you wanted the custom view to be created in your ViewController programatically. In that case, you would probably call the -initWithFrame: method to create the view and upon creation you tell that delegator that who is its delegate like-
myCustomView.delegate = self;
same goes with a View Controller.
controller.delegate = self;
So, basically to tell a delegator who is its delegate, you first need that delegator to be created. At least, that's what I think.
I think one of the best example of delegation is UITableView.
Whenever you want the control of various properties of a tableView e.g. rowHeight etc, you set your controller to be the delegate of your tableview. To set the delegate of your tableView you need to have tableView created obviously as pointed out by #natasha.
So in your case, you can set delegate of your delegator when you create it or when you find a need for the controller to be delegate of your delegator but you definitely need your delegator to be present to set its property.
You can set your controller as delegate at any time when you require control.
I'm sure you want your UIViewController to act like described, but here is a simpler example how to use the delegation pattern with custom classes:
protocol ControllerBDelegate: class {
func somethingHappendInControllerB(value: String)
/* not optional here and passes a value from B to A*/
/* forces you to implement the function */
class ControllerB {
var delegate: ControllerBDelegate?
private func someFunctionThatDoSomethingWhenThisControllerIsAlive() {
/* did some magic here and now I want to tell it to my delegate */
self.delegate?.somethingHappendInControllerB(value: "hey there, I'm a magician")
func doSomething() {
/* do something here */
/* call the function so the magic can really happen in this example */
class ControllerA: ControllerBDelegate {
let controllerB = ControllerB()
init() {
self.controllerB.delegate = self /* lets say we add here our delegate*/
self.controllerB.doSomething() /* tell your controller B to do something */
func somethingHappendInControllerB(value: String) {
print(value) /* should print "hey there, I'm a magician" */
I wrote the code from my mind and not testet it yet, but you should get the idea how to use such a pattern.

Changing view from custom class

I have a custom class. It loads when the app starts. I have to change the view inside this class method.
import Foundation
class ChatManager {
class var sharedInstance: ChatManager {
struct Singleton { static let instance = ChatManager() }
return Singleton.instance
override init() {
function changeView() {
//I need to change view here.
I can change the view inside a view controller but this class is not an UIViewController
What should I do ?
My suggestion would be to do it in UIViewController. Your class should not be responsible for the View part.
But that's not your question. What you could do is send YourView as a parameter to the function do some logic there and return it. If you have to resize YourView on several different location, then create method for that inside YourView class. If you use same logic for several different UIViews create BaseView and implement that method there, and then inherit in your views BaseView.
I have to mention it again, this is not the place to do any UI-related stuff.
This is how you pass your UIView through. I agree with Nick however, you should be doing View logic in a custom View class or the UIViewController class.
function changeView(yourView: UIView) {
//I need to change view here.
I agree with Nick. The answer is, don't. You should treat a view controller's views as private. Mucking around with a view controller's views violates the OOP principle of encapsulation.
If you insist on having an outside class make changes to your views, create an instance method in your class that takes a view as a parameter and then applies changes to that view. Then you can call the method from your view controller class to make changes to your view.
Here is a solution that requires a navigation controller. If you are unfamiliar with navigation controllers, I strongly recommend looking at a tutorial. They make life much easier for iOS developers. Sorry if that code is running off your screen.
// Switches to MyViewController, a class I have implemented somewhere else
func moveToMyView() {
if let navController = getNavigationController() {
// The Identifier was set in the Identity Inspector tab on the storyboard (The field is called "Storyboard ID")
if let myController = navController.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier( "myClassID" ) as? MyViewController {
// Switch to the newController
navController.pushViewController( exerciseController, animated: true )
// Returns the navigation controller if it exists
func getNavigationController() -> UINavigationController? {
if let navigationController = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController {
return navigationController as? UINavigationController
return nil
