Changing view from custom class - ios

I have a custom class. It loads when the app starts. I have to change the view inside this class method.
import Foundation
class ChatManager {
class var sharedInstance: ChatManager {
struct Singleton { static let instance = ChatManager() }
return Singleton.instance
override init() {
function changeView() {
//I need to change view here.
I can change the view inside a view controller but this class is not an UIViewController
What should I do ?

My suggestion would be to do it in UIViewController. Your class should not be responsible for the View part.
But that's not your question. What you could do is send YourView as a parameter to the function do some logic there and return it. If you have to resize YourView on several different location, then create method for that inside YourView class. If you use same logic for several different UIViews create BaseView and implement that method there, and then inherit in your views BaseView.
I have to mention it again, this is not the place to do any UI-related stuff.

This is how you pass your UIView through. I agree with Nick however, you should be doing View logic in a custom View class or the UIViewController class.
function changeView(yourView: UIView) {
//I need to change view here.

I agree with Nick. The answer is, don't. You should treat a view controller's views as private. Mucking around with a view controller's views violates the OOP principle of encapsulation.
If you insist on having an outside class make changes to your views, create an instance method in your class that takes a view as a parameter and then applies changes to that view. Then you can call the method from your view controller class to make changes to your view.

Here is a solution that requires a navigation controller. If you are unfamiliar with navigation controllers, I strongly recommend looking at a tutorial. They make life much easier for iOS developers. Sorry if that code is running off your screen.
// Switches to MyViewController, a class I have implemented somewhere else
func moveToMyView() {
if let navController = getNavigationController() {
// The Identifier was set in the Identity Inspector tab on the storyboard (The field is called "Storyboard ID")
if let myController = navController.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier( "myClassID" ) as? MyViewController {
// Switch to the newController
navController.pushViewController( exerciseController, animated: true )
// Returns the navigation controller if it exists
func getNavigationController() -> UINavigationController? {
if let navigationController = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController {
return navigationController as? UINavigationController
return nil


How to prevent timer reset using pushViewController method?

I'm trying to keep a timer running even if I switch view controllers. I played around with the Singleton architecture, but I don't quite get it. Pushing a new view controller seems a little easier, but when I call the below method, the view controller that is pushed is blank (doesn't look like the view controller that I created in Storyboards). The timer view controller that I'm trying to push is also the second view controller, if that changes anything.
#objc func timerPressed() {
let timerVC = TimerViewController()
navigationController?.pushViewController(timerVC, animated: true)
You need to load it from storyboard
let vc = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "VCName") as! TimerViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(timerVC, animated: true)
Not sure if your problem is that your controller is blank or that the timer resets. Anyway, in case that you want to keep the time in the memory and not deallocate upon navigating somewhere else I recommend you this.
Create some kind of Constants class which will have a shared param inside.
It could look like this:
class AppConstants {
static let shared = AppConstants()
var timer: Timer?
And do whatever you were doing with the timer here accessing it via the shared param.
AppConstants.shared.timer ...
There are different parts to your question. Sh_Khan told you what was wrong with the way you were loading your view controller (simply invoking a view controller’s init method does not load it’s view hierarchy. Typically you will define your view controller’s views in a storyboard, so you need to instantiate it from that storyboard.)
That doesn’t answer the question of how to manage a timer however. A singleton is a good way to go if you want your timer to be global instead of being tied to a particular view controller.
Post the code that you used to create your singleton and we can help you with that.
Edit: Updated to give the TimeManager a delegate:
The idea is pretty simple. Something like this:
protocol TimeManagerDelegate {
func timerDidFire()
class TimerManager {
static let sharedTimerManager = TimerManager()
weak var delegate: TimeManagerDelegate?
//methods/vars to manage a shared timer.
func handleTimer(timer: Timer) {
//Put your housekeeping code to manage the timer here
//Now tell our delegate (if any) that the timer has updated.
//Note the "optional chaining" syntax with the `?`. That means that
//If `delegate` == nil, it doesn't do anything.
delegate?.timerDidFire() //Send a message to the delegate, if there is one.
And then in your view controller:
//Declare that the view controller conforms to the TimeManagerDelegate protocol
class SomeViewController: UIViewController, TimeManagerDelegate {
//This is the function that gets called on the current delegate
func timerDidFire() {
//Update my clock label (or whatever I need to do in response to a timer update.)
override func viewWillAppear() {
//Since this view controller is appearing, make it the TimeManager's delegate.
sharedTimerManager.delegate = self

How to pass data between Swift files without prepareForSegue?

I currently have three Swift files, one for the main view in a ViewController, and two more which are used for the two views within the first view, which are used for a Segmented Control.
As these don't use segues between each other, I can't use the prepareForSegue method to transfer data between them, so how do transfer the variables and such from one file to another?
This doesn't seem to be a duplicate as other cases such as the one commented are using segues, mine is not.
Are all three Swift classes view controller subclasses?
You have your main view controller with your segmented control. For each segmented, I would create a new view controller subclass.
On your main view controller, for each segment, use a 'Container View' instead of a UIView object.
This will create two new 'screens' in the storyboard, attached to your main view controller with a segue. These new screens will be UIViewControllers, you can change them to be your subclass's as normal.
You can now use your prepareForSegue function as normal to set data in your segmented control view controllers.
So you have something like viewControllerMain, which contains viewSegmentedOne and viewSegmentedTwo, and you want to be able to access `viewControllerMain.myProperty' ?
You can always navigate through the hierarchy to get parent views - but the easiest option could be to include a reference to viewControllerMain in each of the segmented controls
var myParentVC : ViewControllerMain?
then when you create the subviews
mySubView.myParentVC = self
If you are using storyboard for view controllers, then try like this:
let viewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "Your_VC_Identifier");
viewController.Your_var = Your_value_to_assign
NOTE: Define Your_var in your ViewController class
You just need to create an instance of the view controller you want to display, this is easy such as calling on the storyboard instance (usually the presenting view controller has one) instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:), by using an identifier that you provide in the storyboard file.
One created you can pass the data you want by casting it to your view controller class and present it as you prefer.
One method would be using singleton class . this is how you can make singleton class.
other method could be using nsuserdefaults.
You need to decide which approach is best according to your requirement.
try this:
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard()
defaults.set(yourdata, forKey: "someObject")
print(defaults.object(forKey: "someObject"))
You can try use Extensions for UIViewController
private var storedDataKey: UInt8 = 0
extension UIViewController {
var storedViewControllerData: UIViewController? {
get {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &storedDataKey) as? UIViewController
set(newValue) {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &storedDataKey, newValue, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN)
This very useful you can send data with chain like:
viewControllerB.storedViewControllerData = viewControllerA.storedViewControllerData
func viewDidLoad() {

Swift, how to tell a controller that another controller is its delegate

I'm learning Swift and I'm studying the delegation pattern.
I think I understand exactly what is delegation and how it works, but I have a question.
I have a situation where Controller A is the delegate for Controller B.
In controller B I define a delegate protocol.
In controller B I set a variable delegate (optional)
In controller B I send message when something happens to the delegate
Controller A must adopt method of my protocol to become a delegate
I cannot understand if every delegate controller (in this case A) listens for messages sent by controller B or If I have to tell to controller B that A is now his delegate.
I notice that someone use this code (in controller A)
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "Example" {
let navigationController = segue.destinationViewController as UINavigationController
let controller = navigationController.topViewController as AddItemViewController
controller.delegate = self
Is this the only way to tell a delegator who is his delegate?
I believe, you need to tell a deligator who is its delegate upon creation of that it. Now, the delegator can be created programatically or through storyboard. So, based on that you have two options, you can tell it who is its delegator programatically like you showed in the code or from IB.
The key here is upon creation. Let's me explain myself. Take the case of a UIView. Say, you want a Custom UIView object(CustomView). So, you drag and drop a UIView in your View Controller and in the identity inspector, you assign its class as of your CustomView's class. So, basically, as soon as the controller is created, your custom view will also be created. Now, you can either say it that the View Controller in which it is created is its delegate or You can go to the IB and connect the view's delegate to the View Controller.
Now, let's assume that you wanted the custom view to be created in your ViewController programatically. In that case, you would probably call the -initWithFrame: method to create the view and upon creation you tell that delegator that who is its delegate like-
myCustomView.delegate = self;
same goes with a View Controller.
controller.delegate = self;
So, basically to tell a delegator who is its delegate, you first need that delegator to be created. At least, that's what I think.
I think one of the best example of delegation is UITableView.
Whenever you want the control of various properties of a tableView e.g. rowHeight etc, you set your controller to be the delegate of your tableview. To set the delegate of your tableView you need to have tableView created obviously as pointed out by #natasha.
So in your case, you can set delegate of your delegator when you create it or when you find a need for the controller to be delegate of your delegator but you definitely need your delegator to be present to set its property.
You can set your controller as delegate at any time when you require control.
I'm sure you want your UIViewController to act like described, but here is a simpler example how to use the delegation pattern with custom classes:
protocol ControllerBDelegate: class {
func somethingHappendInControllerB(value: String)
/* not optional here and passes a value from B to A*/
/* forces you to implement the function */
class ControllerB {
var delegate: ControllerBDelegate?
private func someFunctionThatDoSomethingWhenThisControllerIsAlive() {
/* did some magic here and now I want to tell it to my delegate */
self.delegate?.somethingHappendInControllerB(value: "hey there, I'm a magician")
func doSomething() {
/* do something here */
/* call the function so the magic can really happen in this example */
class ControllerA: ControllerBDelegate {
let controllerB = ControllerB()
init() {
self.controllerB.delegate = self /* lets say we add here our delegate*/
self.controllerB.doSomething() /* tell your controller B to do something */
func somethingHappendInControllerB(value: String) {
print(value) /* should print "hey there, I'm a magician" */
I wrote the code from my mind and not testet it yet, but you should get the idea how to use such a pattern.

Swift: Change Type of View Controller to Something Other than UIViewController

I'm, relatively, a beginner, so this may be an entirely common practice—or an entirely impossible one—but I've been wondering if it's possible to modify a view controller added in a storyboard so that instead of (or in addition to?) being an instance of UIViewConroller, it's also an instance of (blahblah)ViewController, e.g. ABUnknownPersonViewController.
That way, instead of doing something like this:
class ViewController : UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let test = ABUnknownPersonViewController()
self.presentViewController(test, animated: false, completion: nil)
This could be done:
class ViewController : ABUnknownPersonViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
//ViewController already is an ABUnknownPersonViewController, so you can treat it as one
//example below (displayedPerson is a property of ABUnkownPersonViewControllers)
EDIT: ABUnknownPersonViewController is a class supplied by Apple, which does not support subclassing (here). With that said, and the understanding that I would obviously like as simple a solution as possible (avoidance of protocols and whatnot), what are my options?
I tried class FourthViewController: UIViewController, ABUnknownPersonViewController, ABUnknownPersonViewController, ABUnknownPersonViewControllerDelegate only to get an error about multiple inheritance.
It sounds like what you actually want to do is to subclass UIViewController, and in your storyboard, set the custom class to your subclass. When the view controller is loaded from the storyboard, it will be an instance of your subclass.
So your subclass would look like this:
class ABUnknownPersonViewController : UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
In the storyboard, highlight the view controller you want to use a custom class for, and in the Custom Class field, type the name of your subclass. If you've done it correctly, it should autocomplete for you.

Present subclassed view controller from another view controller in Swift

I have some problems to use subclasses in Swift, hope someone can help me.
What I have
Two view controllers:
VC1 with just some UIButtons
EffectVC that do some animation depending on the button pressed on VC1
import UIKit
protocol viewAnimation {
func initialStateSet()
func finalStateSet()
class EffectVC: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var mainImage: UIImageView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
func initialStateSet() {
func finalStateSet() {
class GrowingEffect : EffectVC, viewAnimation {
override func initialStateSet() {
// some stuff
override func finalStateSet() {
// other stuff
The problem
Maybe a simple question but I can't do what I want in Swift: I need to set a subclass according to the button that is pressed.
In other words I need to present subclassed view controller from my VC1 according to which button is pressed on VC1.
If I press the first button for example I want to show the VC 2 with the class GrowingEffect for use some custom stuff (this stuff must change according to the selected button).
What I tried
use IBAction for create my subclassed VC2 and show it
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let destinationViewController : UIViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("EffectVC") as! GrowingEffect
self.presentViewController(destinationViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
but I got
Could not cast value of type 'ViewAnimationDemo.EffectVC'
(0x109948570) to 'ViewAnimationDemo.GrowingEffect' (0x109948650).
use PrepareForSegue
but I can't set any subclass
What I really want to do
I know there are some other solution, like not using storyboard, but now I describe exactly what I want to do, hoping this is possibile:
have only one view controller in IB (EffectVC) associate with the class EffectVC. The class EffectVC has some subclasses like GrowingEffect.
In my code I want to instantiate the view controller EffectVC with the subclass that I need: for example instantiate the view controller in IB EffectVC with the class GrowingEffect.
I know that if I have one view controller for every subclass of EffectVC I can do what I want but I don't want so many view controller in IB because they are equal, the only things that I want to change are 2 methods.
I think there are some things mixed up in your setup. You should have 2 view controllers, each set up in its file, and each present in the storyboard with its identifier. It is ok if GrowingEffect inherits from EffectVC.
What you currently do with as! GrowingEffect is actually trying to cast the UIViewController instance you get from calling instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("EffectVC") to GrowingEffect. This will not work, because it is of type EffectVC.
Rather, you need to call instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("EffectVC") if button X is pressed, and instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("GrowingEffect") if button Y is pressed.
If you use storyboard, you have to instantiate view controllers using instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier. But you can only get an instance of GrowingEffect, if it is present on the storyboard.
It is not possible to "cast" an instance of EffectVC to GrowingEffect once created.
So, you have two possibilities here:
Use storyboard and put both view controllers on it. Use instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier to instantiate the view controller you need, depending on the button pressed.
Do not use storyboard. Then you can create the needed view controller manually and use your UINavigationController's pushViewController method to present it.
You can't cast from parent class to child class, parent class just doesn't have the capacity to know what the child is doing. You can however cast from a child to parent, so you would want to set your view controller as GrowingEffect, then cast it to Effect, but again there is no strong suit to doing this either unless some method needs the parent class and you are using the child class. It looks like you need a redesign of how you want your view controllers laid out. Now I am assuming you have 2 children, lets call GrowingEffect and ShrinkingEffect. In your designer, you set your 1 to GrowingEffect and the other to ShrinkingEffect and make sure they have unique identifiers. Then you can use your view to present an Effect, and pass in either of those objects.
