convnet suddenly drop accuracy - machine-learning

I was trying to train an emotion recognition model on the fer2013 dataset using the architecture proposed in this paper
The paper uses different dataset than mine so I did some modifications on on the stride and filter size.
After a couple hours of training, accuracy on both training and test set suddenly drops.
After that the accuracy just stay around 0.1-0.2 for both set, never improve anymore.
Does anybody know about this phenomenon?

In any neural network training, if both accuracies i.e. training and validation improves at first and then starts decreasing, it is a sign that your network is failing to converge. More appropriately, your optimizer has started overshooting.
One most likely reason for this could be high learning rate. Reduce your learning rate and then check your example again. Also, in your linked paper, (at least in first glimpse), I couldn't see learning rate mentioned. Since your data is different from the paper's, same learning rate might not work as well.


What is meant by stability in relation to neural networks

I hear the terms stability/instability thrown around a lot when reading up on Deep Q Networks. I understand that stability is improved with the addition of a target network and replay buffer but I fail to understand exactly what it's refering to.
What would the loss graph look like for an instable vs stable neural network?
What does it mean when a neural network converges/diverges?
Stability, also known as algorithmic stability, is a notion in
computational learning theory of how a machine learning algorithm is
perturbed by small changes to its inputs. A stable learning algorithm
is one for which the prediction does not change much when the training
data is modified slightly.
Here Stability means suppose you have 1000 training data that you use to train the model and it performs well. So in terms of model stability if you train the same model with 900 training data the model should still perform well , thats why it is also called as algorithmic stability.
As For the loss Graph if the model is stable the loss graph probably should be same for both size of training data (1000 & 900). And different in case of unstable model.
As in Machine learning we want to minimize loss so when we say a model converges we mean to say that the model's loss value is within acceptable margin and the model is at that stage where no additional training would improve the model.
Divergence is a non-symmetric metrics which is used to measure the difference between continuous value. For example you want to calculate difference between 2 graphs you would use Divergence instead of traditional symmetric metrics like Distance.

TFF : test accuracy fluctuate

I train a ResNet50 model with TFF, I use test accuracy on test data for evaluation, but I find many fluctuations as shown in the figure below, So please how can I avoid this fluctuation ?
I would say behavior such as this is to be expected for stochastic optimization in general. The inherent variance causes you to oscillate somewhere around good solution. The magnitude of the variance and properties of the optimization objective control how much this oscillates when looking at a accuracy metric.
For plain SGD, decreasing learning rate decreases the variance and slows down convergence.
For optimization methods for federated learning, the story is a bit more complicated, but decreasing the client learning rate, or decreasing the number of local steps (while keeping other things the same) can have a similar effect, typically including slowing down convergence. More details can be found in mentioned also in the other answer. Potentially decreasing the client learning rate across rounds could also work. The details can differ also based on what exactly is the optimization method you are using.
How is the test accuracy calculated? How many local epochs are the clients training?
If the global model is tested on a held out set of examples, it is possible that clients are detrimentally overfitting during local training. As the global model approaches convergence, each client ends up training a model that works well for them individually, but may be diverging from the optimal global model (sometimes called client drift This is may occur when the client's local dataset has a distribution very different from the global distribution and more likely when the client learning rates are high (
Decreasing the client learning rate, reducing the number of steps/batches, and other methods that cause the clients to do less "work" per communication round may reduce the fluctuation.

Do Neuronal networks getting slow in adaption after a lot of training?

I am a beginner in the neuronal network field and I want to understand a certain statement. A friend said that a neuronal network gets slower after you fit a lot of data in.
Right now, I just did the coursera ML course from androw ng. There, I implemented backpropagation. I thought it just adaptes the model related to the expected output by using different types of calculations. Nevertheless, it was not like the history was used to adapt the model. Just the current state of the neurons were checked and their weight were adapted backwards in combination with regularisation.
Is my assumption correct or am I wrong? Are there some libraries that use history data that could result in a slowly adapting model after a certain amount of training?
I want to use a simple neuronal network for reinforcement learning and I want to get an idea if I need to reset my model if the target environment changes for some reason. Otherwise my model would be slower and slower in adaption after time.
Thanks for any links and explanations in advanced!
As you have said, neural networks adapt by modifying their weights during the backpropagation step. Modifying these weights will not be slower as the training goes on since the number of steps to modify these weights will always remain the same. The amount of steps needed to run an example through your model will also remain the same, therefore not slowing down your network according to the amount of examples you fed it during training.
However, you can decide to change your learning rate during your training (generally decreasing it as epochs go on). According to the way the learning rate of your model evolves, the weights will be modified in a different manner, generally resulting in a smaller difference each epoch.

Effect of learning rate on the neural network

I have a dataset of about a 100 numeric values. I have set the learning rate of my neural network to 0.0001. I have successfully trained it on the dataset for over 1 million times. But my question is that what is the effect of very low learning rates in the neural networks ?
Low learning rate mainly implies slow convergence: you're moving down the loss function with smaller steps (the step size is the learning rate).
If your function is convex this is not a problem, you will wait more but you'll reach a good solution.
If, as in the case of deep neural networks, your function is not convex than a low learning rate could lead to the reaching of a "good" optimum that's not the best one (getting stuck in a local minimum, without making steps as big as required to jump out of it).
That's why there are different optimization algorithms that are adaptive: such algorithm, like ADAM, RMSProp, ... have different learning rates for each weight in the network (every single learning rate starts from the same value). In this way, the optimization algorithm can work on every single parameter independently with the aim of finding a better solution (and letting the chose of the initial learning rate less critical)

OpenCV poor performance of Haar classifier trained by me

I would like to use the Haar classifier to detect the presence of vehicles in a scene (trying with only cars so far). Since I have not found many trained XML files online, I decided to generate my own.
I found some image sets of vehicles that have been used for similar purposes (training computer vision algorithms) and used these to create my own XML files. It has been almost a week and some of them have finished, so I tried using them but the results were terrible. The classifiers I found online worked decently, at least it appears they are trying to detect vehicles and work fast enough for real-time application (maybe 5-10 FPS or so).
Whereas mine can take several minutes to analyze a frame using detectMultiScale() using the same parameters, and if I pass different parameters (e.g. increase min size, decrease max size, increase scaling factor) it will work faster (maybe 1 FPS) but detects absolutely nothing of note, never detects any vehicle and randomly detects some spots of asphalt as a vehicle.
Where did I go wrong in generating my files? I have limited time to complete this task and these classifiers can take a whole week to train so I have very few attempts remaining. For reference, my methodology is (following this tutorial):
-Take all positive and negative images; if no negative images supplied, take negative images from another data set, at least as many negatives as positives
-Generate as many samples as the number of positives
-Use same parameters as suggested, except image size (set to the size of images in a given data set), and nstages (set to 10 because 20 takes far too long)
-For the npos parameter, I use 1/10th the number of samples, using the full number of samples resulted in "assertion failed" after a few hours, apparently the number of samples cannot be the same as the npos according to this so I gave myself a safety margin.
TL;DR Haar classifier I trained myself performs much worse than one found online (in terms of time and accuracy), need advice on how to improve it and not waste another week training it.
There are two problems here. One, the accuracy of the classifier is low. The other, the classifier runs too slow.
There seems to be no problem with the reference that you used. The steps seem accurate, and I have personally tried them in that order and managed to get good results.
As #Micka mentions, nPos around 90% of the original sample count is good enough. minHitRate is a parameter that you can change. Did you observe the numbers that are displayed while training? How was the accuracy improving, and did your classifier stop training (or are you using the trained parameters before learning ends?)?
For the low speed in detection, the most likely reason is that your training data did not have simple features to learn quickly. Did you trying detection on the data that you used for training? How were the results in that case? Compiler settings or high image resolution can be a problem too, but if you tried the same inputs and settings with other classifiers, this is unlikely.
If you like tor try a different approach (and have a GPU), YOLO V2 should be much faster and more accurate for this task.
