Can I disable a particular local notification banner when app is in foreground? - ios

My application is currently set up to display local and push notifications even when in the foreground. There is one specific local notification I would like to disable when in the foreground, but keep enabled when the app is not active or in the background. Is there a way to accomplish this?

When app in foreground iOS will not show notification banner/alert by default on its own, you must have written code or used a third party frameworks to show some banner on App, just put a break point in that code to not to show the specific notification


iOS when receive a remote notification can we know it and do something?

There is several situations when receiving a remote notification:
app is not launched at all
app is foreground
app is background
what I am looking for is that user haven't click the notification to launch or active the app. can we catch the receiving and do some thing in such three situation?
I know 2 is ok, how about 1 and 3, and how to do it? thx a lot.
somebody mentions widget or NotificationService? is it possible?
You can try adding a Notification Service Extension to your app.
iOS will launch your extension (NOT your app) in background when it receives a push notification. Obviously what you can do inside an extension is fairly limited.
There are two ways to be notified when your app moves to the background: implement the applicationWillResignActive() method in your app delegate, or register for the UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification notification anywhere in your app. This particular notification is sent as soon as your app loses focus, meaning that it's triggered when the user taps the home button once (to return to the home screen) or double taps the home button (to enter multi-tasking).

How to bring IOS app from background to foreground without using local notification?

Is there any way to bring the app to foreground which is running in background without sending any local notification?
There is no way for you to programatically foreground the app. If you think about it, allowing developers to do that could have significant consequences to user experience.
There must be a way to simulate it.
Uber Driver's App launch when the user gets a new ride with app in background.
WhatsApp in background opens a phone view when somebody calls the user.

ios play continues sound when app receive push notification

Currently i am working on app in which i want to play continues sound when app receives push notification. as i know apple allow to play custom sound of length of 30 sec here is link..
but in well known app it plays continues sound in driver side when app is in back ground and driver receives order.
and another issue is of when my app is in back ground and receives push notification Rather clicking on notification if i open app by pressing app icon it does not show me data of push. it is not possible to load data when press on app icon here is link
iOS Push notification issue
but same thing is done in well known app
With iOS 7+, use application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:, which is called even if your app is in the background. iOS will even launch your app in the background if it's not already running, but if the user force quits the app, it will not be re-launched. If you enable the remote-notification background mode, you can run app code when the notification arrives. If you include the audio background mode, you could initiate a sound that continues to play while app is in background.
For second question, typically, your app should query a server for updates if it's launched directly. However, you could leverage a remote notification as above, which you'd get in most cases (except if the app were force quit).

Questions about Local notifications in iOS

I'm working on a project on iOS 7, 8 that use a lot of notifications (Remote, Local). I have some questions about Local Notification.
I'm using Local Notification to schedule an alarm or a count-down. As I know, the use of NSTimer is not really a good choice since it has only up to 10' in background & if the app process is killed it doesn't work anymore. Local Notification is managed by iOS but I have to accept its alert when the app is not in foreground. There's nothing like silent local notification (local notification without alert, sound or badge and app still knows about it although it's in background). Am I right ?
Let's assume that there're some simple local notifications in Notification Center, scheduled by our app. Normally when I touch on a notification to see it in my app, the others remain present until we interact with them. In some cases that I haven't figured out, all other notifications are removed from the Notification Center. Does anyone encounter this & understand why ?
I find the interactive notification feature in iOS very limited. I want to change the title of a defined UIMutableUserNotificationAction button & add an image for it, like I can do with UIButton. So the question is : Is it possible to customize the UI of an action button ?
Thanks for your help !
Unfortunately there is no correspondence in silent notification using local notifications.
The number of the visible notification in the notification center is a user decision, the user in Settings can decide to set a different number or decide to do not show them in notification center as well. As for the first point no. The third point is not clear, you can set the image you want for a remote just put in the payload the right name, local notifications use the app icon.
There is no silent notification for Local Notification. The user has to click to the notification to open your App.
I suppose that the associated application has deleted those notifications programmatically. Else, those notifications must stay in the notification center.
You cannot add image to action buttons but just the titles.
I tried more than two weeks to do the same. I had to show notification after 2 hrs even if the use doesn't click the notification. But the repetition facility is well handled in objective C. I could have created multiple local notification but it will also violates the total number of 64 notifications. Apple needs to improved the same.

How to bring application to foreground in ios?

I am detecting for iBeacon in background. When my device comes in a particular region application should comes to foreground.
It cannot be done without user interaction. The only option is you can generate a push notification to tell the user to bring the application to foreground.
This is from the Apple documentation about this issue:
When the operating system delivers push notification (iOS or OS X)
and the target application is not running in the foreground, it
presents the notification (alert, icon badge number, sound). If there
is a notification alert and the user taps or clicks the action button
(or moves the action slider), the application launches and calls a
method to pass in the local-notification object or remote-notification
payload. If the application is running in the foreground when the
notification is delivered, the application delegate receives a local
or push notification.
To answer to some comments about WhatsApp, with it, when you receive a classic vocal call, IOS use CallKit to display your call and wake up your phone, but it's not inside app. I try to make a video call with WhatsApp, and in this case, there is a notification. Press notification open app and answer to the call.
Conclusion : It's impossible to wake up app from background to foreground in IOS, but it's not really a problem because you can use notification to display what you want and get the user to your app after a touch on your notification. All of iPhone users are familiar with this kind of interaction, it's better to deal with it.
