How to bring IOS app from background to foreground without using local notification? - ios

Is there any way to bring the app to foreground which is running in background without sending any local notification?

There is no way for you to programatically foreground the app. If you think about it, allowing developers to do that could have significant consequences to user experience.

There must be a way to simulate it.
Uber Driver's App launch when the user gets a new ride with app in background.
WhatsApp in background opens a phone view when somebody calls the user.


Can I disable a particular local notification banner when app is in foreground?

My application is currently set up to display local and push notifications even when in the foreground. There is one specific local notification I would like to disable when in the foreground, but keep enabled when the app is not active or in the background. Is there a way to accomplish this?
When app in foreground iOS will not show notification banner/alert by default on its own, you must have written code or used a third party frameworks to show some banner on App, just put a break point in that code to not to show the specific notification

How to come Ios App to foreground from background

I working on swift for Ios App. I want to phone user connect specific wifi. So i open iphone wifi settings by NSURL like this. After then my app go to background and i control ssid every 500ms in background by background task like this. When phone connect the specific wifi i can see this status and i stop background task. But i cant comes my app to foreground. I tried open my app use NSURL metod like this video (i add custom url my info.plist and add application function in my appdelagate) but my app has no return use this metod.
unfortunately bringing an app from background to foreground is not possible. You can however send a notification or a badge for the user to click and open the app. The user should have notifications enabled for this to work.
Happy Coding!

iOS - App in Background vs Local Notifcations

I'm building a project which is something like an Alarm Clock app. I know there are inherit limitations here (as compared to the built-in Apple Clock app) but I'm trying to assess if these limitations will be a blocker.
In the end, I need to be able to schedule an alarm/notification at a certain time, and have it sound when the phone is locked. Furthermore, I want to be able to interact with the app from the lock screen (including shake and volume gestures).
Does this require me having the app run in the background, and scheduling LocalNotifications? If its in the background, and the LocalNotification fires on the lock screen, is it possible for the User to interact with the application? i.e. With the app SleepCycle, you can shake the phone from the lock screen to trigger a Snooze. Is that sort of functionality possible only because the app is running in the background (in the case of that app, I know it's running in the background)
yes. you need to be running in the background for interacting on the lock screen

How to create background services to run even when the app is killed, in iOS?

I need to create a android equivalent functionality in iOS, which records GPS and other sensor readings even when the app is killed, in iOS that would be, when the app is swiped from the app switcher.
In android, the Service class is able to do this. The notification stays there in the notification panel and you cannot swipe it, unless the app allows you to do so..
Many apps add widgets to the notification panel using this functionality like, clean master. Clean master widget floats in the notification panel and does most of the functionality which the app does it self.
IOS does not has any background service concept. Yes, you can use GPS location when user app in background but it will not work when your app is totally close.

How to bring application to foreground in ios?

I am detecting for iBeacon in background. When my device comes in a particular region application should comes to foreground.
It cannot be done without user interaction. The only option is you can generate a push notification to tell the user to bring the application to foreground.
This is from the Apple documentation about this issue:
When the operating system delivers push notification (iOS or OS X)
and the target application is not running in the foreground, it
presents the notification (alert, icon badge number, sound). If there
is a notification alert and the user taps or clicks the action button
(or moves the action slider), the application launches and calls a
method to pass in the local-notification object or remote-notification
payload. If the application is running in the foreground when the
notification is delivered, the application delegate receives a local
or push notification.
To answer to some comments about WhatsApp, with it, when you receive a classic vocal call, IOS use CallKit to display your call and wake up your phone, but it's not inside app. I try to make a video call with WhatsApp, and in this case, there is a notification. Press notification open app and answer to the call.
Conclusion : It's impossible to wake up app from background to foreground in IOS, but it's not really a problem because you can use notification to display what you want and get the user to your app after a touch on your notification. All of iPhone users are familiar with this kind of interaction, it's better to deal with it.
