App store rejects my app developed in expo although the app works completely fine while testing - ios

App store rejects my app developed in expo although the app works completely fine while testing.
This is the message i get from apple:
**"We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.1 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
When user launches the app, app displays an error message.
Please see attached screenshots for details."
I have tested my app and it works completely fine in iOS 11.1. I tested in development mode and as well as without development mode.

Just tell that you can't test on an IPV6 network, and for know is fully working in IPV4. (It worked for me)
Apple is starting to prepare for a world where IPV4 "doesn't exist".
But not everybody has a proper environment for testing networking request on IPV6 layer.


Testing React Native via iPhone IOS

This may be a bit of a silly question but i haven't found a solid answer.
I have created a React Native app which includes making http requests to an external server (
When i plug my iPhone in, connect to wifi and deploy to device it works great. (All certificate signing etc is fine).
Should this app still work on my phone once I have disconnected it from my macbook and/or disconnected it from the same wifi.
It worked initially but then eventually kept crashing on load.
As soon as i plugged it back in and tested it works. Is there a way to keep this app on my device permanently?
No, it won't work. While you're testing it, the application on your phone is loading your React Native JS code bundle from a server running on your computer, normally on http://localhost:8081.
Once the phone loses access to that server, the app on the phone will lose access to that JS bundle and it will crash.
You have to install the app on your phone by creating an IPA (which requires an Apple Developer account), so that the app can be used anytime.

ios - failing app store ipv6 but can't re-produce

I have an app that is developed in React Native and uses an API to handle all of the data. The app has already been approved with no problems and no crashing.
I have (after WWDC) recently done some updates to the app and tested everything locally as well on a real device. The app works fine with no crashing at all.
Apple have come back with the following response:
"Performance - 2.1 Your app crashed on iPad and iPhone running iOS
10.2 connected to an IPv6 network when we: 1. Launched app 2. Tapped"
The issue is that I cannot replicate the issue happening on my local machine (we use ipv4 at our offices) and the server is not IPv6.
I did some research and as of WWDC (2015), apps cannot be released into the store unless their APIS are on IPv6 server. However, I'm struggling to understand why this would cause the app to crash as it does work fine on my machine and on my device.
Is there a way that I can replicate the issue that apple are having? And could the issue that Apple are having be because of the IPv6 issue?
Had the same problem. Then figured out that my app did not handle the scenario when the push notification permissions were rejected by the user. So it is best to check if you are prompting users for any permission (when app initially start) and see if the app behaves as expected when these permission are Rejected. (My guess is that testers at apple usually declines these permission when they are testing)

iOS app rejected because app crash on iOS 10.2 on ipv6

I have uploaded my app to Apple store. I am using iOS 10.2. After upload, I got a rejection message:
Your app crashes on iPad and iPhone running iOS 10.2 connected to an IPv6 network when we:
Specifically, we found that the app crashes after sending messages on Wi-Fi
How can I solve this?
If you app contains webservices and you have implemented NSURConnection then please convert all NSURLConnection to NSURLSession . .
My App got rejected for the same reason, but it was not the issue. The reason my app got rejected because it got crashed on login button click.
It was working when i compile and run with xcode (ie xcode 8.2.1) but apple said it was crashing.
So i tried running it in release mode because we usually run our app in debug mode when we run on xcode.
And my App crashed when i ran it on release mode and i found the bug, it happened when the compiler tried to optimise a decryption function.
I think there is some issue with the new llvm 8.0 compiler.
Now my App got even approved by AppStore.
The answer is fairly simple, you're going to have to try and reproduce the crash and fix it.
Apple won't let apps into the App Store of which it finds crashes for. I'd recommend finding a friend/family member who has an IPv6 enabled network (if you can't enable it yourself) and attempting to use your app in various conditions under that network.
The App Review network, like the networks deployed by service providers, does support IPv6-to-IPv6 connectivity. Thus, if your server supports IPv6, your app will talk to it directly, without going through the NAT64 translator.
Please check your link is support ipv6 or not use this LINK
and read more
Just add a CDN (Example: Cloudflare) to your domain, change nameservers accordingly and make sure IPv6 compatibility feature is turned ON. This worked for me

iOS app rejected IPv6 (without any http request)

I've an iOS app that was rejected due the IPv6 incompatibility.
I've tested with a shared IPv6 network from my MacBook Pro, and works fine.
I don't have any http request or connection in my app, the only 2 present url's are placed in the app description and they are 2 labels (without any click event).
I'm developing using Appcelerator Studio (SDK v5.1.1) with xcode 8 and testing on iPhone 5S (v10.1.1).
There were my steps:
Build in Appcelerator Studio 4.8.0 with 6.0.0.GA SDK
Removed the tiapp.xml ACS properties and removed also
Run the app on iPhone 5S Simulator with 10.1.1 (without liveview)
Open the generated project in xcode (myApp/build/iphone/myApp.xcodeproj)
Select Build Only Device: iOS Generic Device
Product > Archive
Validate... -> OK
Upload to App Store... -> OK
I've also compiled to iTunes Sync (ipa file only to registered devices) in order to install on my iPhone 4 and iPhone 5S and it works fine
I'm using 2 Titanium modules:
None of this modules have an http request.
Message from iTunes Connect:
Performance - 2.1
Thank you for your resubmission. However, we still discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on an iPad and iPhone running iOS 10.1.1 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
Specifically, an error was encountered upon application launch.
We've attached screenshot(s) for your reference.
Your problem isn't IPv6 but your app is not packaged correctly. To solve the problem you must have an active license (Indie, Pro, Team or Enterprise) and in "Appcelerator Studio" you must select "package" -> "iOS iTunes Store" for a correctly distribution.
Otherwise you'll have the app.js error because the app is not packaged for final distribution.
Just a note, but my app was rejected for IPv6 network issue on a iPad with iOS 10.3.2, turns out the Apple Reviewer had not set a record time on my Video/Audio Record app (#PCAMWBUMS) and if you don't set a record time, my app does nothing!
So read the note Apple Review sends you and be sure they haven't made a mistake before you do all the research and waste time, when it turns out they just read your App Guide and clearly marked notes on the boot up screen! (Which they didn't.)
So I've replied to ask them to set a record time and try again, which I have tested on my iPad Air and iPhone 6S Plus both running iOS 10.3.2... I'm sure they'll pass my app and release it to the app store (which all of you should download, to catch those celebs, or anitifa, or thieves using your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch (or the unfaithful partner?), visit to see all my apps)!
For some reason they sent me the following rejections notice:
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone
and iPad running iOS 10.3.2 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
Specifically, there is no action produced when tapping the buttons on
the main page.

What 's wrong with my environment IPV6 for ios?

I submitted my first iOS app to Apple Store and the review team has rejected me because:
Your app crashes on iPad and iPhone running iOS 9.3.4 connected to an IPv6 network
My problem is that I can not reproduce the error.
I have a iPhone 5 (iOS 9.3.4) and the environment as shown in the screenshots.
Is my iPhone5 working in IPv6?
Mac Mini Configuration (Bridge)
iPhone 5 Connection2 (Is it normal to appear that IPv4 assigned?)
I fix my issue. There was an error on my web service server (1&1).
But I never did my application to fail in my test environment. I think it was well set up from the beginning, but no one could confirm.
Thanks for help!
