Testing React Native via iPhone IOS - ios

This may be a bit of a silly question but i haven't found a solid answer.
I have created a React Native app which includes making http requests to an external server (https://example.com).
When i plug my iPhone in, connect to wifi and deploy to device it works great. (All certificate signing etc is fine).
Should this app still work on my phone once I have disconnected it from my macbook and/or disconnected it from the same wifi.
It worked initially but then eventually kept crashing on load.
As soon as i plugged it back in and tested it works. Is there a way to keep this app on my device permanently?

No, it won't work. While you're testing it, the application on your phone is loading your React Native JS code bundle from a server running on your computer, normally on http://localhost:8081.
Once the phone loses access to that server, the app on the phone will lose access to that JS bundle and it will crash.
You have to install the app on your phone by creating an IPA (which requires an Apple Developer account), so that the app can be used anytime.


App store rejects my app developed in expo although the app works completely fine while testing

App store rejects my app developed in expo although the app works completely fine while testing.
This is the message i get from apple:
**"We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.1 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
When user launches the app, app displays an error message.
Please see attached screenshots for details."
I have tested my app and it works completely fine in iOS 11.1. I tested in development mode and as well as without development mode.
Just tell that you can't test on an IPV6 network, and for know is fully working in IPV4. (It worked for me)
Apple is starting to prepare for a world where IPV4 "doesn't exist".
But not everybody has a proper environment for testing networking request on IPV6 layer.

App in react native (ios) only starts when phone connected to mac

I'm starting to develop a react-native app, so almost not experience at all. So far I have my app installed in an iPhone. When I start it connected to the mac (by usb) it starts fine and all (it appears a kind of a logging message in green at the top of the screen).
However, when the phone is disconnected from the mac, the app doesn't start well, it gets freezed on the 'Powered by react' screen. I wonder if this is a common problem I cant get rid of quickly.
Because the app on your Phone is loading the JS Bundle from your Mac.
You can run the app standalone on your phone just if it's build release ( the js bundle is embeded) or you change the setting on your phone to instead of loading JS Bundle from localhost, load it from your Mac's IP. you need to be connected to same Wifi.

ios - failing app store ipv6 but can't re-produce

I have an app that is developed in React Native and uses an API to handle all of the data. The app has already been approved with no problems and no crashing.
I have (after WWDC) recently done some updates to the app and tested everything locally as well on a real device. The app works fine with no crashing at all.
Apple have come back with the following response:
"Performance - 2.1 Your app crashed on iPad and iPhone running iOS
10.2 connected to an IPv6 network when we: 1. Launched app 2. Tapped"
The issue is that I cannot replicate the issue happening on my local machine (we use ipv4 at our offices) and the server is not IPv6.
I did some research and as of WWDC (2015), apps cannot be released into the store unless their APIS are on IPv6 server. However, I'm struggling to understand why this would cause the app to crash as it does work fine on my machine and on my device.
Is there a way that I can replicate the issue that apple are having? And could the issue that Apple are having be because of the IPv6 issue?
Had the same problem. Then figured out that my app did not handle the scenario when the push notification permissions were rejected by the user. So it is best to check if you are prompting users for any permission (when app initially start) and see if the app behaves as expected when these permission are Rejected. (My guess is that testers at apple usually declines these permission when they are testing)

Unable to access server on physical iOS device

I recently set up a provisioning account for my iOS device for my Xamarin project.
The app launches fine and shows to first screen well, but when I attempt to perform an action like Logging in which requires hitting a local database I have in the office, I get nothing on the console output on my server I am hitting (I'm never reaching the server from my app). My code works fine (hits the server and provides output) when running on the iOS simulator, the Android simulator and a physical android device.
I believe this is probably a simple setting, or something of the like (some type of permission for iOS devices?) but I'm not sure where exactly my problem lies.
I'm an idiot. My device was not connected to my office's WIFI so I was unable to hit the server. Leaving this posted incase anyone makes the same mistake as me in the future!

Pebble iOS, There was an error trying to install provided app

I'm trying to develop an application for the pebble that connects to an iOS device.
You don't need to read the stuff below. Long story short, I keep getting "There was an error trying to install provided app" whenever I try to load a pebble app I made onto my phone. Why is this?
Things I've tried so far
I have an iPhone 6 which connects to my pebble well, and I can load and run apps. I also plugged in my phone to the computer and ran Xcode so I could enable developer mode in the phone itself, and enabled Developer Mode in the pebble app, then Enabled Developer Connections. I am logged in with my same pebble account that I develop things with on cloudpebble.
I tried sending an app to my pebble via cloudpebble, and it worked on the emulator, but when I sent it to my pebble my phone said "There was an error trying to install provided app".
I updated to the most recent iOS and pebble OS. It said "There was an error trying to install provided app".
I tried compiling a c++ project instead. I tried changing the SDK to version 2. I tried running cloudpebble on Safari and Firefox. I tried downloading the pbw file, sending it onto my phone using dropbox, and then running it there.
I went and installed the pebble developer kit on my Mac, and built a project that successfully compiles via pebble install --phone 123.4____ but my phone says "There was an error trying to install provided app".
I was able to compile an app that runs the pebble SDK with swift, and it builds successfully and tries to connect, but isn't able to make any connections.
I uninstalled the pebble app and reinstalled it. I forgot the bluetooth connections, reset my pebble to factory defaults, then reconnected it to my phone.I tried restarting my phone. I made sure to have the pebble app open and on the My Pebble screen before trying to load an app onto it.
None of the above worked.
What am I doing wrong? My phone clearly knows that someone is sending it an app, it's just barfing for some reason and I don't understand why.
I figured out what the problem was - for some reason, the old pebble app no longer functions for developers. I installed the pebble time app and then things worked well.
