Looking for a free S&P 500 data feed [closed] - yahoo-finance

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Closed 10 months ago.
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I am looking for a free S&P 500 data feed, preferably one with a REST API. It appears that Yahoo Finance & Google Finance have discontinued their feeds. For example, http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=GOOG+AAPL&f=snl1 returns, "It has come to our attention that this service is being used in violation of the Yahoo Terms of Service..." Does anyone know of a free S&P 500 data feed? Delayed quotes are fine.

If you use Python combined with Beautifulsoup you can easily get data from multiple sites. Example:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
url = "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/A?p=A"
content = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
soup = soup.find_all('script')
soupstr = str(soup)
print soupstr[soupstr.find("regularMarketPrice")+27:soupstr.find("regularMarketPrice")+35]
The only problem is you will actually use 0,4 MB per quote which I think is a lot of unnecessary use of bandwith and capacity.
Or maybe you can use Quandl.
Good Luck!

So far, I have come across Alpha Vantange and Tradier. At a cursory glance, Alpha Vantage appears to offer semi-realtime quotes by providing high & low quotes over an interval (1 min is the smallest interval).
Tradier appears to offer free delayed quotes for a "sandbox" environment.

Try this (took from yFinance source code ):
I'm not sure if the current price is comming in this response.

I wound up using IEX Cloud (e.g. https://cloud.iexapis.com/stable/stock/TSLA/quote?token=xxxx). You can sign up for a free account here - https://iexcloud.io. Lastly, here's their terms of use - https://iexcloud.io/terms.


Rails Create US State Graph [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a client that recently decided to add in-site surveys as part of an effort to better understand their user base. They are requesting an export of the survey data, which using Axlsx hasn't been to hard.
However, they've also requested a US Map Graph that displays which users live in which states - kind of like this one. We store the GeoIP of each user's City/State/ZIP, etc. so the data is there, but I'm not sure how I'd go about generating such a graph as part of the Excel output.
Any ideas about this being feasible to spit out in an Excel export? I haven't been able to find much information about creating them in Rails.
EDIT I just want to point out that the actual Excel export works great. What I'm struggling with is getting a graph to come out in a similar format as the above link. I'm already using the axlsx gem to export the data into Excel/creating various graphs. I haven't been able to figure out how to create a US State's graph with it though
You might want to take a look to the gem axlsx,
which is a spreadsheet generator for Ruby. They have a fair amount of examples.
Hope it helps.

API alternative to Google trends [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is there any API that I can use to rank search terms according to their popularity? An official Google API was announced to be released, however there isn't any. Any suggestions on what I may use alternatively?
There are some open source API's available to Google trends.
In node: https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-trends-api
In Python:
In Java:
Java client side: https://github.com/elibus/j-google-trends-client
For Golang groovili/gogtrends can be useful. It's an unofficial API wrapper which works with Google Trends. Gives the ability to get trending searches and compare search items popularity over time and by region.
There is a php api for google trends that I've been using for almost two years without problems: http://codingfocus.com/google-trends-api
It allows to get graph, region and related queries data.
You might check out the SimilarWeb API which provides the proportion of search traffic to a given domain over time. This metric is quite similar to what Google Trends provides.
Full disclosure, I work at SimilarWeb.

Retrieving city statistics (Any API's or Databases?) [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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What I am looking to do is retrieving city statistics. Much like the CIA World Factbook. But, I want an API, database or dataset that I can query and get results. Also, I would actually PREFER to use a UIWebView and load a website with those statistics already searched and displayed. Like TheWeatherChannel for instance, I can form a URL with given coordinates. But websites like the CIA World Factbook have a unique two letter code for each country, which are not in a particular format.
Also, I would like to get CITY statistics, this would include:
Crime Rate
Languages Spoken
Transport Systems
and more! I even had an idea to show the type of plugs that country uses. But, I have no idea how and where to look for information like this.
Please help me out...
You're asking for very generic data sets and APIs, so you may want to being exploring http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_data, https://explore.data.gov/, and http://www.freebase.com/
A little late and it probably doesn't do city level but
could also be useful for someone looking for similar stuff and it wasn't mentioned (AFAICS) in the above answer's links.
This data also has a drupal module at

Logo Lookup API? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on an iOS application where I'd like to be able to display stores with their respective logos. I've spent a while looking for an API that does this and I can't find anything besides XigniteLogos. Unfortunately this is outside of my budget - is there a free solution available?
This is a very interesting question.
My first thought was that you could try doing a Google Image search. I know Google has a service called Goggles which can recognize logos, so searching the other way must be possible using Google.
I did a sample search on Google Images for "General Mills logo" (I guess I am hungry for breakfast right now) and the first result that was returned was from SeekLogo.com
I am not sure what SeekLogo is, or if they have an API, but they may be exactly what you're looking for. If not, you could try a Google images search and use the first result... (Google does have an image search AIP but... it's been deprecated? The announcement of that says that the documentation / community may have solutions which are still supported...)

Image Search API [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Like many developers, I'm pretty confused on why Google deprecated so many of its APIs (Images, Translate etc). Does anyone know of a good alternative image API that is somewhat accurate? Flickr seems pretty inaccurate in my testing : /
It really depends what you're looking for. The major alternatives out there are Yahoo's Boss API, Bing's Image Search API, and Flickr's API which you mentioned.
Bing and Yahoo both have larger amounts of images than Flickr.
Flickr is more lenient in terms of what you can actually do with the images however. Both Bing and Yahoo limit what you can do. For example, Bing doesn't allow you to reorder your search results and Yahoo has a hard-limit on the number of requests you can make. Flickr allows you to do basically anything as long as you don't spam requests or abuse their user's rights to the images.
Bing also tends to have the more detailed search engine, as you can search for different colors, and categories than Yahoo or Flickr.
In the end, I'd advise reading over their respective Terms of Services(Flickr, Bing, Yahoo), and using the one that fits what project you have in mind.
I hope this helps, and good luck!
