Image Search API [closed] - ios

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Like many developers, I'm pretty confused on why Google deprecated so many of its APIs (Images, Translate etc). Does anyone know of a good alternative image API that is somewhat accurate? Flickr seems pretty inaccurate in my testing : /

It really depends what you're looking for. The major alternatives out there are Yahoo's Boss API, Bing's Image Search API, and Flickr's API which you mentioned.
Bing and Yahoo both have larger amounts of images than Flickr.
Flickr is more lenient in terms of what you can actually do with the images however. Both Bing and Yahoo limit what you can do. For example, Bing doesn't allow you to reorder your search results and Yahoo has a hard-limit on the number of requests you can make. Flickr allows you to do basically anything as long as you don't spam requests or abuse their user's rights to the images.
Bing also tends to have the more detailed search engine, as you can search for different colors, and categories than Yahoo or Flickr.
In the end, I'd advise reading over their respective Terms of Services(Flickr, Bing, Yahoo), and using the one that fits what project you have in mind.
I hope this helps, and good luck!


Which API to use for realtime document collaboration [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am currently building a virtual classroom website and so far I have successfully added webcam & audio functionality.
The next thing that is on my list is to add realtime document collaboration.
So how this would work is:
Two people join a private session
These two people have a shared document that they can both edit and changes are displayed in realtime to the other user.
An example of this would be google docs where you can be multiple people on one document.
Anyway, I have seen a few APIs that do this, for example I have looked into google docs api, but it requires you to have a google account which is not optimal. (Registering both on my website and on google docs can be a hassle or too much work for some people).
I have also looked into Zoho, but I am unsure if it can fill my needs.
Does anyone of you know an API that can do this? Preferably both document and sheets(excel looking).
The Google Realtime API is especially well-suited for document collaboration, but it sounds like it's not a good fit. There are a few other options out there:
ShareDB is an open-source realtime database backend, used in the DerbyJS framework.
Mozilla's TogetherJS provides view-level collaboration features.
Convergence (disclaimer: I am a founder) is a new hosted platform providing APIs for this sort of functionality. We have identified the most common pain points when implementing realtime collaboration features, and provide high-level APIs to solve them.
Multiplayer is concurrent editing database, it looks like it is based on Operation Transforms and they are planning to launch on Kickstarter. Looks like it can do exactly what you need, and they use Websockets to send changes in real-time.

Google Search Data API [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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In google, some searches might bring up some data found by google (For instance, searching "bitcoin price" brings up data on pricing in a little box at the top, as does searching "2 plus 2". Is there a Google API that will fetch just the data pulled up in the box (as in, If this API was given the keyword "Bitcoin", it would return the price but not the links to websites below). Is there such a "data box" API that will work with the Swift Programming Language (It is for an iOS app)?
I couldn't find any previous questions like this, but there may be some, as I don't know the proper terminology (If anyone happens to know the official name of what I called "data boxes", do tell! Also, I apologize for use of the API tag, I just don't know the name of the API I am looking for.
The official name is "OneBox".
The underlying APIs are unavailable and brokered by Google and private data providers. Your best bet is to find the data sources directly and use their API; which will probably involve an exchange of money or other formal agreement.

API alternative to Google trends [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is there any API that I can use to rank search terms according to their popularity? An official Google API was announced to be released, however there isn't any. Any suggestions on what I may use alternatively?
There are some open source API's available to Google trends.
In node:
In Python:
In Java:
Java client side:
For Golang groovili/gogtrends can be useful. It's an unofficial API wrapper which works with Google Trends. Gives the ability to get trending searches and compare search items popularity over time and by region.
There is a php api for google trends that I've been using for almost two years without problems:
It allows to get graph, region and related queries data.
You might check out the SimilarWeb API which provides the proportion of search traffic to a given domain over time. This metric is quite similar to what Google Trends provides.
Full disclosure, I work at SimilarWeb.

Logo Lookup API? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on an iOS application where I'd like to be able to display stores with their respective logos. I've spent a while looking for an API that does this and I can't find anything besides XigniteLogos. Unfortunately this is outside of my budget - is there a free solution available?
This is a very interesting question.
My first thought was that you could try doing a Google Image search. I know Google has a service called Goggles which can recognize logos, so searching the other way must be possible using Google.
I did a sample search on Google Images for "General Mills logo" (I guess I am hungry for breakfast right now) and the first result that was returned was from
I am not sure what SeekLogo is, or if they have an API, but they may be exactly what you're looking for. If not, you could try a Google images search and use the first result... (Google does have an image search AIP but... it's been deprecated? The announcement of that says that the documentation / community may have solutions which are still supported...)

How to access Kindle Highlights (API?) [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to make a site that lets you follow other people Kindle Highlights. Is this possible Is there some sort of Kindle Highlights API?
This would be an amazing web service. Amazon does not offer an API for this. You can read public highlights online at, however, you cannot integrate any public highlights into your apps via an API yet. It seems that the new Kindle Developers Kit is purely for creating apps on the Kindle, and there is not even an API method for accessing public highlights in this kdk.
Shameless plug alert..
I've written a small PHP class that can help with this: Kindle_Highlights
You can get it on github.
Comments/suggestions welcome on improving it.
I will be improving/expanding this over the next few weeks, but as is you should be able to get at your kindle highlights.
A user can see their highlights on the web after logging in by going to their "your highlights" page. As far as I know, there isn't an API, nor is there any sort of OAUTH thing that you could do so currently the best possible solution would be to get your user's amazon username/password and scrape them from that page.
It's better than nothing, but a real API would open up a lot of cool ideas that I've had on kindle highlights.
You can always just scrape the book's page at I wrote a script in js to do this and then packaged it up as a Chrome plugin that lights up when on Kindle book page, but (of course) Amazon just updated the DOM a week or two ago and now it needs to be updated to reflect the new semantic structure. This highlights the weakness of this approach. =\
Hopefully someday Amazon will provide us with an API, though I suspect that this might run against their agreements with publishers.
