Rails: running a background process that doesn't end? - ruby-on-rails

I'm building a rails app, but I need to be able to listen for events in redis.
How might I got about starting a single separate process when the rails server starts? I only ever need one instance of it running, and it shouldn't end until the rails server stops.
I tried setting up a rake task and invoking it, and the take task starts fine, but it wouldn't let puma start. There has to be a better way. This is what I have.
namespace :redis_monitor do
task monitor: :environment do
$redis.subscribe('channel') do |on|
on.message do |channel, message|
# stuff.
config.after_initialize do


Ruby on rails: How to run a background task automatically when the server starts?

I have created a rails application that runs a background process. It pings a server periodically and displays a graph for the response time. For this I am using a gem called crono. I am starting the task from the command line using 'bundle exec crono'.
How can I run the background process automatically when the rails server starts without having to start it from the command line?
Also, is there a way to automatically refresh the page periodically so that it displays an updated graph?
Edit: This application will be deployed to production.
Edit: I still couldn't get this to work. Here's the folder structure:
cronotab uses 'crono' gem to execute the task inside ping_job.rb every 5 seconds.
require 'typhoeus'
class PingJob
  def peform
   #task definition goes here.
I want to run the task defined in ping_job.rb automatically when the server starts. I am thinking of using whenever gem. Any and all suggestions is welcome.
Put it in config/environment.rb right under Rails.application.initialize! this is ran to start up the rails server, so would be run after the application is initialized
Some time ago I wanted to join the start of a background process with the start of the rail server as well as you. And in the end I found out that it is the bad idea. I think the best solution is to create a deploy task that starts and restarts the process on each deploy. For example capistrano allows to do something like this:
namespace :deploy do
task :start do
invoke 'my_process:start'
task :stop do
invoke 'my_process:stop'
task :restart do
invoke 'my_process:start'
invoke 'my_process:stop'
namespace :my_process
task :start do
execute "some system command to start the process"
task :stop do
execute "some system command to stop the process"
Never start your process in Rails initialization files. It might start the process several times when there are few application workers on your server. Or it might start the process when you start the Rails console and so on.

Where do I enqueue jobs into ActiveJob in Rails 4.2?

I am a beginner when it comes to Rails. I am trying to follow this example:
It says:
"Jobs can be added to the job queue from anywhere. We can add a job to the queue by: ResizeImage.perform_later 'http://example.com/ex.png' "
[UPDATE] Sorry, I am stupid. I came up with this task:
namespace :simple do
# call from command line:
# rake simple:resize_images
desc "Resize images"
task resize_images: :environment do
Dir.foreach('storage') do |next_image|
puts next_image
next if next_image == '.' or next_image == '..'
ResizeImage.perform_later next_image
but now I do:
rake simple:resize_images
and I get:
rake aborted!
NameError: uninitialized constant ResizeImage
I've tried:
require ResizeImage
but that did not fix the problem.
I am afraid I don't understand how loading works in Rails. How do I load ResizeImage?
Do I set it up as a cron job?
From the rails guides:
Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queueing backends.
Active Job is an interface to queueing backends such as sidekiq, delayed_job or resque. It's simply a way for you to write background jobs where you don't have to care about which of the queueing backends will be used.
How do I start ActiveJob?
So ActiveJob doesn't run background jobs on it's own. You're still missing one of the backends. Say you have decided to use delayed_job: Get it installed and then start it via:
script/delayed_job start
I don't understand where "anywhere" is.
That means anywhere in your code, you could write something like:
def send_registration_email
UserRegistraionMailJob.perform_later self

How to start backgroundrb when Passenger starts?

I have a Rails application running under Apache+Passenger and using backgroundrb for some tasks. Is there any way to have backgroundrb start when Passenger starts? For example, after a server reboot I would like everything to start again without manual intervention to start backgroundrb or having to create an init script for it.
You can do the call in an Rails initializer (config/initializers).
To do so only when a Passenger job is launched, wrap the call in something like...
if defined? PhusionPassenger
PhusionPassenger.on_event :starting_worker_process do |forked|
if forked
... spawn your backgroundrb here...
The problem with this approach is that you'll end up spawning a new process with every Passenger worker process. You'll need to put a check in to see if backgroundrb is already running.
Take a look at ShogunPanda's comment here to see how we do it with Rufus Scheduler and PID files. You should be able to do something similar.
You could consider putting this in your config/environment.rb file:
unless FileTest.exist?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/log/backgroundrb.pid")
fork do
exec("#{RAILS_ROOT}/script/backgroundrb", "run")
Change /log/backgroundrb.pid to whatever pidfile your backgroundrb server uses and you should be off to the races...

Rake tasks and rails initializers

Kinda new to Rails, so please cope with me. What i'm doing now is background processing some Ruby code use Resque. To get the Rescque rake task started, I've been using (on heroku), I have a resque.rake file with that recommended code to attach into heroku's magical(or strange) threading architecture:
require "resque/tasks"
require 'resque_scheduler/tasks'
task "resque:setup" => :environment do
ENV['QUEUE'] = '*'
desc "Alias for resque:work (To run workers on Heroku)"
task "jobs:work" => "resque:work"
Since I need access to the Rails code, I reference :environment. If I set at least 1 worker dyno in the background on heroku, my Resque does great, gets cleared, everything is happy. Until i try to automate stuff...
So I wanted to evolve the code and automatically fill the queue with relevant tasks every minute or so. Do that (without using cron, because heroku is not adequate with cron), I declare an initializer named task_scheduler.rb that uses Rufus scheduler to run tasks:
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
scheduler.in '5s' do
scheduler.every '1m' do
Things appear to work awesome for a while....then the rake process just stops picking up from the queue unexplainably. The queue just gets larger and larger. Even if i have multiple worker dynos running, they all eventually get tired and stop processing the queue. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, but I suspect the referencing of the Rails environment in my rake task is causing the task_scheduler.rb code to run again, causing duplicate scheduling. I'm wondering how to solve that problem if someone knows, and I'm also curious if that is the reason for the rake task to stop working.
Thank you
You should not be booting the scheduler in an initializer, you should have a daemon process running the scheduler and filling up your queue. It would be something like this ("script/scheduler"):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
require 'rubygems'
gem 'daemons'
require 'daemons'
options = {
:dir_mode => :normal,
:dir => File.join(root, 'log'),
:log_output => true,
:backtrace => true,
:multiple => false
Daemons.run_proc("scheduler", options) do
require(File.join(root, 'config', 'environment'))
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
scheduler.in '5s' do
scheduler.every '1m' do
And you can call this script as a usual daemon from your app:
script/scheduler start
This is going to make sure you have only one process sending work for the resque workers instead of one for each mongrel that you're running.
First of all, if you are not running on Heroku, i would not recommend this approach. I'd look at Mauricio's answer, or consider using a classic cron job or using Whenever to schedule the cron job.
But if you are in the pain of running on heroku and trying to do this, here is how i got this to work.
I kept the same original Resque.rake code in place, as i pasted in the original question. In addition, i created another rake task that i attached to the jobs:work rake process, just like the first case:
desc "Scheduler processor"
task :scheduler => :environment do
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
scheduler.every '1m' do
desc "Alias for resque:work (To run workers on Heroku)"
task "jobs:work" => "scheduler"
Couple of notes:
This will be imperfect once you use more than one worker dyno because the scheduler will run in more than one spot. you can solve that by saving state somewhere, but its not as clean as I would like.
I found the original reason why the process would hang. It was this line of code:
scheduler.in '5s' do
I'm not sure why, but when I removed that, it never hung again.

Start or ensure that Delayed Job runs when an application/server restarts

We have to use delayed_job (or some other background-job processor) to run jobs in the background, but we're not allowed to change the boot scripts/boot-levels on the server. This means that the daemon is not guaranteed to remain available if the provider restarts the server (since the daemon would have been started by a capistrano recipe that is only run once per deployment).
Currently, the best way I can think of to ensure the delayed_job daemon is always running, is to add an initializer to our Rails application that checks if the daemon is running. If it's not running, then the initializer starts the daemon, otherwise, it just leaves it be.
The question, therefore, is how do we detect that the Delayed_Job daemon is running from inside a script? (We should be able to start up a daemon fairly easily, bit I don't know how to detect if one is already active).
Anyone have any ideas?
Based on the answer below, this is what I came up with. Just put it in config/initializers and you're all set:
DELAYED_JOB_PID_PATH = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/pids/delayed_job.pid"
def start_delayed_job
Thread.new do
`ruby script/delayed_job start`
def process_is_dead?
pid = File.read(DELAYED_JOB_PID_PATH).strip
Process.kill(0, pid.to_i)
if !File.exist?(DELAYED_JOB_PID_PATH) && process_is_dead?
Some more cleanup ideas: The "begin" is not needed. You should rescue "no such process" in order not to fire new processes when something else goes wrong. Rescue "no such file or directory" as well to simplify the condition.
DELAYED_JOB_PID_PATH = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/pids/delayed_job.pid"
def start_delayed_job
Thread.new do
`ruby script/delayed_job start`
def daemon_is_running?
pid = File.read(DELAYED_JOB_PID_PATH).strip
Process.kill(0, pid.to_i)
rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH # file or process not found
start_delayed_job unless daemon_is_running?
Keep in mind that this code won't work if you start more than one worker. And check out the "-m" argument of script/delayed_job which spawns a monitor process along with the daemon(s).
Check for the existence of the daemons PID file (File.exist? ...). If it's there then assume it's running else start it up.
Thank you for the solution provided in the question (and the answer that inspired it :-) ), it works for me, even with multiple workers (Rails 3.2.9, Ruby 1.9.3p327).
It worries me that I might forget to restart delayed_job after making some changes to lib for example, causing me to debug for hours before realizing that.
I added the following to my script/rails file in order to allow the code provided in the question to execute every time we start rails but not every time a worker starts:
puts "cleaning up delayed job pid..."
dj_pid_path = File.expand_path('../../tmp/pids/delayed_job.pid', __FILE__)
rescue Errno::ENOENT # file does not exist
puts "delayed_job ready."
A little drawback that I'm facing with this though is that it also gets called with rails generate for example. I did not spend much time looking for a solution for that but suggestions are welcome :-)
Note that if you're using unicorn, you might want to add the same code to config/unicorn.rb before the before_fork call.
After playing around a little more with the solutions above, I ended up doing the following:
I created a file script/start_delayed_job.rb with the content:
puts "cleaning up delayed job pid..."
dj_pid_path = File.expand_path('../../tmp/pids/delayed_job.pid', __FILE__)
def kill_delayed(path)
pid = File.read(path).strip
Process.kill(0, pid.to_i)
rescue Errno::ENOENT # file does not exist
# spawn delayed
env = ARGV[1]
puts "spawing delayed job in the same env: #{env}"
# edited, next line has been replaced with the following on in order to ensure delayed job is running in the same environment as the one that spawned it
#Process.spawn("ruby script/delayed_job start")
system({ "RAILS_ENV" => env}, "ruby script/delayed_job start")
puts "delayed_job ready."
Now I can require this file anywhere I want, including 'script/rails' and 'config/unicorn.rb' by doing:
# in top of script/rails
START_DELAYED_PATH = File.expand_path('../start_delayed_job', __FILE__)
# in config/unicorn.rb, before before_fork, different expand_path
START_DELAYED_PATH = File.expand_path('../../script/start_delayed_job', __FILE__)
not great, but works
disclaimer: I say not great because this causes a periodic restart, which for many will not be desirable. And simply trying to start can cause problems because the implementation of DJ can lock up the queue if duplicate instances are created.
You could schedule cron tasks that run periodically to start the job(s) in question. Since DJ treats start commands as no-ops when the job is already running, it just works. This approach also takes care of the case where DJ dies for some reason other than a host restart.
# crontab example
0 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/your-app/releases/20151207224034 && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec script/delayed_job --queue=default -i=1 restart'
If you are using a gem like whenever this is pretty straightforward.
every 1.hour do
script "delayed_job --queue=default -i=1 restart"
script "delayed_job --queue=lowpri -i=2 restart"
