ideal load time for a webpage with fields [closed] - load-testing

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am currently doing load testing of a webpage, which has many fields i.e fields. I was successfully able to get the results using Jmeter.
Now, can anyone help me with what should be the best/ideal time for a webpage to load? Many articles says it should be between 2-5 seconds, is that true? Do we have any article/blog telling this?
Kindly help.

According to some surveys if page load time will be more than 3 seconds, 6-39 % of users will leave your page. You can read more details in this article.


High chart link '' not working? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was using from last 2 month , now this link is not working in my browser , can anyone tell me what could be the reason behind ?
You should use fallbackToExportServer option to offline exporting
API document
You can refer demo at

How to create a simple chat App in iOS 9? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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last some days am searching for a chatApp. So anyone kindly help me to create simple chat app.I need to chat one to one and one to many , please refer some working samples or tutorials.
Google is your friend.
Something like this ?

Need JSON api link for worldcoinindex site [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to get coins values from Can anyone know how to get the json data from worldcoinindex via api.
According to the forum linked from the site, there is no API. You'll have to scrape for now.
There is now an API; docs at

Which DB for Registration Form iOS? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i would like to code a Registration Form + Login form for iOS. I don't know very well which DB i can use. I thought to use PHP + MySQL. Do you think is a good idea?
Who can explain me the best option?
iOs app should know nothing about DB. You need to make an API in some other langulage (PHP in your case), which will work with DB.
MySQL is good option as it's free and has a lot of features.

Phonegap how to tweet on behalf of user [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Just a quick question. Is it possible to have a 1 time twitter login on my app and at certain points i can send a tweet as that user because they are logged in?
Thanks in advance
It turns out that this isn't possible as twitters oath needs backend auth..
And fack all you down voters, was it so hard to answer a simple question rather than downvote..
