Configure wifi on raspberry-pi using it as a BLE perpheral - ios

I have to develop an iOS app which connects to raspberry-pi via bluetooth and configures RPi's wifi to connect to a particular ssid. The ssid and password is provided from the app via bluetooth.
Is this possible to do? I am wondering if its possible to execute commands on RPi received from the app.
Similarly we need to do it using Android.
Can we achieve this using Bleno and Bluez on the pi?

You can configure the Pi via Bluetooth. You need a service running on the Pi and waiting for a device to establish a Bluetooth connection. This can either be a python or any other server-side script.
In your App, you connect to this service using Bluetooth and execute different commands to connect to the wifi.
See this site for more information on how to connect a pi to a wifi network.


how to establish internet connection to "ttgo t call esp32 sim800L" using Lua

I used the "Nodemcu Module v3" and it supports wifi based internet connection only.
I always start with a wifi initiation steps (By Lua Scripting) to connect my "Nodemcu" board with internet and After making the wifi connection I am sure that my device has access to internet (Though my Wifi router has internet connection) and I can do any internet based communication.
But how can I teach my "ttgo t call esp32 sim800L" board to use the Sim card data?
Is there any steps for that or it connects to internet automatically on insertion of sim card?
Please Guide me to start work on it.
Thank You

Apprtc not working in public network iOS

I am using Apprtc library for the real-time connection.
this is my server host URL #"". Connection successfully established to any network, but in the audio/video sense
audio/video only works on same/private network iOS to iOS or iOS to Android
in public network audio/video only work in iOS to Android , Not working iOS
device to iOS device .
do you have any idea ?
TL;DR You need to bring up a TURN server, and configure the client with the addresses of your TURN server.
WebRTC attempts to connect two peers directly, but that's not always possible in all network configurations (e.g. when both sides are behind a NAT or a Firewall). In these cases, WebRTC will fallback to using a TURN server. It's basically a server that both peers can connect to, and it forwards packets from one to the other.

OBD 2 iOS wifi swift communication

I want to create an iOS app to connect my Wifi OBD 2 to the iPhone. But i have no idea on how to do the peer connection with swift 2. I have the OBD doc to communicate with it ( - page 30).
I tried to search the same thing on android and windows but the problem is my knowledge on peer to peer iOS communication.
I see a lot of iOS app for OBD protocol on app store, I'm sure that anybody can help me !
Thank you !
You don't need to know about real wifi peer2peer communication. Once you attached your phone to the wifi network created by the obd2 wifi adapter, you will be able to establish a good old TCP-connection to it. By default most wifi adapters listen at for incoming connections.
After establishing the TCP connection you can communicate via AT and PIDs by writing/reading to/from the socket. The actual protocol is described in ELM327 manual and the ISO/SAE standard documents.

Reachability reports Wifi when HotSpot is On via USB

When I tether my mobile network to laptop with Hotspot on iPhone and test for Reachability's currentReachabilityStatus it reports ReachableViaWiFi where neither Wifi is open nor is it sharing mobile network via Wifi.
I know even with this, it shows correct information on internet connectivity but the nature of my app requires exact information on whether Wi-fi is connected or not so its not the issue to determine internet connectivity but more of Wi-fi reachability.
Infact it fails if there is no device connected on USB. Only reports ReachableViaWiFi when a machine is using its internet via USB.
Open this post: detect hotspot enabling in iOS with private api's
Maybe enumerating network interfaces will let you discover the fact that connection is actually a tethered cellular network.
Don't worry that title includes private API - the solution contains also a way to this without using private API.

Bluetooth transmitter that can receive commands from wi-fi network?

I am looking into building some apps for bluetooth accessories, and wanted to know if there was some sort of device that could do the following (for sake of simplicity, lets call the "wi-fi to bluetooth" transmitter the "dongle"):
Dongle can connect to a wi-fi network, mobile device then sends a command over wi-fi
Dongle receives command from wi-fi network
Dongle then converts those commands and transmits out as bluetooth
Bluetooth accessory then receives the converted commands from dongle
I am not sure if such a device exists, but I have some great ideas for building apps that could remotely access bluetooth accessories over a wi-fi network.
