Bluetooth transmitter that can receive commands from wi-fi network? - ios

I am looking into building some apps for bluetooth accessories, and wanted to know if there was some sort of device that could do the following (for sake of simplicity, lets call the "wi-fi to bluetooth" transmitter the "dongle"):
Dongle can connect to a wi-fi network, mobile device then sends a command over wi-fi
Dongle receives command from wi-fi network
Dongle then converts those commands and transmits out as bluetooth
Bluetooth accessory then receives the converted commands from dongle
I am not sure if such a device exists, but I have some great ideas for building apps that could remotely access bluetooth accessories over a wi-fi network.


Configure wifi on raspberry-pi using it as a BLE perpheral

I have to develop an iOS app which connects to raspberry-pi via bluetooth and configures RPi's wifi to connect to a particular ssid. The ssid and password is provided from the app via bluetooth.
Is this possible to do? I am wondering if its possible to execute commands on RPi received from the app.
Similarly we need to do it using Android.
Can we achieve this using Bleno and Bluez on the pi?
You can configure the Pi via Bluetooth. You need a service running on the Pi and waiting for a device to establish a Bluetooth connection. This can either be a python or any other server-side script.
In your App, you connect to this service using Bluetooth and execute different commands to connect to the wifi.
See this site for more information on how to connect a pi to a wifi network.

Reachability reports Wifi when HotSpot is On via USB

When I tether my mobile network to laptop with Hotspot on iPhone and test for Reachability's currentReachabilityStatus it reports ReachableViaWiFi where neither Wifi is open nor is it sharing mobile network via Wifi.
I know even with this, it shows correct information on internet connectivity but the nature of my app requires exact information on whether Wi-fi is connected or not so its not the issue to determine internet connectivity but more of Wi-fi reachability.
Infact it fails if there is no device connected on USB. Only reports ReachableViaWiFi when a machine is using its internet via USB.
Open this post: detect hotspot enabling in iOS with private api's
Maybe enumerating network interfaces will let you discover the fact that connection is actually a tethered cellular network.
Don't worry that title includes private API - the solution contains also a way to this without using private API.

How to sense smartphones nearby?

How does euclid analytics ( get the mac addresses of nearby smartphones? (Turning wifi ap into a smartphone sensor !) Do I need to do some instrumentation work on the wifi AP? Or is there another way can achieve the same goal?
if you can sniff wireless packets, you can see every wifi device, what is communicating ( except if its in sniffer mode too ), so basically they scanning for wifi signals, what you can see, but just if wifi and scanning is turned on the phone.
take a look at Kismet
but you myght need a wireless card what can go into sniffing mode

What, exactly, is a BLE connected device on iOS?

The CBCentralManager retrieveConnectedPeripherals method says it gets "the list of the peripherals currently connected to the system." The definition of system is a bit ambiguous here.
Does this mean I get a list of peripherals connected to my app, or a list of peripherals connected to any app?
If I can get peripherals connected to another app, does this also mean multiple apps can connect to the same peripheral?
Can this only happen if the app is in the foreground, or do I need to allow for the possibility that a background app is sending commands to a peripheral I think my app owns?
BLE 4.0 enabled devices are usually connected with CBCentralManager unboundly. What is bounded and unbounded connection, you can know from this link.
One BLE 4.0 enabled device can be connected with only one master device thus enhancing secured connectivity. You should follow this link.
Whether in foreground of background, if the connection exists, the BLE slave device won't get connected with another app or device.

Communication between ZigBee and Bluetooth

Bluetooth and ZigBee devices are working or pairing within its own family devices based on parameters such as network layers, security algorithms, etc... I want to write an application to make a communication between ZigBee and Bluetooth device. Is it possible?
You would need to create a gateway between the two networks. Your application would need to interface with a ZigBee radio and a Bluetooth radio, join each network, and then proxy communications between devices on the networks.
What devices do you plan to bridge? Your application will need to appear as device X on the ZigBee network, and device Y on the Bluetooth network and convert data received to the correct format to send out on the other network.
If it were kept simple, something like this could work. A module that is a Zigbee presence, with a pairable bluetooth node. If a bluetooth-paired device comes near, the Zigbee announces itself as 'present'. When the bluuue tooth paired device is no longer around, the Zigbee device becomes "not present".
