Keeping dependencies quiet in Erlang - erlang

I am using chumak in an Erlang-based ZMQ server. I am listening and spawning processes to accept connections:
{ok, LSocket} = chumak:socket(rep),
{ok, _} = chumak:bind(LSocket, tcp, "", ?PORT),
spawn_link(fun() -> loop(LSocket, DBConn, RedisConn) end),
That all works fine. But there is one problem. When something "unexpected" (from chumak's point of view) happens, such as a port scan connecting to its port, the process to accept data may die. That's fine, because it restarts automatically. What's not fine is that when this happens, chumak sprays its errors all over the console. I don't care about them.
Is there any way to shut up a dependency library, in Erlang?

chumak errors are emitted through error_logger. That means, to prevent them from being displayed you have to tell your error_logger handler not to display them.
I'll guess you're using sasl for that. If that's the case, what you need to do is to add this configuration to sasl environment: {sasl_error_logger, false}.
But be careful, you'll be disabling all error logs from displaying if you do so. I'm not sure if you can tell sasl to skip particular kinds of error reports instead. If that's possible, you will want not to print out error messages for bind_error reports.


Distributed erlang security how to?

I want to have 2 independent erlang nodes that could communicate with each other:
so node a#myhost will be able to send messages to b#myhost.
Are there any ways to restrict node a#myhost, so only a function from a secure_module could be called on b#myhost?
It should be something like:
a#myhost> rpc:call(b#myhost,secure_module,do,[A,B,C]) returns {ok,Result}
and all other calls
a#myhost> rpc:call(b#myhost,Modue,Func,Args) return {error, Reason}
One of the options would be to use ZeroMQ library to establish a communication between nodes, but would it be better if it could be done using some standard Erlang functions/modules?
In this case distributed Erlang is not what you want. Connecting node A to node B makes a single cluster -- one huge, trusted computing environment. You don't want to trust part of this, so you don't want a single cluster.
Instead write a specific network service. Use the network itself as your abstraction layer. The most straightforward way to do this is to establish a stream connection (just boring old gen_tcp, or gen_sctp or use ssl, or whatever) from A to B.
The socket handling process on A receives messages from whatever parts of node A need to call B -- you write this exactly as you would if they were directly connected. Use a normal Erlang messaging style: Message = {name_of_request, Data} or similar. The connecting process on A simply does gen_tcp:send(Socket, term_to_binary(Message)).
The socket handling process on B shuttles received network messages between the socket and your servicing processes by simply receiving {tcp, Socket, Bin} -> Servicer ! binary_to_term(Bin).
Results of computation go back the other direction through the exact same process using the term_to_binary/binary_to_term translation again.
Your service processes should be receiving well defined messages, and disregarding whatever doesn't make sense (usually just logging the nonsense). So in this way you are not doing a direct RPC (which is unsafe in an untrusted environment) you are only responding to valid semantics defined in your (little tiny) messaging protocol. The way the socket handling processes are written is what can abstract this for you and make it feel just as though you are dealing with a trusted environment within distributed Erlang, but actually you have two independent clusters which are limited in what they can request of each other by the definition of your protocol.

The difference between passive and once mode of gen_tcp

I'm reading Programming Erlang 2E. In Active and Passive Sockets of Chapter 17, it says:
You might think that using passive mode for all servers is the correct
approach. Unfortunately, when we’re in passive mode, we can wait for
the data from only one socket. This is useless for writing servers
that must wait for data from multiple sockets.
Fortunately, we can adopt a hybrid approach, neither blocking nor
nonblocking. We open the socket with the option {active, once}. In
this mode, the socket is active but for only one message. After the
controlling processes has been sent a message, it must explicitly call
inet:setopts to reenable reception of the next message. The system
will block until this happens. This is the best of both worlds.
Relevant code:
% passive mode
loop(Socket) -> 
​case​ gen_tcp:recv(Socket, N) ​of​​ 
{ok, B} ->​ 
... do something with the data ...​ 
{error, closed}​ 
% once mode
loop(Socket) -> 
{tcp, Socket, Data} ->​ 
... do something with the data ...​ 
​%% when you're ready enable the next message​​ 
inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),​ 
{tcp_closed, Socket} ->​ 
I don't see any real difference between the two. gen_tcp:recv in passive mode essentially does the same thing as receive in once mode. How does once mode fix this issue of passive mode:
Unfortunately, when we’re in passive mode, we can wait for
the data from only one socket. This is useless for writing servers
that must wait for data from multiple sockets.
The main difference is when you are choosing to react to an event on that socket. With an active socket your process receives a message, with a passive socket you have to decide on your own to call gen_tcp:recv. What does that mean for you?
The typical way to write Erlang programs is to have them react to events. Following that theme most Erlang processes wait for messages which represent outside events, and react to them depending on their nature. When you use an active socket you are able to program in a way that treats socket data in exactly the same way as other events: as Erlang messages. When you write using passive sockets you have to choose when to check the socket to see if it has data, and make a different choice about when to check for Erlang messages -- in other words, you wind up having to write polling routines, and this misses much of the advantage of Erlang.
So the difference between active_once and active...
With an active socket any external actor able to establish a connection can bombard a process with packets, whether the system is able to keep up or not. If you imagine a server with a thousand concurrent connections where receipt of each packet requires some significant computation or access to some other limited, external resource (not such a strange scenario) you wind up having to make choices about how to deal with overload.
With only active sockets you have already made your choice: you will let service degrade until things start failing (timeout or otherwise).
With active_once sockets you have a chance to make some choices. An active_once socket lets you receive one message on the socket and sets it passive again, until you reset it to active_once. This means you can write a blocking/synchronous call that checks whether or not it is safe for the overall system to continue processing messages and insert it between the end of processing and the beginning of the next receive that listens on the socket -- and even choose to enter the receive without reactivating the socket in the event the system is overloaded, but your process needs to deal with other Erlang messages in the meantime.
Imagine a named process called sysmon that lives on this node and checks whether an external database is being overloaded or not. Your process can receive a packet, process it, and let the system monitor know it is ready for more work before allowing the socket to send it another message. The system monitor can also send a message to listening processes telling them to temporarily stop receiving packets while they are listening for packets, which isn't possible with the gen_tcp:recv method (because you are either receiving socket data, or checking Erlang messages, but not both):
loop(S = {Socket, OtherState}) ->
sysmon ! {self(), ready},
{tcp, Socket, Data} ->
ok = process_data(Data, OtherState),
{tcp_closed, Socket} ->
{sysmon, activate} ->
inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
{sysmon, deactivate} ->
inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, false}]),
{other, message} ->
This is the beginning of a way to implement system-wide throttling, making it easy to deal with the part that is usually the most difficult: elements that are across the network, external to your system and entirely out of your control. When coupled with some early decision making (like "how much load do we take before refusing new connections entirely?"), this ability to receive socket data as Erlang messages, but not leave yourself open to being bombarded by them (or fill up your mailbox, making looking for non-socket messages arbitrarily expensive), feels pretty magical compared to manually dealing with sockets the way we used to in the stone age (or even today in other languages).
This is an interesting post by Fred Hebert, author of LYSE, about overload: "Queues Don't Fix Overload". It is not specific to Erlang, but the ideas he is writing about are a lot easier to implement in Erlang than most other languages, which may have something to do with the prevalence of the (misguided) use of queues as a capacity management technique.
Code that takes advantage of this would look something like:
loop(Socket1, Socket2) ->
{tcp, Socket1, Data} ->​
... do something with the data ...​
​%% when you're ready enable the next message​​
inet:setopts(Socket1, [{active, once}]),​
loop(Socket1, Socket2);​
{tcp, Socket2, Data} ->
... do something entirely different
inet:setopts(Socket2, [{active, once}]),​
loop(Socket1, Socket2);
However, in my experience you usually don't do things like that; more often you'll have one process per socket. The advantage with active mode is that you can wait for network data and messages from other Erlang processes at the same time:
loop(Socket) ->
{tcp, Socket, Data} ->​
... do something with the data ...​
​%% when you're ready enable the next message​​
inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),​
reverse_flux_capacitor ->​
%% keep waiting for network data
Also, when writing a "real" Erlang/OTP application, you would usually write a gen_server module instead of a loop function, and the TCP messages would be handled nicely in the handle_info callback function along other messages.

How do I handle the death of another node in Erlang?

I have two nodes that are connected to each other, where one of them is the server. The server would like to know if the client dies. I did something like this:
In the server process, and when I did that I receive a exception error: noconnection and then the server dies, when the client dies. I would just like to know if the client dies, I do not want the server do die, how do I handle the death message?
If you have two erlang nodes and want to take some actions in case if one node goes down (or network connection is lost) you possible want to use erlang:monitor_node/2,3 functions:
(n1#myhost)1> erlang:monitor_node('n2#myhost', true).
then if 'n2#myhost' node goes down your process will receive message:
(n1#myhost)2> flush().
Shell got {nodedown,n2#myhost}
(note, I did that from erlang shell, that is why I may call flush/0 to see what is in the mailbox of the shell process)
If you interested in certain process, on the second node you may use erlang:monitor/2
(n1#myhost)3> Ref = erlang:monitor(process, {'n2#myhost', some_registered_name}).
from now you will receive a message if some_registered_name goes down and you can take an action.
Also you may be interested in how to write distributed applications
To have unidirectional supervision, you should use monitors. Then your server will receive a message if the client dies.

WebSockets in Relation with TCP/IP Sockets on Misultin Erlang HTTP Library

i must say that i am impressed by Misultin's support for Web Sockets (some examples here). My JavaScript is firing requests and getting responses down the wire with "negligible" delay or lag, Great !!
Looking at how the data handler loop for WebSockets looks like, it resembles that of normal TCP/IP Sockets, atleast the basic way in Erlang
% callback on received websockets data
handle_websocket(Ws) ->
{browser, Data} ->
Ws:send(["received '", Data, "'"]),
_Ignore ->
after 5000 ->
This piece of code is executed in a process which is spawned by Misultin, a function you give to it while starting your server like this below:
HTTPHandler = fun(Req) -> handle_http(Req, Port) end,
WebSocketHandler = fun(Ws) -> handle_websocket(Ws) end,
Options = [{port, Port},{loop, HTTPHandler},{ws_loop, WebSocketHandler}],
. More Code about this, check out the example page.I have several questions.
Question 1: Can i change the controlling Process of a Web Socket as we normally do with the TCP/IP Sockets in Erlang ? (we normally use: gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket,NewProcessId))
Question 2: Is Misultin the only Erlang/OTP HTTP library which supports WebSockets ? Where are the rest ?
Now, the reason why i need to be able to transfer the WebSocket control from Misultin
Think of a gen_server that will control a pool of WebSockets, say its a game Server. In the current Misultin Example, for every WebSocket Connection, there is a controlling process, in other-words for every WebSocket, there will be a spawned process. Now, i know Erlang is a hero with Processes but, i do not want this, i want these initial processes to die as soon as they handle over to my gen_server the control authority of the WebSocket.
I would want this gen_server to switch data amongst these WebSockets. In the current implementation, i need to keep track of the Pid of the Misultin handle_websocket process like this:
%% Here is misultin's control process
%% I get its Pid and save it somewhere
%% and link it to my_gen_server so that
%% if it exits i know its gone
Pid = self(),
FromPid = self(),
{broadcast,Message} ->
%% i can broadcast to all connected WebSockets
_Ignore -> handle_websocket(Ws)
Above, the idea works very well, whereby i save all controlling process into Mnesia Ram Table and look it up against a given criteria if the application wants to send to that particular user a message. However, with what i want to achieve, i realise that in the real-world, the processes may be so many that my server may crash. I want atleast one gen_server to control thousands of the Web Sockets than having a process for each Web Socket, in this way, i could some how conserve memory.
Suggestion: Misultin's Author could create Web Socket Groups implementation for us in his next release, whereby we can have a group of WebSockets controlled by the same process. This would be similar to Nitrogen's Comet Groups in which comet connections are grouped together under the same control. If this aint possible, we will need the control ourselves, provide an API where we can take over the control of these Web Sockets.
What do you Engineers think about this ? What is your suggestion and/or Comment about this ? Misultin's Author could say something about this. Thanks to all
(one) Cowboy developer here.
I wouldn't recommend using any type of central server being responsible for controlling a set of websocket connections. The main reason is that this is a premature optimization, you are only speculating about the memory usage.
A test done earlier last year for half a million websocket connections on a single server resulted in misultin using 20GB of memory, cowboy using 16.2GB or 14.3GB, depending on if the websocket processes were hibernating or not. You can assume that all erlang implementations of websockets are very close to these numbers.
The difference between cowboy not using hibernate and misultin should be pretty close to the memory overhead of using an extra process per connection. (feel free to correct me on this ostinelli).
I am willing to bet that it is much cheaper to take this into account when buying the servers than it is to design and resolve issues in an application where you don't have a 1:1 mapping between tasks/resources and processes.!/nivertech/status/114460039674212352
Misultin's author here.
I strongly discourage you from changing the controlling process, because that will break all Misultin's internals. Just as Steve suggested, YAWS and Cowboy support WebSockets, and there are implementations done over Mochiweb but I'm not aware of any being actively maintained.
You are discussing about memory concerns, but I think you are mixing concepts. I cannot understand why you do need to control everything 'centrally' from a gen_server: your assumption that 'many processes will crash your VM' is actually wrong, Erlang is built upon the actor's model and this has many advantages:
performance due to multicore usage which is not there if you use a single gen_server
being able to use the 'let it crash' philosophy: currently it looks like your gen_server crashing would bring down all available games
Erlang is able to handle hundreds of thousands processes on a single VM, and you'll be out of available file descriptors for your open Sockets way before that happens.
So, I'd suggest you consider having your game logic within individual Websocket processes, and use message passing to make them interact. You may consider spawning 'game processes' which hold information of a single game's participants and status, for instance. Eventually, a gen_server that keeps track of the available games - and does only that (eventually by owning an ETS table). That's the way I'd probably want to go, all with the appropriate supervisors' structure.
Obviously, I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve so I'm just assuming here. But if your concern is memory - well, as TRIAL AND ERROR EXP said here below: don't premature optimize something, especially when you are considering to use Erlang in a way that looks like it might actually limit it from doing what it is capable of.
My $0.02.
Not sure about question 1, but regarding question 2, Yaws and Cowboy also support WebSockets.

Erlang: Sending on a closed connection

If a client connects to a server over a normal tcp connection, and then later on the client's connection cuts out, the server will get (assuming active mode) {tcp_closed,Socket}. But there are cases where the server won't know that the client has disconnected, such as power failure or crashing and such (I believe, I could be wrong). In these cases, the client is gone but the server still believes it's connected. If the server attempts to send the client a message in these cases, will it assume that the client gets the message or will the tcp stack sort that out on the low level and the server gets back some kind of error?
I know this is a simplistic question, but I've been having trouble testing it myself, as I can't get a client to catastrophically fail like I need it to (even kill -9 isn't doing it). Does anyone have any experience with this?
The answer depends. When you try to send out data, the kernels TCP window will slowly fill until it can't take any more data. Then your send will block because the internal kernel buffer is full. TCP has some timers which will trigger after some time. When that happens, the kernel will error the send request, Erlangs VM runtime will transform it into {error, Reason}, where Reason is the posix() error message from the underlying system.
If you want to be sure the data got through, you have to acknowledge it on the stream the other way. Or you can make the data idempotent so you can resend it without trouble. It is especially important if the other endpoint, the client, is a device like a mobile phone where disconnects will happen all the time.
To test it, you can block the communication with a firewall rule on lo.
