How to install Zendframework-2 in wampserver? - zend-framework2

i already install git, and composer.exe now i try to install zendframework-2 but it not work please provide rightway for installing zend framework-2.
please provide me right tutorial or video for install proper.

It is possible to install ZF2 as a library but that's not what I recommend. I think it's best to install ZF2 in every project from composer.phar. This makes it easier to master the updates of applications in production.
For ZF2, install the skeleton application that allows you to set up your project. This installation sets up ZF2 complete.
Make sure your Windows path contains php.exe and composer.bat
paths ;
Run in console : php "path\to\composer.phar" create-project -sdev --repository-url="" zendframework/skeleton-application "directory/of/your/project"
For ZF3, follow :


How to get the ZF classmap_generator.php via Composer without to install the whole Zend Framework?

Due to some issues with the dependencies (zend-test was prohibiting installation of PHPUnit 6), I removed the zendframework/zendframework dependency from the composer.json and installed only the Zend packages I really need. But now, the file classmap_generator.php is missing.
Now I want to get the classmap generator back but without to load the whole framework with all its deoendencies.
Which package do I have to install to get the classmap_generator.php?
You do not need the classmap generator at all, and it is removed from V3 anyway.
What you should do is remove any Zend Autoload configuration (if you have any in your Module.php files, and replace it with a PSR-0 or PSR-4 config in the autoload section of your composer.json.
This way, composer handles all the autoloading, and you can use composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader --classmap-authoritative for your production deployment, which will generate a very optimised classmap for you!

Add GData to Zend Framework2

Okay, so this has proven to be more difficult than I expected and think it should be.
All I want to do is utilize the GData library for some youtube functionality in my site. However, I can't seem to figure out how to add everything in so Zend recognizes the classes.
I've downloaded the latest ZendGdata archive, and added the contents of \library into \vendor\Zend. Next step is to autoload all that into my application right? I've tried searching for how to do it, but nothing has helped. Now I look to you, stackoverflow. Please help me figure this madness out.
How about ditching manually installing vendors and using composer which will manage all the autoloading stuff for you?
Download composer.phar into your project's root directory and run init to create a basic configuration:
curl -s | php
php composer.phar init
Follow the prompts, when it comes to searching for required packages, select zendframework/zendgdata and use the version dev-master. (If you decided to use composer for all your dependencies which I recommend, you could also at this point add zendframework/zendframework: 2.*).
Once you've done that a composer.json file will have been created. Next install your dependencies:
php composer.phar install
Once that's all done, there should be a vendor/autoload.php file that you require from your entrypoint to have autoloading of your composer dependencies working.

How do I make yeoman reload bla.html instead of index.html

When a change is made to any html file in the root, yeoman fires the reload task, but, yeoman does it only to http://localhost:3501/index.html.
How do I let yeoman know that I wanna reload http://localhost:3501/bla.html ?
Maybe some Gruntgile.js configurations?
Yeoman 1.0 does this with no problems, it's pretty easy to install. Here is a quick guide:
Make sure that you have Node installed with NPM
Uninstall the old version of Grunt
Install the requirements with NPM like this: npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower
You now have everything you need, you can run yo to confirm that you have the correct version installed.
There is a lot less dependencies, they are moved to a per-project-basic.
You can read a lot more on their website here
Make sure that you read the migration guide.
Note: Their wiki says that it does not work on Windows, this is not the case anymore, I run Windows 7 and it works like charm.

Getting Started with Zend Framework2

I m reading the tutorial of getting started with zend framework2, when I came to this :
I don't know how to excecute this :
here is the link of the page :
How can I achieve this?
i have written a throughout article on how to install Zend Framework 2 on a windows environment. It is directed at Win7, but works very similar (if not identical) for XP, too.
Please read my Blog "Zend Framework 2 Installation on Xampp for Windows"
Well, the best way to get started with Zend Skeleton Application is:
$cd my/project/dir
$git clone git:// --recursive
$cd ZendSkeletonApplication
In your project root you will find two files: composer.json and composer.phar. You can get more information about composer from the official Getting Started.
The composer.json file describes the project's dependencies:
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"zendframework/zendframework": "~2.4"
In order to get the dependencies you need to execute from you project root:
$composer.phar self-update
$composer.phar update
Finally, you can start the internal PHP cli-server in the root directory:
$php -S -t public/ public/index.php
I hope this will help you to install and configure your app.
If you're using Windows, please check your php.exe directory. And execute it. Example:
C:\php\php.exe composer.phar self-update
If you're linux user, you already know the answer.
Zend Framework 2 has just been release and it is not a framework for newbies. There are a few different ways to install which you can find on
or with XAMPP at Xampp In Windows
But I have the feeling that if you are having trouble at this point then ZF2 is not for you.
Per chance if you were on a Mac or Linux box, you would open the Terminal application. Navigate to the zend framework application (cd /path/to/app), and then run the commands.

is symfony system wide?

i have a directory with some .php files in i need to install symfony in that directory so that i can run symfony commands from that directory?? i tried: pear channel-discover
and got:
Channel "" is already initialized
the i tried: pear install symfony/symfony
and got:
WARNING: configuration download directory "/build/buildd/php5-5.3.2/pear-build-download" is not writeable. Change download_dir config variable to a writeable dir to avoid this warning
Cannot install, php_dir for channel "" is not writeable by the current user
how do i fix this please? must i run it as sudo??
If I remember well, Symfony is "system-wide" if installed through PEAR (like you are trying to do).
Now it is recommended by the manual to do a "standalone" install through SVN. See
As well, the sandbox will bring a "standalone" installation of Symfony (you will have to be in the project root directory to be able to run the symfony commands)
Example of quick install using SVN:
mkdir /path/to/symfony
cd /path/to/symfony
svn checkout .
but it should be better to follow the manual and configure the external SVN sources.
I run servers where I have applications that use different versions of symfony simultaneously. I found it much easier to deal with the SVN checkout than the PEAR insteall.
So what I've done is do an SVN checkout of each revision that I need
into it's own folder. In my case i check them out to
Then I configure the ProjectConfiguration.class.php to reference whatever version is needed, using the line:
require_once '/usr/share/symfony/1.x.x/lib/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php';
If I need to switch to a different symfony version, I can just change that config.
That is, assuming all my code is compatible with that version
