DLL load failed when installing rcnn of MXNet in Windows10 - python-import

I have successfully installed MXNet-0.11 in my laptop, whose OS is Windows 10 and GPU is GTX1060. And now I want to install rcnn, I have run the Makefile in the folder example/rcnn in command line using MinGW64. But when I run demo.py, it tells me DLL load failed. How do I fix it? Thank you!

Look at the last answer of this post https://discuss.mxnet.io/t/installing-mxnet-on-windows/374/8 to see how to install a modern version of mxnet on windows. I have personally not been able to run successfully the makefile of the rcnn example


problem installing orocos_toolchain in ros melodic

I have some problems following the tutorial "http://wiki.ros.org/Industrial/Tutori...". I have installed ROS Melodic and i want to use an slave ethercat like the "IO rack: EtherCAT Couper, 8 DI, & 8DO (all Beckhoff)" but different brand (Omron), and when i try to follow the step 1: Install OROCOS toolchain for ROS it return a error when i follow the tutorial "http://wiki.ros.org/orocos_toolchain" and execute the command "rosdep install orocos_toolchain" the error is the next: ERROR: Rosdep cannot find all required resources to answer your query Missing resource orocos_toolchain.
I use ROS 1 Distro: melodic SO: Ubuntu 18:04
Someone can i help me, please. I was searching another ways to install OROCOS toolchain but i didn't have success.
Most of the readily available documentation for installing / using Orocos is out of date. For example, that page you were at is (at timeof writing) 6 years old, for an end-of-life distro.
The up-to-date info is on their github and website (The website, for you right now, is probably less useful, but this page still is). Respectively, you should now install that fat stack as sudo apt install ros-melodic-rtt-ros-integration, aka install from binary sources. Make sure to pay careful attention to Building ROS-Based Orocos Components, because they have their own system which changes the CMake process. There's also other packages that they/others keep from other stacks, you can see the whole list by trying to autocomplete apt install ros-melodic-rtt-

Can't install Phidgets ROS driver

I have installed the Phidgets libraries following the following link and the "Hello World" example was working, but when I install the Phidgets ROS driver, I get this error:
fatal error: libphidgets/phidget21.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
What's causing this? The libraries have been installed by the Linux driver, right?
Phidgets, in their infinite wisdom desired to abandon the "phidget21" architecture and now have a completely different and incompatible phidgets22 driver architecture. When you installed the libraries from their web site, you can only get the version 22 driver architecture :( -- hint, version 21 is still out there on GitHub, so if you go find it, download and install everything should work as expected. Someone will need to migrate all the ROS code to the newer version 22 architecture for this to work as expected.

How to install luagraph using luarocks

I'm trying to use luagraph, a binding to the graphviz library:
To install, I'm using luarocks in Mac OS X. The following command is executed in bash:
luarocks install luagraph
The output is the following:
Installing https://luarocks.org/luagraph-1.0.4-1.src.rock... Using
https://luarocks.org/luagraph-1.0.4-1.src.rock... switching to 'build'
Error: Could not find expected file graphviz/graph.h, or
graphviz/graph.h for GRAPHVIZ -- you may have to install GRAPHVIZ in
your system and/or pass GRAPHVIZ_DIR or GRAPHVIZ_INCDIR to the
luarocks command. Example: luarocks install luagraph
I have been installed graphviz using homebrew, but I can't figure out how to pass GRAPHVIZ_DIR or GRAPHVIZ_INCDIR properly.
How can I install luagraph?
I've updated LuaGRAPH a couple of weeks ago. It now supports the newest version of Graphviz based on the cgraph library instead of the old graph library.
There is one drawback: I couldn't get luagraph to run on Windows using mingw because of some runtime library issues (compiler and dll compatibility probably). Please look at the README file for more details.
I personally never produced a rockspec for this module. This was created by someone else based on a fork of my luagraph library.
Installation without Luarocks is simple. Download from
and follow the instruction in the documentation and the README file. You need adopt a simple config file which is included by make.
Well, luaGRAPH is still the top result when searching for lua and graph. So the question is still standing.
And, unfortunately, the answer is: luagraph is OLD, the last update happened before the ubuntu 14.04 was released. And there seem to be some notable changes in the system itself, the flags the error message show do not seem to work. On top of that, graphviz is now about 20 releases newer than the luarock recommends.
There now is a bare bone alternative lua package: graphviz
It is extremely basic, and documentation in not at all informative, but at least it works.
update: Luagraph may be working again, but not through rocks. See the other answer.

Installing the OpenCV prebuilt library on Ubuntu server 11.10

I am new to the Linux scene and I am trying to get OpenCV installed and running on our server as I need it to build and run a few applications on the system. I have followed the Ubuntu package Install directions, but I seem to have an issue when I get to the install command. I get the terminal saying that it is reading the package list and after a few seconds I get a message saying that opencv cannot be found.
Has anyone had any experiences installing this library and can anyone possibly help guide me on how to use this whole setup? If it's any help I get a 404 error when I try to access the PPA in the update. Did I add the repository incorrectly?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
OpenCV 2.1 is quite old. Try setting up his new PPA for OpenCV 2.3.1. It has a Natty target.
Hope that's helpful!

Linux Version of Z3: Dependency On Old libgmp.so.3

Z3's dependency on libgmp.so.3 is unresolved in the linux package, leaving the user to provide this library. However, this library is very old and is not readily available.
Does anyone know a method for getting around this issue? I am currently running x86_64 and cannot get around this missing dependency without a great deal of hassle.
Is it possible the linux packages could be fixed such they include the expected library in the distribution?
You can get GMP3 by executing sudo apt install libgmp3-dev.
I'm not a Linux expert, but this is the command I used to install GMP before I compiled Z3.
When I installed the virtual machine for running Linux 64, I think I didn't find a package for the more recent versions of GMP.
I will try again. If it doesn't work, I will download the most recent GMP tar ball and build it from scratch.
BTW, the Z3 for Linux 32 comes with two .so files. One of them has GMP statically linked.
The trick I used for building this .so file didn't work for the 64 bit version.
As I said, I'm not a Linux expert, any suggestions on how to build a better Z3 library for Linux x86_64 users are welcome.
