Xcode 9 issues after cloning repo - ios

This is an app I'm helping out with remotely. I have some issues right after cloning repo..
Assets folder is marked as modified. git status results: modified: AppName/Resources/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json. One of many compile warnings says "A 1024x1024 app store icon is required for iOS apps". Is new 1024x1024 asset placeholder the modification that was made?
Many warnings:
The app is running well in App Store and has support for iPhoneX, so if I clone, shouldn't all this stuff be sorted out already? I still see layout issues when I run in simulator on any device size that were apparently fixed for iphoneX compatibility. When I was running Xcode 8.3 I didn't have these issues.
I need to add a feature, push and make build available on TestFlight, but I'm worried about pushing with all these compile errors & bet it wont even archive with missing 1024x1024 asset.
Should I just go back to previous version of Xcode rather than sticking with 9.1 or resolve all this stuff myself? Devs aren't really available for me to consult with since initial app was developed through full-service software dev company.
Im mainly in contact with business ops/project managers who don't really have knowledge of tech at this level. Im no seasoned dev myself so I'd like some advice here before expressing concerns with managers or getting strings pulled to talk with devs who last worked on it.
I'm hoping the first comment isn't that this question doesn't belong here. I think its a fine line.
Thanks for your time.

The app in the appstore could be submitted and released to the appstore with issues listed in the issue navigator of the xcode on posted screenshot.
So, switching to a version of Xcode which was used for a last submit to the app store by previous developers does not guarantee that those issues will be not present.
There is only one issue which you have to resolve is "1024x1024 app store icon is required for iOS app" and this can be done only within Xcode 9


(Stickerpack for iOS Messages deployment error) WARNING ITMS-90863: "Apple silicon Macs support issue

Upon attempting to "Distribute App" archive in xCode, I get this error:
WARNING ITMS-90863: "Apple silicon Macs support issue. The app has LSApplicationLaunchProhibited set to true. This is not supported on Mac."
I have iPhone and iPad checked, but not MacOS. It is my understanding that stand-alone stickerpacks are not supported on Big Sur yet (nor has there been a hint that this will ever happen).
These projects were made using the StickerPack template in Xcode - not as an iMessage application - so there is zero coding involved on my end. I set the deployment target. I added the accessibility info - but that is it. I have no code on my end to toggle or fiddle with.
This is a VERY new error which surfaced as of Tuesday. I believe this is on Apple's end - some sort of update on their servers, because I had already successfully uploaded a stickerpack to the AppStore through AppConnect w/ the same version of Xcode a day before.
I already had 5 sticker packs published in the App Store for the past 3 years. I published updates to 2 of them literally just days ago. Then they had the Apple Event on Nov. 10 about Silicate macs and literally the next evening I got this error when trying to update another stickerpack.
I learned from previous errors before this that you need to make your product deployment target as 10.x because anything higher will give you a completely different error about 32 bit and 64 bit architecture. I dealt with that crap for over a week before I figured it out. That's what happens when you don't touch xCode for 2 years. Oops!
So after the error I cited showed up;
I tried creating a brand new version of the sticker pack from scratch that I was trying to update - since all I had to do was drag in my assets and re-type in all the accessibility tags for the visually impaired. Still no go.
So then, I updated to Big Sur - installation successful. Still no joy.
Then I updated Xcode after Big Sur. Successful updating, but still no joy.
I created a new archive w/ a different build number. Validated it successfully - but it failed AGAIN with the error I cited above. I've searched the Internet for an answer or a clue w/o success, but I think this is so new, a lot of people haven't figured this out yet. I'm waving my white flag now.
see the answer I posted to ITMS-90747: Basic sticker pack with no code, yet App Store Connect thinks there's 32bit code in there
(Apparently I'm not allowed to share the same answer to multiple posts about the same issue. Everyone is looking for this solution and I want it to be known!)
In short: You can opt out of the Apple Silicon Mac on the connect hub website, under availability and pricing

Ios share extension does not work when installed by testflight but works installed by xcode

Installed with testflight the application does appear in the list of target applications to share an image with. When I select my application icon in the list I do get a normal Post dialog. After pressing "Post" in the dialog the application does open but nothing else happens.
When the same version of application is installed with xcode the shared file is delivered and the application displays the shared image.
I am not even sure how to debug such an issue as the application installed by testflight does not appear in the list of installed applications in xcode Devices window. Nothing that I can find in device logs either.
Please suggest any approach to troubleshooting the issue.
Update: I found a way to get much more detailed logs from device than the one provided by xcode's "Devices" window: deviceconsole utility. This gives at least some information to approach troubleshooting.
Update 1: It turns out that the application installed through ad hoc ipa file exported from the same archive that was submitted to testflight shows the same problem. This allows much quicker testing turn around.
This answer indicates that the problem can be caused by "Deployment Target" of extension set above the ios version of test device. I did try different combination of this setting in the application and extension, nothing helped thus far.
Update 2: I created code-level support request with apple for this issue and provided full source of the application to them. After few months of apathetic communications they concluded that the problem is due to a bug and suggested to create report Apple Bug Reporter. I did that and after another few months of more apathetic communications the issue was promptly closed on the basis that the application does not crash. Frustrating, but I still need to resolve the problem, now looks like without help from vendor.
If the deployment target is higher than the version number of the actual phone, your code cannot run. So the only choice is reducing the deployment target of the extension to be the same as the app.
I’d check if you have somehow set different deployment targets for debug and release.

On-demand resources uploading failure

Recently I have faced with problem of uploading on demand resources. I am using Xcode 9.0 for uploading app to AppStore and every uploading finishes successfully. But looking at iTunes Connect build details I can see, that on-demand resources are enabled, but there are 0 assets packs for this build.
There is one more interesting moment in this problem. Build number 3 of my app also was uploaded with on-demand resources and everything works great with that build. But builds number 4 and 5 doesn't have assets packs included. I reviewed changes in application - there are no changes connected with on-demand resources at all.
In Xcode->Build Settings -> Assets ->Embed Asset Packs in Product Bundle is set to No. Also, size of one asset pack is around 5MB, total size of all packs around 150MB.
Maybe, someone had this problem too? Thanks.
I have checked Product folder inside the Xcode archive - there are all 36 assets packs, but iTunes Connect still shows 0 packs.
It seems, that it happened not once. Developers had the same problem one year ago. I think, we should report a bug to Apple.
We tried to upload app with on-demand resources using Application Loader, but result was the same.
We tried to revert code to version where everything works great with on-demand resources and upload the same binary with different version number to iTC, but result is the same.
UPDATE 5 We received an answer from Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS)
Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS).
Our engineers have reviewed your request and have determined that you are experiencing a known issue for which there is no known workaround at this time.
I will post any updates here connected to this issue.
In Xcode 10 it won't allow ODR Anymore unless you go back to legacy mode
so this works for me
Unfortunately I cannot provide a solution to your problem... only tell you we have the same problem and what we've tried so far.
We have not changed anything connected with ODRs and every IPA uploaded to iTunes Connect shows "0 asset packs". The build currently available on the App Store has the same set of asset packs and is listed correctly in iTunes Connect.
We've tried the following:
creating a clean build;
changing the version and build numbers;
uploading with the Application Loader instead of Xcode;
validated the IPA - it does include the OnDemandResources directory with the correct number of items and files that look fine -;
using a different Mac to upload;
deleting everything in the "DerivedData" directory.
iTunes Connect still insists that all the uploaded IPAs use On Demand Resources but have no asset packs, and if you install them through TestFlight they consider the ODR tag as invalid. This doesn't happen when installing the App with Xcode, then the ODRs work as expected.
We've already written to Apple (both the iTunes Connect team and as a technical support ticket).
We will probably try more things while we wait for Apple's response.
Also tried uploading the commit that 'represents' the App currently published, simply changing the version number. It didn't work, asset packs still not recognized.
One thing that might have changed since we uploaded is that we installed Xcode 9.1 beta. We don't use the beta for uploading, nor are the command line tools set to use the beta version of said tools.
(Edited) We were struggling with the same issue for about a week but tried uploading a new build today, and though it still says: On Demand Resources Yes | 0 Asset Packs ... it turned out the build works just fine. Perhaps there was some change today and you should try a new build and see if it works.
We tried most of the options mentioned above before, that is rebuilding the project, using Application Loader, updating Xcode etc. but it still didn't work so we just continued to upload and test the testflight build.
(I know it's not much of an answer and would post it as a comment but looks like it's not possible without enough reputation)
This happened to me today, it was asset image that was linked under
TARGET -> Resource Tags check if any image from assets is added there or not

Apple rejects app built with Xcode 8 even though I have included the icons it claims are missing

This app was built with Cordova 6.3.1 and the icons were generated with cordova-icon. I do not think any of that is relevant, however.
I have included an image which clearly describes the problem and my confusion: Apple rejects our binary saying that we are missing 57x57 and 72x72 icons, which those icons are clearly present in the project.
For #pedrouan: Here is a screenshot of the directory created by the build process. I should mention that we have been building with these tools for years, including a release last month. These rejections are new, which is what leads me to believe they are specific to iOS 10. I do not recall seeing an Images.xcassets in the Xcode project, but it looks like the build process definitely adds the directory.
Edit 2 for #pedrouan: Here is what the assets look like when added to the Xcode project. I am going to try to submit this and see if that is the new step required now.
Edit 3 for #pedrouan: The AppIcon section now looks exactly as it should. Apple is still rejecting the binary.
For Cordova builds, attempting to address this with manual Asset Catalog creation is a dead end. The actual solution to this problem is addressed in the accepted answer to this question:
Adding icons to IOS App in Cordova CLI 6.3.1
It appears that the cordova-icon plugin may no longer be required.
I see that there are five complains about icons within that email from Apple. That signs, there is something wrong with all of your icons prescription.
I guess this will not work for Apple. I would go Assets catalogue way in all cases. (Even though I understand, that you would need to do this each time you generate the product)
Quick guide:
Source: http://guides.codepath.com/ios/Adding-Image-Assets
For help, look at the App Icon section on this link: http://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/8.0/#/dev10510b1f7

Delphi-XE4 iOS uploading new releases somehow ignored

I have a very mysterious problem.
I am somehow not uploading my new app versions correctly even if everything it seemingly correct. I determine this by download the "new" versions and seeing nothing has changed.
Before release I test my changes are included and working on device-debug + device-adhoc.
I then build and deploy for app store. Before uploading my .ipa file into "Application Loader" I make sure the .ipa file has just been generated. I then select it and the upload/verification process goes find without errros and some days later I get a message new app has been released...
I then uninstall my existing app (just to make sure) and download and install the new app version from appstore - it is still the same. This is driving me nuts. I think I have tried to eliminate potential places where I could have errored, but somehow somewhere something is going terrible wrong for me. This is a fairly recent new problem - never had it in the past.
I am hoping if somehow can think of ways I can diagnose at what steps this is going wrong... I know it must be me that have an error somewhere. I recognize when something looks like a "Doh!" thing, but I believe I have tried a varity of methods to pinpoint it.
I have also tried clear out out scratch/temp directory before building + deploying. However, I am still wondering. Could it be some cache/path setting somewhere that makes Delphi compile incorrect app executable only when doing release builds? (I have of course also long time ago deleted all old directory paths that could contain earlier builds, but still...)
I did not see that you have already tried it on a new buddy phone & it worked. So editing my answer.
Can you try to remove your device ID from the profile settings in developer page & give a try downloading it.
There may be problem in building & compiling with Delphi.
Here is a post that differentiates between the same.
Please do see the accepted answer for that question here.
Hope that helps. (I know you are really pissed off waiting for the whole long app approval process & annoyed seeing the same old version.)
I had a buddy try download the latest app version, and he successfully and ran the new version... So I now must assume it is somehow my iPhone that is strange. I remove all app instances (debug, old appstore download) - then download the new version from app store. After that, my iPhone shows the "new" text on the launch icon, but still launches an old version... somehow
