On-demand resources uploading failure - ios

Recently I have faced with problem of uploading on demand resources. I am using Xcode 9.0 for uploading app to AppStore and every uploading finishes successfully. But looking at iTunes Connect build details I can see, that on-demand resources are enabled, but there are 0 assets packs for this build.
There is one more interesting moment in this problem. Build number 3 of my app also was uploaded with on-demand resources and everything works great with that build. But builds number 4 and 5 doesn't have assets packs included. I reviewed changes in application - there are no changes connected with on-demand resources at all.
In Xcode->Build Settings -> Assets ->Embed Asset Packs in Product Bundle is set to No. Also, size of one asset pack is around 5MB, total size of all packs around 150MB.
Maybe, someone had this problem too? Thanks.
I have checked Product folder inside the Xcode archive - there are all 36 assets packs, but iTunes Connect still shows 0 packs.
It seems, that it happened not once. Developers had the same problem one year ago. I think, we should report a bug to Apple.
We tried to upload app with on-demand resources using Application Loader, but result was the same.
We tried to revert code to version where everything works great with on-demand resources and upload the same binary with different version number to iTC, but result is the same.
UPDATE 5 We received an answer from Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS)
Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS).
Our engineers have reviewed your request and have determined that you are experiencing a known issue for which there is no known workaround at this time.
I will post any updates here connected to this issue.

In Xcode 10 it won't allow ODR Anymore unless you go back to legacy mode
so this works for me

Unfortunately I cannot provide a solution to your problem... only tell you we have the same problem and what we've tried so far.
We have not changed anything connected with ODRs and every IPA uploaded to iTunes Connect shows "0 asset packs". The build currently available on the App Store has the same set of asset packs and is listed correctly in iTunes Connect.
We've tried the following:
creating a clean build;
changing the version and build numbers;
uploading with the Application Loader instead of Xcode;
validated the IPA - it does include the OnDemandResources directory with the correct number of items and files that look fine -;
using a different Mac to upload;
deleting everything in the "DerivedData" directory.
iTunes Connect still insists that all the uploaded IPAs use On Demand Resources but have no asset packs, and if you install them through TestFlight they consider the ODR tag as invalid. This doesn't happen when installing the App with Xcode, then the ODRs work as expected.
We've already written to Apple (both the iTunes Connect team and as a technical support ticket).
We will probably try more things while we wait for Apple's response.
Also tried uploading the commit that 'represents' the App currently published, simply changing the version number. It didn't work, asset packs still not recognized.
One thing that might have changed since we uploaded is that we installed Xcode 9.1 beta. We don't use the beta for uploading, nor are the command line tools set to use the beta version of said tools.

(Edited) We were struggling with the same issue for about a week but tried uploading a new build today, and though it still says: On Demand Resources Yes | 0 Asset Packs ... it turned out the build works just fine. Perhaps there was some change today and you should try a new build and see if it works.
We tried most of the options mentioned above before, that is rebuilding the project, using Application Loader, updating Xcode etc. but it still didn't work so we just continued to upload and test the testflight build.
(I know it's not much of an answer and would post it as a comment but looks like it's not possible without enough reputation)

This happened to me today, it was asset image that was linked under
TARGET -> Resource Tags check if any image from assets is added there or not


AppStore - Build not found

I archived a new version of application on XCode and uploaded it on app store using XCode , however when I open all builds from app store connect , I am not able to find the build. Thus I am not able to choose the build on the version. to submit for review.
I'm having the same issue as well, it has been 20 hours since I upload my build when I'm writing this and it's still nowhere to be seen.
I also tried to upload a second build and it's also not showing.
So I believe it's an Apple issue and not isolated, looks like we can only wait for now.
Edit: It works now. I assume it works for everyone now.
I also had this issue this morning. I have just now uploaded a new build of my app and the new build now appears, the missing one still doesn't appear. You will need to change the version number and re-archive your app, as otherwise it will be rejected as a redundant upload.
Update after 10 minutes the new build also disappears. Awesome..
After archieved file uploaded successfully it will go into processing stage. Where they are checking the internal settings using the automated tools.
Things will be checked like if any permission issues coming etc.
Lets say of example if you are using camera into your application but you have not given permission into.plist file than it will get failed into processing & removed build from the App Store.
Also if you have set up the permission properly but not given instructions that how & why this gets used than also build will get failed into processing stage. So there can be various reasons.
Ofcourse they will send you an email to your Admin email Id about the build failed while processing with the reason so by that you can resolve the issue.
Hope this will helps to everyone.

Ios share extension does not work when installed by testflight but works installed by xcode

Installed with testflight the application does appear in the list of target applications to share an image with. When I select my application icon in the list I do get a normal Post dialog. After pressing "Post" in the dialog the application does open but nothing else happens.
When the same version of application is installed with xcode the shared file is delivered and the application displays the shared image.
I am not even sure how to debug such an issue as the application installed by testflight does not appear in the list of installed applications in xcode Devices window. Nothing that I can find in device logs either.
Please suggest any approach to troubleshooting the issue.
Update: I found a way to get much more detailed logs from device than the one provided by xcode's "Devices" window: deviceconsole utility. This gives at least some information to approach troubleshooting.
Update 1: It turns out that the application installed through ad hoc ipa file exported from the same archive that was submitted to testflight shows the same problem. This allows much quicker testing turn around.
This answer indicates that the problem can be caused by "Deployment Target" of extension set above the ios version of test device. I did try different combination of this setting in the application and extension, nothing helped thus far.
Update 2: I created code-level support request with apple for this issue and provided full source of the application to them. After few months of apathetic communications they concluded that the problem is due to a bug and suggested to create report Apple Bug Reporter. I did that and after another few months of more apathetic communications the issue was promptly closed on the basis that the application does not crash. Frustrating, but I still need to resolve the problem, now looks like without help from vendor.
If the deployment target is higher than the version number of the actual phone, your code cannot run. So the only choice is reducing the deployment target of the extension to be the same as the app.
I’d check if you have somehow set different deployment targets for debug and release.

Xcode 9 issues after cloning repo

This is an app I'm helping out with remotely. I have some issues right after cloning repo..
Assets folder is marked as modified. git status results: modified: AppName/Resources/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json. One of many compile warnings says "A 1024x1024 app store icon is required for iOS apps". Is new 1024x1024 asset placeholder the modification that was made?
Many warnings:
The app is running well in App Store and has support for iPhoneX, so if I clone, shouldn't all this stuff be sorted out already? I still see layout issues when I run in simulator on any device size that were apparently fixed for iphoneX compatibility. When I was running Xcode 8.3 I didn't have these issues.
I need to add a feature, push and make build available on TestFlight, but I'm worried about pushing with all these compile errors & bet it wont even archive with missing 1024x1024 asset.
Should I just go back to previous version of Xcode rather than sticking with 9.1 or resolve all this stuff myself? Devs aren't really available for me to consult with since initial app was developed through full-service software dev company.
Im mainly in contact with business ops/project managers who don't really have knowledge of tech at this level. Im no seasoned dev myself so I'd like some advice here before expressing concerns with managers or getting strings pulled to talk with devs who last worked on it.
I'm hoping the first comment isn't that this question doesn't belong here. I think its a fine line.
Thanks for your time.
The app in the appstore could be submitted and released to the appstore with issues listed in the issue navigator of the xcode on posted screenshot.
So, switching to a version of Xcode which was used for a last submit to the app store by previous developers does not guarantee that those issues will be not present.
There is only one issue which you have to resolve is "1024x1024 app store icon is required for iOS app" and this can be done only within Xcode 9

Strange Errors on Archive Validation

I've had an iOS project in fairly stable condition up until Xcode 8's public release. After a bit of confusion with the Migrator, I finally convinced the compiler that I did not want to go Swift 3 yet, and that my code was indeed valid Swift 2.3. Not sure if this at all relates to what the Organizer does in validating my long-awaited archive with some long-overdue fixes for iOS 10, but we'll see...
Anyway, I got Xcode to archive my latest build (which runs fine on my iPhone 5s by the way). I tell Organizer to "Validate..." in preparation for an upload to iTunes Connect. After a good deal of doing its thing, it finally spits this at me:
Been at this for three days now. Application Loader gives me something similar, but not much more helpful:
Following the suggestions in this answer, I find that every single one of my compiled assets read as sRGB, not 16-bit, or P3. Aside: When does an API analysis file get "too large"? I mean, sure I use Apple's APIs a lot, but I can't be alone in that. That's what they're for, right?
I've tried (almost) everything I can think of. I've redone my code signing a dozen different ways, read and recombobulated the build settings wherever I thought could be relevant, and tried every combination of bitcode and symbol inclusion available to me. Just about everything I could come up with short of migrating to Swift 3! Could that really be my solution? It's a rather big jump, and with the time I have, I'd prefer to get this working build out to my users before I'm slammed too hard to shore up the updated codebase.
I can't seem to find anything on "ITunesSoftwareServiceAuthenticationErrorDomain", or this mysterious "error 434". The only reference I've found so far leads to a dead StackOverflow question. Really wish the author hadn't removed it... Wonder if he found his answer?
So my question is as follows: What am I doing wrong to get these errors, and how can I fix them? I'd rather not have to upload without symbols or bitcode, so if that's the workaround, I'd like to know why, so I'm not limiting myself for something dumb.
I had the same problem with Xcode 8.2 while submitting my application:
ITunesSoftwareServiceAuthenticationErrorDomain error 434.
Solution: I switched to different network and it worked for me.
Bump the build number and validate again.
Had the exact same problem. I tried upgrading to Sierra which seemed to update bits of Xcode etc. The new error message was formatted differently, so I could not see the "434"
(With 1 success in 15 attempts (I had to tweak a version number in a string in the app, so didn't choose to upload after that brief moment of joy), i just uploaded the archive anyway, and after 2 hours of processing, it was accepted. I will update when my new app version is live to verify this error can be safely ignored, at least in some cases (e.g. I checked all my graphics' color profiles, etc.).
Do the below steps :-
1. Analyze the project. (From Product Menu)
2. Click on Archive. (From Product Menu)
3. Select the development team for provisioning.
4. From summary window unselect "Include bitcode" and click on Validate button.
Now, It will working fine.
I solved it by uploading my app through Application Loader.
Archive app Export ipa iOS Deployment
Xcode-> open developer tool -> Application loader
I had the same problem while I was trying to submit the app to client's iTunesConnect account. I've signed in with new apple id, downloaded the certificates and provisionin profiles but still got this error:
(ITunesSoftwareServiceAuthenticationErrorDomain error 434.)
How to fix this error?
Try to remove Provisioning Profiles files at ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
Make new Build and Archive the app. Xcode will create new Provisioning Profiles and submit the app to iTunesConnect.
Just to share this.
Quit xcode and re-login as suggested by members does not work for me. I solved it by using "Application Loader"
Steps: 1) change the version and build in your App 2) archive again for new file submission and export file to desktop 3) goto top menu: Open Developer Tool > Application Loader (if you don't have this , search, download and install this plug init) 4) upload the new version archived file. Done
You will find them in iTune Connect. From here process to My Apps > choose the rejected app > change the version and click on the new uploaded archive file, file will be processing..
5) time to resubmit :) cheers
Clicked Valid until it succeeded, 3rd time.
Since there seem to be many solutions to this problem, it may just be an issue not related to anything developers have control over and the "solutions" seem to be "solutions" because after some action was taken, it succeeded. The action I took was the non-action... and it was successful.
Hope this helps, as this is a stressful problem to have when you cannot upload your app and muddling around in Xcode to fix it you might break something else.
I fixed it by upload using Application Loader.
Besides, after upload the app i receive the warning about Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description and Privacy - Camera Usage Description, so that, please make sure you have them in your info
Hope it help!
I had the same problem. In my case it was caused by following. I had a lot of png-files in assets.xcassets and some of them had AdobeRGB Color profile. I changed the profiles to sRGB and xcode validated the archive with no error.
Frankly speaking, when I changed the profiles some other strange errors occured, but they dissapeared by themselves when I tried to re-validate the acrchive several hours later (I did nothing just waited).
If this occurred randomly, try to delete that archive and make sure you have "Generic iOS Device" selected as target when you run Product > Archive again. This solved it for me.
I Got the same issues when i try first time.Next time it Validated successfully. Please check network once before trying second time.
2.Close Xcode
3.Open Xcode
Just Clear all file in Path ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Go to Xcode Select Provisioning profile again and then it auto-generate again.
So It will be working fine.
In my case it was the following:
my account had been logged out and I had to enter the password again
Xcode v8.0 had to be updated to 9.x to be able to publish to the App Store (as of July 2018)
I fixed this problem by updating Xcode from 8.2 to 9.
Apparently there was a compatibility issue with an SDK used internally. Xcode was not helping with it's error message. I discovered it by using the Application Loader to upload the archive. Application Loader's error message made some sense.

iOS OTA Distribution "unable to download" immediately upon clicking the link

I have an iPad app that we are distributing over the air for QA and Beta testers; we have both a debug and and a release config that we are building. Our build process puts together the website and the PLIST manifest file that that iOS needs to install the app. The release build downloads correctly, but the debug build does not. The only difference between the two manifest files is the application that it's pointing to. I've checked server permissions, signing issues (the same app that won't install OTA can be pushed via iTunes) all to no avail.
Most of the other articles out here deal with the file nearly installing and then choking (that's typically the wrong provisioning file).
Thanks for any help you can provide.
I've gotten this error before when the device has a version of iOS below the supported version of the application.
Check the url on plist file. Make sure it has correct path with http://
It turns out the problem was two-fold. One of the iPads had too old of iOS, and the other was there was a hidden character in the URL
It's also possible that the bundle ID is incorrect. We have multiple bundle IDs so we used to get them mixed up. In addition the icon URL is incorrect. Had that problem too
