How to change the displayed title of a soft keyboard in iOS? - ios

Here's how my soft keyboard's title is currently displayed among the keyboard choices in iOS:
I'd prefer for it to be displayed like the Gboard example above it, simply as "ASETNIOP" on the top line and "Multiple languages" below, as shown in the mockup here:
I can change the lowercased prefix if I modify the extension's "Display Name" in Target->General->Identity, but I can't eliminate it (or the associated dash) entirely:
And (although I don't actually need to do this) it doesn't look like it's possible to change the main application's Display Name at all - it's grayed out:
Can anyone let me know where I need to go to make these changes, and where I need to go to change the Language designation as well?

For multi language, open your info.plist as source code of extension part.
Then find
replace with

The name of the keyboard application extension (or appex) iOS displays in the menu under "Globe" button is taken from the Keyboard appex's metadata. In your case this is asentitop target. So, check/apply the following for this target:
Go to the target's Info.plist and change the following keys.
Advanced setup would employ localization for your custom keyboard extension display name.
Go to your Xcode project and select your keyboard extension target
Go to General tab and set Display Name to ${PRODUCT_NAME}
Go to Info tab and set CFBundleName to ${PRODUCT_NAME}
Make sure CFBundleDisplayName is set to ${PRODUCT_NAME}
Now, this setup allows you to set the Keyboard appex's name from a single place -- Build Settings tab
Go to Build Settings tab and search for PRODUCT_NAME. Edit Product Name to be ASETNIOP
Localize Info.plist and add these keys to respective localizations:
"CFBundleDisplayName" ="ASETNIOP";
"CFBundleName" = "ASETNIOP";


ios "Copy to myApp" in activity view

i'm working on developing share extension.
I add NSExtensionActivationRule in info.plist. and my app appear on activity view when it match file type.
But in some app(not for all) trying to share image (ex. google drive..) this (Copy to *) icon has already on the activity view before i start develop. so i have two my app icon on activity view/ first one i created, second already in it.
i try to make a change in plist reomve another attributes, but none of them working correctly
i want to disappear "Copy to MyApp" let me know someone knows about this.
Finally after long research and test i found solution~!!!
there is "Document types" key in info.plist in project.
My Project has been set All files supports so I delete this property .
Now that Save to MyApp icon disappear in UIActivityViewController.

How do I rename my keyboard extension?

I'm working on a custom iOS keyboard, and I've managed to rename my project. But the actual keyboard itself still appears to be the previous name. How do I solve this?
You need to change the Bundle Display Name (CFBundleDisplayName) in your Info.plist file for that extension.
If your keyboard extension is called "XYZ Keyboard," it would be located in the "Supporting Files" folder in the "XYZ Keyboard" folder.
You'd change this key:
If it's not there, you can add it by clicking the plus icon that appears when you hover over "Information Property List" and beginning to type "Bundle Display Name" (it should autocomplete). It may also appear as CFBundleDisplayName if you have Raw Keys/Values turned on.
You can change the name of your keyboard by changing the Bundle display name string in the Info.plist in your keyboard extension folder> supporting files>Info.plist>Bundle display name.
In reply to your comment, the keyboards names display as "HostAppName - KeyboardName", make sure the Bundle dislay name in both the host app's Info.plist and the keyboard extension's Info.plist are both what you want (see sidebar in screenshot, both info.plists need updating).

Cannot find Bundle Display Name in Info.plist

If my app's product name was "AppName: Some Description", I just want "AppName" to show as a name underneath the app icon on iOS home screen. I did some searching and found this SO question (Change name of iPhone app in Xcode 4). I'm using Xcode 6 and I cannot find the Bundle Display Name in the Info.plist. Can someone please tell me how to do this in Xcode 6.
Simply place your cursor to the Info.plist and click on the + button. Select "Bundle display name" and insert name in the value section.
Bundle Name is what you have to set in the info.plist to display the name on the iOS home screen
you still have bundle display name in xcode 6. Just add it in the info.plist
To change the name appearing underneath your app icon, modify the CFBundleDisplayName key in your Info.plist.
Click the disclosure triangle next to the "Supporting Files" subfolder to reveal its content.
Select the Info.plist file to reveal a property list editor of keys and values.
By default, Xcode displays a human-readable string of a key rather than its actual name. So, search the property list for "Bundle display name". Skip to step 5 if your property list already shows Bundle display name.
If it doesn't, add it to your list as follows:
- Click on any entry in your list, then click the "+" button.
- Choose Bundle display name from the ensuing pop-up menu.
Double-click in the Value column of Bundle display name.
Enter a new value for Bundle display name as shown in Figure
Technical Q&A QA1823

xcode 6 iOS launchScreen.xib localization issue

In my app I have three languages. The launchScreen.xib has three localzations too.
Like the localizable.strings I changed the text that should be used by the Object-ID.
When launching the App there is always the english text used, not the localized. And there is a "X" int he symbol of the LaunchScreen.xib and LaunchScreen.xib (Base). Why? How can I solve that issue?
The correct answer to specifically localizing the launch screen is here:
Localization of Default.png is not working
And for shortcutting I'll paste the main steps:
Create InfoPlist.strings file. (File,New,Resource,Strings)
Localize it and add the key "UILaunchStoryboardName" with the value being the name of the xib you want to be shown as the launchscreen for that localisation.
For e.g. for the Spanish version, add your launch screen key and name for the Spanish version of your Launch screen in the newly created InfoPlist.strings localized for spanish.
"UILaunchStoryboardName" = "Launch_es";
As Apple's document, launchscreen will never locale your text:
"Avoid including text on your launch screen. Because launch screens
are static, any displayed text won’t be localized."
I would like to give clear description of fix according to previous info.
I got the same issue and couldn't find clear description. I have Xcode 8.2.1 and Swift 3.0 now.
I copied LaunchScreen.storyboard and added it to project with name Launch_ru.storyboard. After I did localization of Launch_ru.storyboard.
Next need to choose it and add Base Localization.
Next need to add to added during main localization file InfoPList.string key "UILaunchStoryboardName" = "Launch_ru";
where Launch_ru is name of my new Launch_ru.storyboard.
These three actions fixed my issue.
Fawkes' answer is the right one:
Create InfoPlist.strings file. (File,New,Resource,Strings)
Localize it and add the key "UILaunchStoryboardName" with the value being the name of the xib you want to be shown as the launchscreen for that localisation.
One thing to note is that, all the launch screen storyboards that you'll end up having need to be barked as "Base localization" in the Files Inspector:
If you accidentally mark them as a localization for a different language, it will not work (it will just display a black screen!)
I had same issue, after that i used MCLocalization it is very easy to integrate in your app. It worked perfectly for me

Appstore icon glossy effect?

I know that in order to disable any gloss effect on my icon, on the device and on the Appstore (512x512), I have to set in my Info.plist file:
Icon already includes glossary effect: YES
But I have read here, that there is something called : UIPrerenderedIcon that i couldn't find.
Is the first boolean in the plist file which I mentioned above good enough or do I need both?
UIPrerenderedIcon and Icon already includes glossary effect are one and the same. The Icon already includes glossary effect is the readable representation of UIPrerenderedIcon by the Plist editor included in XCode.
To know for sure, right click on you plist file > Open As > Source Code and you'll see the names of all the values set. Amongst them you'll find UIPrerenderedIcon.
Setting YES on UIPrerenderedIcon should disable the gloss effect on your icon.
