Unity ARKit automatically positions terrain on startup - ios

I just started learning ARKit with Unity. I've downloaded SDK from Asset store, imported it, opened demo scene and added a terrain. I've added it under HitCubeParent as a child:
I've added a Unity AR Hit Test Example Script on a terrain and linked HitCubeParent to it:
When I build a game on iPhone, ARKit is working, but one thing that bothers me is that terrain is positioned automatically when scene starts (even though i don't tap on the screen). It causes bad positioning like terrain floating in the air or similar issues. I would like to modify the kit so when the scene starts, only generated blue plane is visible. User should then adjust the position of a plane to a table or similar flat surface and tap on the screen to position the terrain on that plane.
Like this:
Any good tutorials on this ? I've searched a lot but couldn't find anything usefull.

Disable the Terrain and enable it after the first successful ARHitTestResult. See line 68 in UnityARHitTestExample.cs:
if (HitTestWithResultType (point, resultType))
This is actually confusing since this HitTest method actually positions the m_HitTransform and is not merely a test.
In this if block you could enable your terrain, after you disabled it in the Awake method.


SCNParticleSystem partially hidden or occluded in wrong manner

I have an issue with particle systems, which can be, in rare cases, kind of occluded in a wrong manner. The particle system you see on the print-screens is a sphere (with invisible material, material transparency = 0.0), that emits particles from its surface. Like 250 particles per second - no magic - and the particle systems works in 99% as it should.
You see also a floor (which is a SCNPlane) that has a very large diameter, of like 100m x 100m. The occlusion happens when the camera is flying by and the angle of the view changes a little bit, because the camera moves smoothly. Depending on the camera angle, it can happen - as you see on the second image - the particle system is occluded partially in a wrong manner, like it would stay behind the horizon - but it does not - it hoovers 2m above the floor and has a radius of 1m.
Did anyone ran into a similar issue? Is there something that could be done, to make this render correctly in all cases (from all viewing angles).
Sometimes the particle system disappears even completely. i.Ex when the camera looks from (20m) above directly on the particle system.
(The scene uses physically based rendering using SceneKit - the background is a simple skybox)
You asked if anyone ran into a similar issue?
I can answer yes!
Depending on the point of view (camera position), and the object on which the SCNParticleSystem is attached, I'm getting weird occlusions of the emitted particles.
I have no SCNPlane, but I have a large SCNSphere around the scene showing a 360 video. If I remove the sphere, the bug doesn't occur anymore.
It might be a regression with iOS 14.x and macOS 11.2, as the same application running under iOS 13.6.1 doesn't show the problem !
If somebody needs. I had similar problem and was trying to set different settings of the particle system for a while.
One of solutions was increased "Rendering order" of the node, that contains the particles, but particles disappear if you change camera orientation.
By chance, I discovered that bug happens when I add specific node to the scene. One difference I found, this node had a material with Transparency mode "Dual layer". I tried this one to make transparent texture.
I changed mode to "Default" and it helped.
Xcode screen

Draw circle and drag touch around SKSpriteNode

I am making a Sprite Kit game where the player (basically a stickman) has a running animation and a parallax scrolling background.
Now I have enemies that come near my player. To destroy these enemies sometimes I have to touch the enemies node to launch a rocket or attack them with an attack button or just jump over them.
Everything is working fine, but I want to add some extra moves to destroy them. I want some enemies that you can just destroy if you have drawn a whole circle around them. So imagine they come and you make a circle and then my player launch a laser or something. The problem is I have no idea where to start.
I haven't found anything on the internet. If it's too complicated or almost impossible how about touching my player node and dragging to the enemy?
EDIT: I think I have to create a custom GestureRecognizer that recognizes if a circle is drawn around a sprite and then runs the code. I don't know how this works ?
Yes, it's too complex. Not just from a coding point of view, but also from that of the player's experience.
Anything that requires complex gestures over a large amount of glass is annoying for the player because they're never going to have the same experience. Their finger's moisture and oil content always changes, as does the ambient temperature and cleanliness of their screen.
So big gestures required to be performed quickly (a gaming input like this) will sometimes be fun and smooth, and other times degrade as an experience based on the nature of the above properties.
Best to avoid them for a game's best possible experience.
If you must do it, there's two ways to research how.
Seek out "custom gesture" creation and utilisation through documentation and google, etc.
Think about using some kind of array to store all the points where the player's finger moves through during that circle gesture and attempt to discern if an enemy is within that space and then act accordingly.
--- probably other ways, too. But these jump to mind.

Xcode SpriteKit Designer Clear Background Red X

I'm not sure what the issue is, but I'm trying to design a level in Apple's Sprite Kit editor, and I'm running into a problem with SKSpriteNodes that have a transparent background. Sometimes the background doesn't appear as clear. Instead, SpriteKit seems to load a Red X as a background image.
Naturally, I can't have this. Also, it's a problem because I really should be doing all of the level design in the editor instead of manually adding sprites in my Scene code.
Has anyone come across this problem? Could it be a bug in SpriteKit Designer? (There are a number of issues I've had with it since starting to use the tool).
Here is a photo of what it looks like:
I found a kinda hacky way to solve it. Basically, as uchuugaka said, the Red X appears when Sprite Kit fails to load a texture. If you want a clear background, you have to load a clear png file as the background of the sprite. There is no "No Texture" option currently available in the Sprite Kit designer.
Take these steps.
1.) Open any .png file with some transparency in it.
2.) Copy an arbitrary rectangular section of pixels.
3.) Create a new file with said arbitrary pixels.
4.) Save this file as your "clear.png" and import it into your project.
5.) Click on the sprite node with the Big Red X so you can see its setting. Take a screenshot of its position, size, etc. using preview. These settings will get erased when you swap the texture over to clear.png
6.) Swap the texture to clear.png
7.) Re-enter the sprite settings from your screenshot.
8.) Because SpriteKit Editor is currently horribly terribly flawed (see post above), you will need to reset your sprite's physics properites. Set the physics body to none. Then set it to bounding box or circle or alpha mask or whatever you had earlier.
9.) I hope you remembered your collision mask, category mask, and other physics body properties because they just got reset to the default. Re-enter what you had earlier or you will get a very unexpected result.

SKPhysicsWorld bodyWithTexture not working well with complex shapes

Am I the only one whose having issues with the new bodyWithTexture function of SKPhysicsBody?
I'm new to iOS development and maybe it's me, but I'm trying to create a game where I need to detect if a ball is inside a path.
I'm loading both from images dynamically (as the level proceeds the paths are more and more complex), and I'm setting a physics body to both the ball (bodyWithCircle) and from the dynamic path which is a PNG file of a path and all the rest is transparent background. I'm using the new bodyWithTexture function (yes I know it's supported only under iOS 8), and after assigning bit masks I've defined a contact between the ball and path and am informed with begin/end contact.
SKSpriteNode *lvlPath = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:currentLevel.imagePath];
lvlPath.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width/2, self.frame.size.height/2);
lvlPath.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithTexture:lvlPath.texture size:lvlPath.frame.size];
now for simple paths like straight line, it works great. once it comes to complicated paths - the mechanism is going crazy, at least in my simluator (running iOS 8).
i've created another simple app just to check this issue, and saw that it's going crazy when the path is a complex shape. when the ball enters the path in one direction it seems to be working (begin/end contact), but going the reverse direction suddenly acts weird when still inside the path it reports to have ended contact, and then like randomly flips begin/end contact.
help... since the levels are loaded dynamically, this is a really cool feature for me, saving me the definitions of all levels as CGPathRef and creating a polygon for each level (and perhaps device).
thanks all,
example screenshot:
in this example the ball with the arrow is inited using bodyWithCircle, and the C shaped object is inited using bodyWithTexture. I'm debug printing "didBeginContact" and "didEndContact" and it freaks out in the top line there, you can see it's with "didEndContact" while the two object are definitely at contact. If I jiggle it (I'm moving it with the cursor) it suddenly flips to "didBeginContact".
With Simpler objects (like horizontal/vertical lines with round corners) it works perfectly.

Lime for Corona SDK - Camera focus on layer

Is there any solution for setting up focus on layer in Lime framework.
I would like to use this on game called "keepie uppie" with scrolling background (camera).
When you hit the ball the entire frame together with a ball and tennis racket moves up.
The figure below shows how I would like to make it work:
Check out the Camera from Lime. It basically creates a display group and moves everything relative to that. You can focus the camera on one of your game objects. The github repo includes an example of doing just that.
