Installing Ios apps from Itunes Using AppleScript - ios

I am using Apple Script to search apps in iTunes, but after getting search results i need to extract the information about search results and then click on Get button to download ipa into my Mac.
tell application "iTunes"
open location "itms://"
end tell


URL Schemes to personal apps

Is there a way to use URL schemes to open another app (not a common one like maps), without having access to the source code of that app? I'm working for a company that has several apps, and they've tasked me to build another app that will concatenate all of their other apps. If I really need to, I can email my boss and ask about setting up the codes.
If it helps, I'm using XCode 7.3.1, in Swift 2.
By the way, I checked for similar questions, but couldn't find any. If you do find one, send a comment with the link and I'll delete this question if the answers the the other question help.
Thanks in advance!
Download the application onto your device (sync to iTunes to get the IPA) or to iTunes. Right click and choose show in explorer or finder.
Now you have the IPA. Change the extension to .zip and unzip it. Open the payload folder.
Go into the application's folder (Right-Click Show Package Contents on OSX).
Open "Info.plist" and look for: URL Types key. One of the sub-keys in there will open the application.
Download the app on any iOS device.
Plug it into the computer.
Download Apple Configurator 2 from the Mac Appstore.
Next open apple configurator and right click on your iOS device and press "Add".. then find the app you want to download. Once you find it, double click it and it will tell you that the app is already installed. DO NOT click any of the options on the popup.
Open a terminal and type:
cd ~/Library/Group Containers/
Then type: open . to open the directory.. You should now see the .ipa file..

How to run iOS app in iPhone without USB connection to Mac

I have developed my first apple app and i wish to run it in iphone (its working well in XCode). By running in iphone i don't mean to connect it with mac and run with USB connection.
I mean something like there will be uuid of iphone and i upload my app some where and it can be run by Iphone user without any wire-connection to my MAC where i have app in xcode.
Is it possible to achieve by anyway? Is that way to achieve is free of cost ?
What I understand from you question is you want to distribute your application to others,
If you have apple developers account , you can use TestFlight ITunes Connect, where you can distribute upto 1000 users
Or you could use other free providers like,
I personally recommend Fabric , it's free, has lot of features
In your project set your distribution profiles in code signing options
Then click on product-->Build wait for a moment until it opens an Organizer window .
After opening organizer window select save for AdHoC deployment --> choose your organization--> select for all devices compatibility(if you are running with latest Xcode 7.3 version otherwise devices compatibility window won't appear) click next next.
Finally you can get an api file in the Organizer window. In that select the first api file which has recently you built -> click on export to your any finder location.
Then open your api file location in your Finder.
Then open your browser and open and drag and drop your api in the specified field and wait until it reaches 100% to upload and click on send so that you can get a link. Now you can share your link.
Note: In iOS device he can install the api by using safari browser with the link we have shared

Get installed app's icon

Is it possible to get the icon file of an app (on NOT-jailbroken devices)?
Could URL schemes be used to do this? Is there an API to get the icon or the only way to obtain the image is by downloading it from iTunes?
iOS apps run in Sandbox mode, which means that you can't access it's information, including icons.
If you need icons, you may get it from iTunes preview page, but you will face many other problems to get it done as, for example, how you will get the list of installed apps and it's id's on iTunes.

Cannot upload iOS simulator build for Facebook App review

I literally cannot upload iOS simulator build for Facebook App review.
I have an iOS universal (iPhone/iPad) video game that I need to submit to Facebook review in order to get approval for "publish_actions" permission.
I've successfully built the iOS simulator build, compressed it to a ZIP archive and then it simply doesn't get uploaded to the corresponding Facebook web site form.
What I've already tried:
I've tried to upload different versions of my app - one is 216MB
compressed, the other is 360MB. Could it be the size of the archive
that is too big?
I've tried to use different archive programs to make the ZIP
I've tried to upload it from different browsers (Safari, Chrome)
and platforms (Mac OS X, Windows 7).
No success at all.
I do the following steps:
Click the "provide a version" link
Click the "Use an Uploaded Simulator Build" button
Click the "Choose a File" button
Select the ZIP archive with the app
Then I see a spinning progress bar
And then - nothing happens.
I've additionally tried the following things as advised:
Created a new empty application. Did a simulator build. And successfully uploaded it. Size of the archive was 23KB
Enabled network state logging in dev tools of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and indeed there's no sign of data transfer when uploading my application archive
I've filed a bug to facebook
They know about this issue.
Most internet connections have much crappier upload speed than download speed. Uploading 200MB would really take a long while. How much did you wait?
Try making an empty new project and uploading a build of it to see if it goes up.
Try checking your network activity while you're waiting to see if you're really uploading anything.
File a bug # . Facebook support will help you figure out the issue much faster.

How does DataManPro AppWatch get info about installed apps

How does AppWatch feature in DatamanPro show the icon of the installed apps?
The dataman shows icons of the app that have used data in the certain interval. I believe using sysctl its able to figure out which process is using data, but how does it get the app icon?
I originally believed that its getting the icon from iTunes AppStore search url, but I found out that it does get icon for non-app store apps as well, which means that it is somehow getting that app icon locally from the iOS.
