Exampleprovided not working - google-schemas

I have tried the gmail action example provided here
But no button is coming up in inbox. I am following instructions and doing testing for my gmail account.
Any help will be appreciated

The quickstart sample is perfectly working. I've attached a screenshot as proof:
Check the steps indicated in Creating the project once again and be sure you have both the Code.gs and html file named mail_template. Also, make sure that the function testSchemas is selected in the Select function dropdown menu.


OAuth new tab - mat-icon

I am trying to automate an application that opens new tab. When I analyzed the element it shows as <mat-icon> inside button. I can't find target attribute inside it. Also not able to find JavaScript code. Can you please help me with this scenario.
I am not able to find target or JavaScript code.

VS 2019 - quick action menu items missing

I have two Win10 PC, both with the same installation VS2019 Enterpsrise(Version 16.11.15). Almost the same extensions. But in one VS installation, quick action menu and it's options look like on the picture below.
add missing param nodes
make method synchronous
The other installation is missing every single item above "Change signature.." item.
What am I missing? Can someone help me with this? I'm the most interested in "Add missing param nodes".
I've tried to find over what could be the extension that is incorporating this feature but with no luck.
As we can see in the first screenshot that CS1573 means have no matching param tag in the XML comment.
So you should generate an XML file that contains the documentation comments.
You can refer to the following step to enable this option:
Go to project>Properties>Build>Output
select Generate a file containing API documentation
Now you can check the quick action menu, you will see “Add missing param nodes” in it.

Google reCAPTCHA v3 can't find any token

So it's the first time I'm trying to use the google reCAPTCHA v3 (actually it's the first time I'm using any kind of captcha).
I followed the documentation and a very basic tutorial.
What I understand is that I should be able to see the token in my browser inspector.
The first issue is that i can see the logo on the bottom right of my screen, but there is definitely no token in my input.
The second issue comes from the browser console which indicates 3 kind of errors.
I'm working with Symfony Framework on a local environment.
Any clue would be much appreciated !
My twig & javascript files
Browser screenshot
Content-Security-Policy issues
So i figured out how to get the token....
I just had to remove those lines in the js file:
function onclick(e) {
I still didn't find about the Content-Policy issues.

Branch.io returns me a File Not Found

I'm trying the Branch.io API and I think I'm getting a weird problem because I'm not able to create my links properly: I can use the link for starting the app without parameter: this link http://4t3i.app.link/KDSYTMnSZs.
It works perfectly but as soon as I try to put some parameter following the doc for appending query parameters, it returns a File Not Found Webpage.
I tried:
https://4t3i.app.link/a?%24deeplink_path=article%2Fjan%2F123&%24fallback_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com&channel=facebook&feature=affiliate&user_id=4562&name=Alex (that's the example they give)
I have the feeling I'm really missing something but no idea what. Is that so easy to add parameters: just a/ and then appending parameters??
Alex from Branch.io here:
We recently made a major back-end change to accommodate some new technical limitations that Apple imposed with iOS 9.3.1, and unfortunately it looks like we didn't fully update all our docs yet!
Your links are correct, but the /a is no longer necessary. So they would be:
When you open these, you'll be able to see the link clicks coming through on this dashboard page
Thanks for noticing this. I'll make sure we get the documentation changedto reflect the new system.
Edit: also note that those examples above create new links with the specified parameters. If you simply want to append an additional parameter to an existing link, you'd do this: http://4t3i.app.link/KDSYTMnSZs?jobId=saucisse

Umbraco 7 add new Item to Dashboard

I am trying to add new "Section" Item to Umbraco 7. Without Success.
What I am trying to achieve is to Have additional Icon in left side menu after members icon.
I saw , google analytics package adding icon there after installation.
I've tried to change dashboard.config , application.config , without success. Can anyone point to me to some tutorial on how to do it , googling the subj , didn't brought results.
Markus has some good tips but his blog was written for 7.0 - some things have changed in 7.1. Work through Tim Geyssens's blog posts http://www.nibble.be/?p=434 http://www.nibble.be/?p=440
One very important tip - remember to add the section to the users login account! You might have done everything right and missed adding your custom section to your user account!
Markus Johansson runs through the process on his blog, here.
