Prestashop 1.6 Country localization, address format not working - prestashop-1.6

I'm attempting to localize a prestashop 1.6 website to be local to Gambia. I've configured the system as follows to only have mobile_phone in the address field
Localization > Countries
Localization > Configuration
account creation
I've disabled all other countries than Gambia.
If I click on "Use My modified format" or I don't click on any of those buttons I get the same result of too many undesired address fields.
Some references:
How to set the default language and localization
How to configure customer billing address to remove fields
What am I doing wrong?
Regards Conteh


How can set currency after price in hybris?

I want to show the prices as 45.99 Kč
It is showing as Kč 45.99.
I tried formatters.impex
INSERT_UPDATE PriceFormatter;owner(CountryConfiguration.code)[unique=true];patternPositives[lang=cs_CZ];patternNegatives[lang=cs_CZ];decimalSeparator[lang=cs_CZ];groupingSeparator[lang=cs_CZ];currencySymbol;
;CZ;#{groupingSeparator}##0{decimalSeparator}00 {currencySymbol};- #{groupingSeparator}##0{decimalSeparator}00 {currencySymbol};,;space;Kč;
I can't find PriceFormatter in version 2005.Can it be custom type which is developed by your team?
Currency position information coming from localization. You can check DefaultPriceDataFactory class. It is determine current locale with CommerceCommonI18NService and I18NService then determine format in createCurrencyFormat method.
I am not sure CZ currency format but you can check it in your/server NumberFormat localization. If your java localization not mach your need, you can change it.
Another way is editing price.tag file for frontend to change using price and currency instead of formattedPrice.

Change default language for TFS 2018

I have an installation of Team Foundation Server 2018. The problem is the web interface defaults to English (United States). I need to change this to English (Canada) as the default but this is not in the Language drop down.
The Windows Server is set to use English (Canada) so I need to know how to update TFS. The main reason I need this is that the US write their dates backwards and this causes all sort of issues with work tracking as people assume the date is the correct way around and we end up with tasks due on the 11th of January when they should be for the 1st of November.
I know one possible work around would be for everyone to set their language specifically to English (United States) and then change the default date pattern so the date is correct, but this is not satisfactory as it involves work on the part of hundreds of users.
The best way to solve this is to configure Windows to send the primary browser locale as 'en-CA', this can be done through an Active Directory Policy, with TFS configured to use "Browser" as locale it should default to the correct date format for that locale.
(See the locale switching to "Nederlands (Nederland)" which is my locale)
If users are using a different browser, they may have to configure that as well, for example, my Chrome configuration:
Alternatively, you can set the language for each users in the TFS Configuration Database for individual users. It can be overridden there in bulk.
update [Tfs_Configuration].[dbo].[tbl_RegistryItems]
[RegValue] = 'dd-MM-yyyy'
ParentPath LIKE '#\Users\%\UserPreferences\'
and ChildItem = 'DatePattern\'
insert into [Tfs_Configuration].[dbo].[tbl_RegistryItems]
(PartitionId, ParentPath, ChildItem, RegValue)
1 as PartitionId,
'#\Users\' + lower(convert(nvarchar(36), tbl_Identity.Id)) + '\UserPreferences\' as ParentPath,
'DatePattern\' as ChildItem,
'dd-MM-yyyy' as RegItem
from tbl_Identity
IsGroup = 0
and Domain = 'AzureAD'
and not exists
select 1 from [Tfs_Configuration].[dbo].[tbl_RegistryItems]
where ParentPath = '#\Users\' + lower(convert(nvarchar(36), tbl_Identity.Id)) + '\UserPreferences\'
and ChildItem = 'DatePattern\'
Sorry, the language settings in locale -> user profile do not include all language option such as English (Canada).
According to your description, you could simply change Date pattern under the preferred language which basically contains all the options,
For example, select d-MM-yy, then 1st of November should be 01/11/2018.

zf2 automated translation for dynamic strings

I am working on zf2 translation.I have added some fields in database,I added translated string for each field for each language.
But User can also add field.Suppose user is in English local and added A field in English language only,But later some user accessed the website and he or she knows Spanish,In this case for this user that field which previous user added should displayed in Spanish language.
So in this case how to manage dynamic field translation.Can any one help me for this issue.

CRM Modal Dialog Localization namespace

In one Modal Dialog form (dlg_closeopp.aspx) there's code as such:
<%# Register TagPrefix="loc" Namespace="Microsoft.Crm.Application.Controls.Localization" Assembly="Microsoft.Crm.Application.Components.Application" %>
<loc:Text ResourceId="Web.SFA.opps.dlg_closeopp.aspx_176" runat="server"/>
And when I run this in web browser I see this text at this place "Status". So this is localization resource but I have no idea where it comes from.
What is _176 a line number? Adress?
I want to make a localization as such for my custom Modal dialog.
(My question is in bold).
So this is localization resource but I have no idea where it comes
Short Answer: Language Packs.
Long Answer:
CRM can be localized by using Language Packs, for all the available language packs, out of the box attributes translations are shipped from Microsoft. If you have custom attributes on an entity you want to translate, you need to Export/Import translations.
Create a solution with the entity and the attributes you want to localize. Export the "Translations" out, unzip the file and edit "Crm Translations" using excel file, look for the "Display Strings/Localized Labels" tabs in the excel. Once you have updated your translations, re-zip the file and import into CRM.
What is _176 a line number? Adress?
They are just display string keys used by CRM internally to store key value pairs of translated text. You can find them in the "Display Strings" tab in the "Crm Translations" excel sheet. If you want to use a field's label as a localized string, you'd reference the "Display String Key" like in example you have provided.

Localization of Required field validation message based on language selection from application in MVC

I am developing one MVC4 application, in that there is option for language seletion in my application & based on that selected lanaguage, all label & messages are displayed.In this application i have put one required field validation of MVC, and it will display validation message in english only.I have created two different xml file for Localization in my application folder i.e Resource.resx for english lanaguage & for German langauge. I have used the following code in my Model class :
[Required(ErrorMessageResourceType = (typeof(MyFolder.MyResource.Resource)), ErrorMessageResourceName= "FromDateRequiredMessage")]
[Display(Name = "FromDate", ResourceType = typeof(MyFolder.MyResource.Resource))]
public DateTime FromDate { get; set; }
So here i have Resource.resx xml file and in that i have Key is 'FromDateRequiredMessage' which is same key as in german file but different value.Also i have make the follwing changes in my in web.config file for globalization :
<globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" culture="auto" uiCulture="auto"/>
So, i want that when i select the german language from my application, then it should show me validation error in german language.But here it will show me validation message in english only.
So, now what can i do for this? Please hel me.
Please use method Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute() in your application's Global.asax file. This method will execute before any page request or its validation.
Also set the current culture value in this method.
Simple answer > nothing is wrong!
when you put culture=auto in web.config it works this way, your application will look at the header of the incoming request and look for accept languages and the order of them, so in one request in it you have something like En - Fa ... the application will select the first one and set culture an ui culture to that, so go to your browser language settings and change the order of the languages to test your application.
In order to be able to do this you will need to set the culture. So will provide the user with selection in dropdown etc which they explicity select German,English etc, this will change yoursite to be yoursite/En or yoursight/Gr etc. This article explains in well and gives sample code. the part "Adding UI support to switch languages" has what you need i believe.
