Is there a difference between Forth vocabularies and word lists? - forth

As I read "Programming Forth" by Stephen Pelc, the text seems to imply that vocabularies and word lists may be separate things. I have thought that dictionary vocabulary entries have a name field, code field, etc. so having separate word lists does not make sense to me.
Are word lists just a way of talking about the name fields of Forth words or are word lists actual data structures separate from dictionary entries? (Forth language resources are a bit scarce compared to mainstream languages)

Vocabularies and wordlists are basically the same. I can think of two differences:
Wordlists are specified in the Forth standard. Vocabularies are not, but there's nearly a consensus on how they are used.
A vocabulary has a name. A wordlist just has a numeric id.
A third similar concept is a "lexicon". I haven't seen it used as often as the other two, but I think it's yet another variation or a synonym.
A wordlist is a collection of dictionary entries. It could be a linked list, a hash table, or anything else that works for looking up named entries. The dictionary may be partitioned into several wordlists, i.e. a wordlist is a subset of the dictionary.

A wordlist is the ISO 94 Forth standard name of what is generally called a namespace. wikipedia does a good job in explaining this concept. In Forth multiple namespaces can be coupled to the interpreter which means that words in it can be used, and coupling a namespaces is called "adding the wordlist to the search order". Forth is extensible and has the pretty unique feature that new additions may be added to any wordlist, even one that is not in the search order. That namespace is called CURRENT and the actual, momentaneous search order, consisting of one or more namespaces, is called the CONTEXT. Both can be changed anywhere in an interactive session and anywhere in a compilation.
At the time of creation of the standard there was no consensus of how to give a name to a wordlist, so there is only the word WORDLIST that creates an anonymous namespace and leaves its handle on the stack. The word VOCABULARY was widely in use to create a named namespace, but because there was no consensus about it, VOCABULARY is not part of the standard and one cannot use it in portable programs (which is quite cumbersome, so everybody does it anyway and hopes for the best.)
So to summarize. wordlist as a concept is a namespace. WORDLIST creates an anonymous wordslist and is a standard word. VOCABULARY is not a standard word, mostly it will create a wordlist and couple a name and behaviour to it.


Is there a well-defined difference between "normalizing" and "canonicalizing" data?

I understand canonicalization and normalization to mean removing any non-meaningful or ambiguous parts of of a data's presentation, turning effectively identical data into actually identical data.
For example, if you want to get the hash of some input data and it's important that anyone else hashing the canonically same data gets the same hash, you don't want one file indenting with tabs and the other using spaces (and no other difference) to cause two very different hashes.
In the case of JSON:
object properties would be placed in a standard order (perhaps alphabetically)
unnecessary white spaces would be stripped
indenting either standardized or stripped
the data may even be re-modeled in an entirely new syntax, to enforce the above
Is my definition correct, and the terms are interchangeable? Or is there a well-defined and specific difference between canonicalization and normalization of input data?
"Canonicalize" & "normalize" (from "canonical (form)" & "normal form") are two related general mathematical terms that also have particular uses in particular contexts per some exact meaning given there. It is reasonable to label a particular process by one of those terms when the general meaning applies.
Your characterizations of those specific uses are fuzzy. The formal meanings for general & particular cases are more useful.
Sometimes given a bunch of things we partition them (all) into (disjoint) groups, aka equivalence classes, of ones that we consider to be in some particular sense similar or the same, aka equivalent. The members of a group/class are the same/equivalent according to some particular equivalence relation.
We pick a particular member as the representative thing from each group/class & call it the canonical form for that group & its members. Two things are equivalent exactly when they are in the same equivalence class. Two things are equivalent exactly when their canonical forms are equal.
A normal form might be a canonical form or just one of several distinguished members.
To canonicalize/normalize is to find or use a canonical/normal form of a thing.
Canonical form.
The distinction between "canonical" and "normal" forms varies by subfield. In most fields, a canonical form specifies a unique representation for every object, while a normal form simply specifies its form, without the requirement of uniqueness.
Applying the definition to your example: Have you a bunch of values that you are partitioning & are you picking some member(s) per each class instead of the other members of that class? Well you have JSON values and short of re-modeling them you are partitioning them per what same-class member they map to under a function. So you can reasonably call the result JSON values canonical forms of the inputs. If you characterize re-modeling as applicable to all inputs then you can also reasonably call the post-re-modeling form of those canonical values canonical forms of re-modeled input values. But if not then people probably won't complain that you call the re-modeled values canonical forms of the input values even though technically they wouldn't be.
Consider a set of objects, each of which can have multiple representations. From your example, that would be the set of JSON objects and the fact that each object has multiple valid representations, e.g., each with different permutations of its members, less white spaces, etc.
Canonicalization is the process of converting any representation of a given object to one and only one, unique per object, representation (a.k.a, canonical form). To test whether two representations are of the same object, it suffices to test equality on their canonical forms, see also wikipedia's definition.
Normalization is the process of converting any representation of a given object to a set of representations (a.k.a., "normal forms") that is unique per object. In such case, equality between two representations is achieved by "subtracting" their normal forms and comparing the result with a normal form of "zero" (typically a trivial comparison). Normalization may be a better option when canonical forms are difficult to implement consistently, e.g., because they depend on arbitrary choices (like ordering of variables).
Section 1.2 from the "A=B" book, has some really good examples for both concepts.

There seem to be a lot of ruby methods that are very similar, how do I pick which one to use?

I'm relatively new to Ruby, so this is a pretty general question. I have found through the Ruby Docs page a lot of methods that seem to do the exact same thing or very similar. For example chars vs split(' ') and each vs map vs collect. Sometimes there are small differences and other times I see no difference at all.
My question here is how do I know which is best practice, or is it just personal preference? I'm sure this varies from instance to instance, so if I can learn some of the more important ones to be cognizant of I would really appreciate that because I would like to develop good habits early.
I am a bit confused by your specific examples:
map and collect are aliases. They don't "do the exact same thing", they are the exact same thing. They are just two names for the same method. You can use whatever name you wish, or what reads best in context, or what your team has decided as a Coding Standard. The Community seems to have settled on map.
each and map/collect are completely different, there is no similarity there, apart from the general fact that they both operate on collections. map transform a collection by mapping every element to a new element using a transformation operation. It returns a new collection (an Array, actually) with the transformed elements. each performs a side-effect for every element of the collection. Since it is only used for its side-effect, the return value is irrelevant (it might just as well return nil like Kernel#puts does, in languages like C, C++, Java, C♯, it would return void), but it is specified to always return its receiver.
split splits a String into an Array of Strings based on a delimiter that can be either a Regexp (in which case you can also influence whether or not the delimiter itself gets captured in the output or ignored) or a String, or nil (in which case the global default separator gets used). chars returns an Array with the individual characters (represented as Strings of length 1, since Ruby doesn't have an specific Character type). chars belongs together in a family with bytes and codepoints which do the same thing for bytes and codepoints, respectively. split can only be used as a replacement for one of the methods in this family (chars) and split is much more general than that.
So, in the examples you gave, there really isn't much similarity at all, and I cannot imagine any situation where it would be unclear which one to choose.
In general, you have a problem and you look for the method (or combination of methods) that solve it. You don't look at a bunch of methods and look for the problem they solve.
There'll typically be only one method that fits a specific problem. Larger problems can be broken down into different subproblems in different ways, so it is indeed possible that you may end up with different combinations of methods to solve the same larger problem, but for each individual subproblem, there will generally be only one applicable method.
When documentation states that 2 methods do the same, it's just matter of preference. To learn the details, you should always start with Ruby API documentation

What are recommended patterns to localize a dynamically built phrase?

Given a phrase that is dynamically constructed with portions present or removed based on parameters, what are some possible solutions for supporting localization? For example, consider the following two phrases with bold parts that represent dynamically inserted portions:
The dog is spotted, has a doghouse and is chasing a ball.
The dog is white, and is running in circles.
For English, this can be solved by simply concatenating the phrase portions or perhaps having a few token-filled strings in a resource file that can be selected based on parameters. But these solutions won't work or get ugly quickly once you need to localize for other languages or have more parameters. In the example above, assuming that the dog appearance is the only portion always present, a localized resource implementation might consist of the following resource strings:
AppearanceOnly: The dog is %appearance%.
ActivityOnly: The dog is %appearance% and is %activity%.
AssessoryOnly: The dog is %appearance% and has %accessory%.
AccessoryActivity: The dog is %appearance%, has %accessory% and is %activity%.
While this works, the required number of strings grows exponentially depending upon the number of parameters.
Been searching far and wide for best practices that might help me with this challenge. The only solution I have found is to simply reword the phrase—but you lose the natural sentence structure, which I really don't want to do:
Dog: spotted, doghouse, chasing ball
Suggestions, links, thoughts, examples, or "You're crazy, just reword it!" feedback is welcome :) Thanks!
The best approach is probably to divide the sentence to separate sentences, like “The dog is spotted. The dog has a doghouse. The dog is chasing a ball.” This may look boring, but if you would replace all occurrences of “the dog” except the first one, you have a serious pronoun problem. In many languages, the pronoun to be used would depend on the noun it refers to. (Even in English, it is not quite clear whether a dog is he, she, or it.)
The reason for separation is that different languages have different verb systems. For example, in Russian, you cannot really combine the three sentences into one sentence that has three verbs sharing a subject. (In Russian, you don’t use the verb “to be” in present tense – instead, you would just say the equivalent of “Dog – spotted”, and there is no verb corresponding to “to have” – instead, you use the equivalent of “at dog doghouse”. Finnish is similar with respect to “to have”. Such issues are sometimes handled, in “forced” localizations, by using a word that corresponds to “to possess” or “to own”, but the result is odd-looking, to put it mildly.)
Moreover, languages have different natural orders for subject, verb, and object. Your initial approach implicitly postulates a SVO order. You should not assume that the normal, unmarked word order always starts with the subject. Instead of using sentence patterns like "%subject% %copula% %appearance% (where %copula% is “is”, “are”, or “am” in English), you would need to call a function with two parameters, subject and appearance, returning a sentence that has a language-dependent copula, or no copula, and that has a word order determined by the rules of the language. Yes, it gets complicated; localization of generated statements gets rather complicated as soon as you deal with anything but structurally very similar languages.

Latin inflection:

I have a database of words (including nouns and verbs). Now I would like to generate all the different (inflected) forms of those nouns and verbs. What would be the best strategy to do this?
As Latin is a highly inflected language, there is:
a) the declension of nouns
b) the conjugation of verbs
See this translated page for an example of a verb's conjugation ("mandare"): conjugation
I don't want to type in all those forms for all the words manually.
How can I generate them automatically? What is the best approach?
a list of complex rules how to inflect all the words
Bayesian methods
There's a program called "William Whitaker's Words". It creates inflections for Latin words as well, so it's exactly doing what I want to do.
Wikipedia says that the program works like this:
Words uses a set of rules based on natural pre-, in-, and suffixation, declension, and conjugation to determine the possibility of an entry. As a consequence of this approach of analysing the structure of words, there is no guarantee that these words were ever used in Latin literature or speech, even if the program finds a possible meaning to a given word.
The program's source is also available here. But I don't really understand how this is to work. Can you help me? Maybe this would be the solution to my question ...
You could do something similar to hunspell dictionary format (see
You define 2 tables. One contains roots of the words (the part that never change), and the other contains modifications for a given class. For a given class, for each declension (or conjugation), it tells what characters to add at the end (or the beginning) of the root. It even can specify to replace a given number of characters. Now, to get a word at a specific declension, you take the root, apply the transformation from the class it belongs, and voilà!
For example, for mandare, the root would be mand, and the class would contains suffixes like o, as, ate, amous, atis... for active indicative present.
I'll use as example the nouns, but it applies also to verbs.
First, I would create two classes: Regular and Irregular. For the Regular nouns, I would make three classes for the three declensions, and make them all implement a Declensable (or however the word is in English :) interface (FirstDeclension extends Regular implements Declensable). The interface would define two static enums (NOMINATIVE, VOCATIVE, etc, and SINGULAR, PLURAL).
All would have a string for the root and a static hashmap of suffixes. The method FirstDeclension#get (case, number) would then append the right suffix based on the hashmap.
The Irregular class should have to define a local hashmap for each word and then implement the same Declensable interface.
Does it make any sense?
Addendum: To clarify, the constructor of class Regular would be
public Regular (String stem) {
this.stem = stem
Perhaps, you could follow the line of AOT in your implementation. (It's under LGPL.)
There's no Latin morphology in AOT, rather only Russian, German, English, where Russian is of course an example of an inflectional morphology as complex as Latin, so AOT should be ready as a framework for implementing it.
Still, I believe one has to have an elaborate precise formal system for the morphology already clearly defined before one goes on to programming. As for Russian, I guess, most of the working morphological computer systems are based on the serious analysis of Russian morphology done by Andrey Zalizniak and in the Grammatical Dictionary of Russian and related works.

Alpha renaming in many languages

I have what I imagine will be a fairly involved technical challenge: I want to be able to reliably alpha-rename identifiers in multiple languages (as many as possible). This will require special consideration for each language, and I'm asking for advice for how to minimize the amount of work I need to do by sharing code. Something like a unified parsing or abstract syntax framework that already has support for many languages would be great.
For example, here is some python code:
def foo(x):
def bar(y):
return x+y
return bar
An alpha renaming of x to y changes the x to a y and preserves semantics. So it would become:
def foo(y):
def bar(y1):
return y+y1
return bar
See how we needed to rename y to y1 in order to keep from breaking the code? That is why this is a hard problem. It seems like the program would have to have a pretty good knowledge of what constitutes a scope, rather than just doing, say, a string search and replace.
I would also like to preserve as much of the formatting as possible: comments, spacing, indentation. But that is not 100% necessary, it would just be nice.
Any tips?
To do this safely, you need to be able to to determine
all the identifiers (and those things that are not, e.g., the middle of a comment) in your code
the scopes of validity for each identifer
the ability to substitute a new identifier for an old one in the text
the ability to determine if renaming an identifier causes another name to be shadowed
To determine identifiers accurately, you need a least a langauge-accurate lexer. Identifiers in PHP look different than the do in COBOL.
To determine scopes of validity, you have to be determine program structure in practice, since most "scopes" are defined by such structure. This means you need a langauge-accurate parser; scopes in PHP are different than scopes in COBOL.
To determine which names are valid in which scopes, you need to know the language scoping rules. Your language may insist that the identifier X will refer to different Xes depending on the context in which X is found (consider object constructors named X with different arguments). Now you need to be able to traverse the scope structures according to the naming rules. Single inheritance, multiple inheritance, overloading, default types all will pretty much require you to build a model of the scopes for the programs, insert the identifiers and corresponding types into each scope, and then climb from the point of encounter of an identifier in the program text through the various scopes according to the language semantics. You will need symbol tables, inheritance linkages, ASTs, and the ability to navigage all of these. These structures are different from PHP and COBOL, but they share lots of common ideas so you likely need a library with the common concept support.
To rename an identifier, you have to modify the text. In a million lines of code, you need to point carefully. Modifying an AST node is one way to point carefully. Actually, you need to modify all the identifiers that correspond to the one being renamed; you have to climb over the tree to find them all, or record in the AST where all the references exist so they can be found easily. After modifyingy the tree you have to regenerate the source text after modifying the AST. That's a lot of machinery; see my SO answer on how to prettyprint ASTs preseriving all of the stuff you reasonably suggest should be preserved.
(Your other choice is to keep track in the AST of where the text for the string is,
and the read/patch/write the file.)
Before you update the file, you need to check that you haven't shadowed something. Consider this code:
{ local x;
{local y;
{local z;
We agree this code prints "1". Now we decide to rename y to x.
We've broken the scoping, and now the print statement which referred
conceptually to the outer x refers to an x captured by the renamed y. The code now prints "2", so our rename broke it. This means that one must check all the other identifiers in scopes in which the renamed variable might be found, to see if the new name "captures" some name we weren't expecting. (This would be legal if the print statement printed z).
This is a lot of machinery.
Yes, there is a framework that has almost all of this as well as a number of robust language front ends. See our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit. It has parsers producing ASTs, prettyprinters to produce text back from ASTs, generic symbol table management machinery (including support for multiple inheritance), AST visiting/modification machinery. Ithas prettyprinting machinery to turn ASTs back into text. It has front ends for C, C++, COBOL and Java that implement name and type resolution (e.g. instanting symbol table scopes and identifier to symbol table entry mappings); it has front ends for many other langauges that don't have scoping implemented yet.
We've just finished an exercise in implementing "rename" for Java. (All the above issues of course appeared). We about about to start one for C++.
You could try to create Xtext based implementations for the involved languages. The Xtext framework provides reliable infrastructure for cross language rename refactoring. However, you'll have to provide a grammar a at least a "good enough" scope resolution for each language.
Languages mostly guarantee tokens will be unique, whatever the context. A naive first approach (and this will break many, many pieces of code) would be:
cp file file.orig
sed -i 's/\b(newTokenName)\b/TEMPTOKEN/g' file
sed -i 's/\b(oldTokenName)\b/newTokenName/g' file
With GNU sed, this will break on PHP. Rewriting \b to a general token match, like ([^a-zA-Z~$-_][^a-zA-Z0-9~$-_]) would work on most C, Java, PHP, and Python, but not Perl (need to add # and % to the token characters. Beyond that, it would require a plugin architecture that works for any language you wanted to add. At some point, there will be two languages whose variable and function naming rules will be incompatible, and at that point, you'll need to do more and more in the plugin.
