My application in background or inactive mode then local notification not work. I have never receive local notification on watch.
Update: less then 3 minutes schedule a local notification it's work fine but more then 3 minutes it's not work. so how to resolve this issues?
As per my understanding My code is as follows.
UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
center.delegate = self;
// Objective-C
UNMutableNotificationContent *content = [UNMutableNotificationContent new];
content.title = [NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:#"Remider!" arguments:nil];
content.body = [NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:#"Your watch is out of range" arguments:nil];
content.sound = [UNNotificationSound defaultSound];
// Time
// 15 min
double timer = 15*60;
UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger *trigger = [UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger triggerWithTimeInterval:time
// Actions
UNNotificationAction *snoozeAction = [UNNotificationAction actionWithIdentifier:#"Track"
title:#"Track" options:UNNotificationActionOptionForeground];
// Objective-C
UNNotificationCategory *category = [UNNotificationCategory categoryWithIdentifier:#"UYLReminderCategory"
actions:#[snoozeAction] intentIdentifiers:#[]
NSSet *categories = [NSSet setWithObject:category];
// Objective-C
[center setNotificationCategories:categories];
// Objective-C
content.categoryIdentifier = #"UYLReminderCategory";
NSString *identifier = [self stringUUID];
UNNotificationRequest *request = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:identifier
content:content trigger:trigger];
[center addNotificationRequest:request withCompletionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error != nil) {
NSLog(#"Something went wrong: %#",error);
Appreciate if any suggestion or idea.
Make sure your iphone is locked. When it comes to notification, its about preference where to deliver that notification.
Run your watch app on simulator, from iPhone simulator schedule the notification and lock the iPhone simulator screen, keep the watch simulator active, in that case when notification is triggered , it will be delivered on your watch simulator. Same will be the case when you will test on actual devices.
Source Link
And when both iphone and watch is locked, preference is iphone.
Notification on Apple Watch
I need to display a notification when my app is in background or killed. I have no problem to display FCM 'notification' message on iOS using firebase-cpp-sdk, I tried quickstart-cpp/messaging/testapp and it just worked. But when 'data' message is received when app is in background or foreground - no notification is displayed, I just see it in the log that message is received.
I use "content_available": true in message as suggested by many answers. This helps to actually receive the 'data' message, as I can see in the log, but the message is not displayed.
I tried legacy HTTP and HTTP v1 protocols, the result is the same.
An example of legacy HTTP message is:
"data": {
"body": "Entrance door Intrusion at 2 Jun 2020 01:32:08",
"title": "Intrusion"
"content_available": true,
"to": "fcm_device_token_here"
Do I need to manually create a notification like on Android? Or there are some other ways to do it?
To asnwer my own question - yes, I created a local notification. For that I used qt-notification library since I am using QT, but the code example to show notification is the following (taken from the project):
// create content
UNMutableNotificationContent *content = [[UNMutableNotificationContent alloc] init];
content.title = title.toNSString(); // your title
content.body = caption.toNSString(); // your notification text
content.sound = !sound.isEmpty() ? [UNNotificationSound soundNamed: sound.toNSString()] : [UNNotificationSound defaultSound]; // your sound
// content.sound = [UNNotificationSound criticalSoundNamed: sound.toNSString() withAudioVolume: 1.0]; // For that you need Apple's permission
content.badge = #([[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationIconBadgeNumber] + 1);
// create trigger time
UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger *trigger = [UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger triggerWithTimeInterval:1 repeats:NO];
// unique identifier
NSString* identifierNSString = identifier.toNSString();
// create notification request
UNNotificationRequest *request = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:identifierNSString
content:content trigger:trigger];
// add request
UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
center.delegate = id(m_Delegate);
[center addNotificationRequest:request withCompletionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(#"Local Notification failed");
I scheduled multiple Local Notification for the user. All of them are also delivered on their specified time. However, when I try to open any one of them from Notification Center, all of them are getting cleared.
In a rightful scenario, I don't want all them to be cleared from notification centre, only those which are tapped to be opened.
Also, i tried commenting below code from AppDelegate.m, but the issue still persists. [[UIApplicationsharedApplication]setApplicationIconBadgeNumber:0];
Can anyone tell me what could be the issue here due to which my scheduled notifications are cleared from Notification Center even when I'm tapping to open only one of them?
Below is the code I'm using to schedule Local Notifications -
NSDateComponents *components = [SSUtility hoursMinuteAndSectionsForDate:date];
NSInteger hour = [components hour];
NSInteger minute = [components minute];
NSLog(#"Hour %ld Min %ld ", hour,minute);
UNCalendarNotificationTrigger *trigger = [UNCalendarNotificationTrigger triggerWithDateMatchingComponents:components repeats:YES];
/* Set notification */
UNMutableNotificationContent *content = [UNMutableNotificationContent new];
content.body = body;
// content.categoryIdentifier=NSNotificationC;
content.sound = [UNNotificationSound defaultSound];
content.userInfo = userInfo;
UNNotificationRequest *request = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:identifier
UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
[center addNotificationRequest:request withCompletionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error != nil) {
SSLOG(#"Something went wrong: %#",error);
So i did't believe that this is a default behaviour so what i found:
if you use UNCalendarNotificationTrigger then all delivered reminders are deleted on tap
if you use UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger then delivered reminders remain on the notification center
so try to use the UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger instead of UNCalendarNotificationTrigger
NSTimeInterval timeInterval = [fireDate timeIntervalSinceDate:[NSDate date]];
UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger *trigger = [UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger triggerWithTimeInterval:timeInterval repeats:NO];
In my case, Add some text to content.body solve the problem:
content.body = 'Any text'
I have a code that allows the device to run an update. It works perfectly when the ipad is not under guided access for information under iOS11 (and it worked under iOS10 & guided accesss):
- (void)viewDidLoad
UNMutableNotificationContent* content = [[UNMutableNotificationContent alloc] init];
content.title = [NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:#"Update!" arguments:nil];
content.body = [NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:#"Update!"
// Configure the trigger for a 7am update.
NSDateComponents* date = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
date.hour = 18;
date.minute = 31;
UNCalendarNotificationTrigger* trigger = [UNCalendarNotificationTrigger
triggerWithDateMatchingComponents:date repeats:NO];
// Create the request object.
UNNotificationRequest* request = [UNNotificationRequest
requestWithIdentifier:#"update" content:content trigger:trigger];
UNUserNotificationCenter* center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
center.delegate = self;
[center addNotificationRequest:request withCompletionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error != nil) {
NSLog(#"%#", error.localizedDescription);
- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center
willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification
withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions options))completionHandler {
// Update the app interface directly.
// Play a sound.
I found that Ticket, but no exhaustive explanations to accomplish it:
Is it possible under iOS11 to launch notification on guided access?
Thanks in advance.
It appears this was nothing more than an iOS bug which has been fixed in iOS 11.2.5 beta 4. Please see my own question here for more information.
If you can wait until iOS 11.2.5 is released (which will hopefully be soon according to Apple) the issue should just resolve itself. Otherwise you'll need to investigate something like a sockets system instead.
I am using UNUsernotification for iOS 10 and Xcode 8 Beta 2
I wrote below code for Local Notification in iOS device:
-(void) localNotificationForiOS10:(NSDate *) _reminderDate{
NSLog(#"_reminderDate %#",_reminderDate);
NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
[calendar setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone localTimeZone]];
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay|NSCalendarUnitHour|NSCalendarUnitMinute|NSCalendarUnitSecond|NSCalendarUnitTimeZone fromDate:_reminderDate];
NSLog(#"NSDateComponents %#",components);
UNMutableNotificationContent *objNotificationContent = [[UNMutableNotificationContent alloc] init];
objNotificationContent.title = [NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:#"Event Name!" arguments:nil];
objNotificationContent.body = [NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:#"You have event reminder"
objNotificationContent.sound = [UNNotificationSound defaultSound];
/// 4. update application icon badge number
objNotificationContent.badge = #([[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationIconBadgeNumber] + 1);
UNCalendarNotificationTrigger *trigger = [UNCalendarNotificationTrigger triggerWithDateMatchingComponents:components repeats:NO];
UNNotificationRequest *request = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:#"firedate"
content:objNotificationContent trigger:trigger];
/// 3. schedule localNotification
UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
[center addNotificationRequest:request withCompletionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!error) {
NSLog(#"Local Notification succeeded");
else {
NSLog(#"Local Notification failed");
I want to set three different or multiple future dates and want reminder of event on defined dates.
When I used the above code for 3 different time on same date
e.g. (2016-12-29 18:05 ,2016-12-29 18:10, 2016-12-29 18:15) than only last one gave notification.
I register Location notification in AppDelegate file.
application.applicationIconBadgeNumber = 0;
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] > 10.0f) {
/// schedule localNotification, the delegate must be set before the application returns from applicationDidFinishLaunching:.
UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
center.delegate = self;
} else {
UILocalNotification *localNotifacation = [self getLocalNotificationFromLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
if (localNotifacation) {
NSString *title = localNotifacation.alertBody;
NSLog(#"Add Title %#",title);
I tried my self and I tried it.
I am able to cancel the Local Notification in iOS 10.
here is posted code.
how to cancel a local notification in iphone
I'm firing a local notification. Since UILocalNotification class is deprecated in iOS 10, I have used UserNotifications.framework.
When I try to set the custom sound for the notification, the default sound is playing all time.
Here is my code:
- (IBAction)fireLocalNotification:(id)sender {
UNMutableNotificationContent* content = [[UNMutableNotificationContent alloc] init];
content.title = [NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:#"Hello!" arguments:nil];
content.body = [NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:#"Hello_message_body"
content.sound = [UNNotificationSound soundNamed:#"sound.mp3"];
// Deliver the notification in five seconds.
UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger* trigger = [UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger
triggerWithTimeInterval:5 repeats:NO];
UNNotificationRequest* request = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:#"FiveSecond"
content:content trigger:trigger];
// Schedule the notification.
UNUserNotificationCenter* center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
[center addNotificationRequest:request withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error){
NSLog(#"Completion handler for notification");
My sound is fine; sound.mp3 is present in project bundle itself.
More info:
Try deleting the app from the device, clean and run the app again on device.
Sometimes, resources are not properly updated; I think that is the problem in your case.
Long audio-files are not supported.
Is your file longer then 30 seconds? If yes, it will not work. Only files shorter then 30 seconds are available. If the file is longer then 30 seconds then it will be replaced with default sound.
UNNotificationSound documentation