Opening a remote image on S3 in controller (ApplicationMailer) - No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to open a profile picture uploaded to S3 through Paperclip, in order to submit it as an online attachment to an email.
Though I get error :
No such file or directory # rb_sysopen
Here is my bit of code in question :
attachments.inline['profilepic'] =
profilepic being an absolute URL (starting with //mybucket.S3-eu-west..... ) to the image at S3 (when pasted onto the navbar, it just shows the image perfectly)
I have tried the following using open-uri, but same error
require 'open-uri'
attachments.inline['profilepic'] = open(profilepic)

Like you did, you need to first:
require 'open-uri'
and then do:
uri = URI("http:"+profilepic.to_s)
attachments["profilepic"] = open(uri).read


How to fix Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory # rb_sysopen -

I am trying to scrape a website using this tutorial:
Did you have the line:
require 'open-uri'
before the doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(URL))?
open-uri enhances the method, which normally only reads from a local file, with a http option. Your error looks like, open-uri was not loaded.
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(
Added URI.
This post helped me

How to create movie screenshot by ffmpeg in an amazon S3 path

I tried to create using ffmpeg a video screenshot from a remote video url in heroku console. Below is how I generated a movie instance and can see also an empty ready to be written file at S3. But the last line movie.screenshot is not working and generates this error:
FFMPEG::Error: Failed encoding.Errors: no output file created
Here is the code
s3 = 'us-west-1')
bucket = s3.bucket("ruby-sample-kb-#{SecureRandom.uuid}")
object = bucket.object('ex-vid-test-kb.jpg')
object.put(acl: "public-read-write")
path = object.public_url
movie ="")
movie.screenshot(path, :seek_time => 2)
I also tried the following line just if it should be written via put. What am I missing here?
object.put(acl: "public-read", body: movie.screenshot(path, :seek_time => 2))
I ended up convincing myself that ffmpeg movie.screenshot won't work for remote url path. So I had to figure out a solution where I can create tempfile in heroku system although the tempfiles stay per dyno.
file = [prefix, suffix], "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/images/video_screenshots"
This worked Ok.

How can I download an image from a website using Rails?

I'm using Selenium-Webdriver, OpenUri and Nokogiri to scrape a website. I want to download a particular image from said website to my Ubuntu computer. I tried a few different methods but each of them gives a different error message.
Here's my base code, which opens the website and gets the image url (everything after this I ran in my pry console):
require 'open-url'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'uri'
url = ""
browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
document = open(url).read
parsed_content = Nokogiri::HTML(content)
image = "" + parsed_content.css('#hplogo').attr('src').value
1) Here's the first thing I tried to download the image:
download = open(image)
IO.copy_stream(download, '~/image.png')
For this, I got the following error:
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - ~/image.png from (pry):44:in 'initialize'
As per this question, I tried adding a directory in the code:
FileUtils.mkdir_p(image) unless File.exist?(image)
But I got the same error.
2) Next I tried this:
open('image.png', 'wb') do |file|
file << open(image).read
and this returns
#<File:image.png (closed)
but the file isn't anywhere on my computer and I can't figure out what that message means.
3) Next I tried
IO.copy_stream(open(image), 'image.png')
which simply returned this:
but again, I have no idea what that means and the file isn't anywhere.
4) Finally I tried
read_image = open(image).read, 'image.png') do |file|
file.puts read_image
which outputs
ArgumentError: invalid access mode image.png
from (pry):53:in 'initialize
What am I doing wrong? Was I close with any of my approaches?
File open second argument is mode for file openning.
read_image = open(image).read'image.png', 'w+') do |file|
file.write read_image
Your third variant works good.
5482 - length of file. File 'image.png' in same directory as your .rb file.

Load yaml file from a url

Is there anyway to load a yaml file which is stored in the Amazon S3 bucket? I tried giving the url in the YAML.load_file() method but it is not picking up the file. Please give your inputs.
Load your website as string using open-uri, then load that string as YAML.
require "open-uri"
yaml_content = open(""){|f|}
yaml_data = YAML::load(yaml_content)

retrieve carrierwave file uploaded to Amazon S3

Using Rails 3.2, carrier wave, and recently switched to store on Amazon S3. My setup and uploads are all working fine.
1. I have image_uploader.rb to upload and store images. Displaying them all works fine
2. I have file_uploader.rb to upload and store files. I've even taken it a step further to upload ZIP files and extract a version so that both the ZIP file and TXT files are stored in the correct place on S3.
My problem is I run a method on the TXT file. In the past, I used storage :file
With that I was able to:
import_file = Dir['*.TXT'].first
f =
Now, that I'm using storage :fog I can't get seem to retrieve/ the file.
I see the file with the usual commands:
#upload1.team_file # stored file
#upload1.team_file.url # url
#upload1.team_file_url(:data_file).to_s # version created
I've been pouring through all kinds of very limited leads on retrieving and/or opening the file, but everything I try seems to return errors, such as:
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory -…
Thoughts on the difference here of retrieving and USING a file from AmazonS3? Thanks!
Pulling from multiple threads, APIs, etc. I'm answering my own question with what I've found. I welcome any corrections or improvements:
To retrieve carrierwave files uploaded to AmazonS3, you have to understand that open(#upload.file_url) or does NOT open the file, it only opens the PATH to the file. (ref: Ruby OpenURI )
I use: open_uri_url = open(#upload.file_url)
You then have to find the specific file in that path that you want. For me, I then find a ZIP file that was uploaded to AmazonS3 and Extract the specific file within the ZIP file that I want with a unique *.ABC extension:
zip_content_file ={|content| content if content.to_s.split('.').last == "ABC"}.compact.first
Now, from here, where to extract to?? I create a unique directory in the Rails tmp directory to extract the file to, use it and then delete the directory:
tmp_directory = "tmp/extracts/#{#upload.parent_id}/"
FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_directory) unless
extract = zip_content_file.extract(tmp_directory + content_file.to_s)
Now with found from the AmazonS3 stored ZIP file and extracted, I can open, read, etc:
f = + extract.to_s)
I hope this helps with Carrierwave, AmazonS3, ZIP files and using them once uploaded.
