Do GCP ML Engine online predictions support API keys? - google-cloud-ml-engine

I'm attempting to make online predictions using<project>/models/<model>/versions/<version>:predict?key=<mykey>
I created a service account with full ML Engine Admin access, then generated an unrestricted API key. Many of Google's online docs mention ?key= as a valid auth method for their APIs. Can anyone confirm that this is supported by ML Engine today?
I was able to make the same request using Authorization: Bearer <access token> with my own personal access token, but I do not want to do that. Additionally, the request will ultimately be made via PHP, and the client libraries for PHP currently do not support ML Engine yet.

It's not supported by CMLE Online Prediction.
There is a list of supported GCP services here:


Securing API using Oauth 2.0

I am creating new product. for that I have to use available security features. should I use Oauth2 or Json web token? which is better and in which situation these should be used?
I think you may find your answer in using org.apache.oltu.oauth2.
You can see an implementation for oauth and openID here oauth server and resource server
Just to explain what they are,
oauth server creates the tokens
resource server uses that token and processes it to give you the requested data
You can also go through the following docs to understand what they mean and how to implement them,
sample implementation in java , oracle tutorial on the concept of tokens
If you want to do google API auth then you can go through this
I also found this stackoverflow link which is sort of similar question and has shared few of similar links. You should check that out as well.

How to publish to pub/sub with just an api key

I need to publish messages to GCP Pub/Sub with a POST request as the platform I'm using (Zoho) does not allow for any of the GCP libraries. I'm not sure how to make the request in a simple way, as the normal authentication system seems complex.
Is there an easy way to publish a message using, e.g., an API key?
Alternatively is there a simple way to create an API endpoint within GCP that I can then forward data on to the messaging system?
I have used the python client to publish to Pub/Sub, but cannot make POST requests because of the authentication issues.
Both of your questions will have the same answer, yes, and Google Cloud Endpoints is your way to go here.
With Google Cloud Endpoints you can create a custom endpoint and use API keys to authenticate the requests that are being done. There's a really good how-to guide from medium you can follow in order to set up your endpoint and your Pub/Sub push subscription.
More information about creating push subscriptions can be found in the public documentation.

Is it safe to distribute client_id and client_secret for Google API for an installed application?

Similar questions have been asked before (1,2), but not explicitly answered:
Is it safe to store the client id and client secret credentials obtained for an Installed application -> Other for the Google API with the distributed source code of a command line application which will be distributed? Or will it be possible to access user accounts or data without the access_token granted by user consent?
The Google API docs specifies that..:
.. results in a client ID and, in some cases, a client secret, which you embed in the source code of your application. (In this context, the client secret is obviously not treated as a secret.)
it is apparent from other documentation that this is not best practice: the client_secret should not even be provided by the service, but it is currently required by the oauth2 and googleapiclient libraries (for Python), and probably by the Google service as well.
The application will use oauth2 based on these official examples.
References, good explanation or documentation that confirms whether this is truly safe or not is much appreciated.
Client Id is a publicly visible and it is safe to put it in your website, but it is not safe to put your client secret in js or html code in a website

how to implement oauth2 on java restful services

I need help with oauth2.0 and java restful (jersey), any help would be appreciated, I need to find way how oauth2 would be implemented. Here's the scenario, We have a web based application, now, there are clients engage to it. They're planning to have an API (Restful service) so that it will be consumed on mobile devices(android and ios). (They can login using mobile and update their accounts etc.).
Now, my problem is how will I integrate oauth2 for its security using java and how will I create Authorization server.
I used to have the same question and end up building an open-source project: srb4j, which is also based on Jersey and OAuth2.
Srb4j has implemented both token endpoints and resource endpoints for you. You can adopt a lot of its code to your own existing system.
# Sorry for this advert, but it may help you...
java-oauth-server is a new authorization server implementation in Java (JAX-RS, Jersey, Jetty) which supports OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
The implementation is DB-less, because authorization data (e.g. access tokens), settings of the authorization server itself and settings of client applications are stored in the database on cloud. Therefore, you don't have to set up a database server before starting the authorization server.
Just 4 commands for downloading and starting the authorization server.
git clone
cd java-oauth-server
mvn jetty:run
The source tree of java-oauth-server is very small and customization points are abstracted as SPI (Service Provider Interface), so it will be easy to incorporate the authorization server implementation into your existing web service.
The implementation supports RFC 7636 (Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients). It is a new specification (released on Sep. 2015) about a countermeasure against the authorization code interception attack. If you want to expose Web APIs to mobile applications, I recommend that you look for an implementation that supports RFC 7636.
An explanation about RFC 7636 with graphical figures is here.
I ended up using this library and works like a charm, thanks to the author.

Building an API with/without OAuth and OpenID

I need to develop an API to be the core of a web APP.
My initial idea was making a REST API that would treat all the request and then create some clients for web, mobile and desktop.
My question is, How should I manage the authentication for this situation?
I thought about using a token that would be passed with all requests to the REST API.
Im my case, I would not like to have something like OAuth because the ecosystem will not have multiple apps like Facebook/Twitter does.
NOTE: I must have the API separated from the client for web.
In more details, I would request POST /users/auth passing their password and username, and receive an auth token.
Is it a good approach or there is something better?
Agree that Devise is great for the auth in the application. For the API level, 3scale could help a lot ( - it takes care of rate limits, keys, oauth secret distribution, analytics, developer portal and other stuff. There's a ruby plugin to get started here:
Devise is a fantastic gem that handles authentication in rails apps. It also provides token based authentication. You can find many resources on the web (for example here) explainig how to use it. No doubt it will fit for your situation.
