Estimating Object size using Deep Neural Network - machine-learning

I have a large dataset of vehicle images with the ground truth of their lengths (Over 100k samples). Is it possible to train a deep network to estimate vehicle length ?
I haven't seen any papers related to estimating object size using deep neural network.

[Update: I didn't notice computer-vision tag in the question, so my original answer was for a different question]:
Current convolutional neural networks are pretty good at identifying vehicle model from raw pixels. The technique is called transfer learning: take a general pre-trained model, such as VGGNet or AlexNet, and fine tune it on a vehicle data set. For example, here's a report of CS 231n course project that does exactly this (note: done by students, in 2015). No wonder there are apps out there already that do it in smartphone.
So it's more or less a solved problem. Once you know the model type, it's easy to look up it's size / length.
But if you're asking a more general question, when the vehicle isn't standard (e.g. has a trailer, or somehow modified), this is much more difficult, even for a human being. A slight change in perspective can result in significant error. Not to mention that some parts of the vehicle may be simply not visible. So the answer to this question is no.
Original answer (assumes the data is a table of general vehicle features, not the picture):
I don't see any difference between vehicle size prediction and, for instance, house price prediction. The process is the same (in the simplest setting): the model learns correlations between features and targets from the training data and then is able to predict the values for unseen data.
If you have good input features and big enough training set (100k will do),
you probably don't even need a deep network for this. In many cases that I've seen, a simplest linear regression produces very reasonable predictions, plus it can be trained almost instantly. So, in general, the answer is "yes", but it boils down to what particular data (features) you have.

You may do this under some strict conditions.
A brief introduction to Computer Vision / Multi-View Geometry:
Based on the basics of the Multi-View Geometry, the main problem of identifying of the object size is finding the conversion function from camera view to real world coordinates. By applying different conditions (i.e. capturing many sequential images - video / SfM -, taking same object's picture from different angles), we can estimate this conversion function. Hence, this is completely dependent on camera parameters like focal length, pixel width / height, distortion etc.
As soon as we have the camera to real world conversion function, it is super easy to calculate camera to point distance, hence the object's size.
So, based on your current task, you need to supply
camera's intrinsic parameters
(optionally) camera's extrinsic parameters
and get the output that you desire hopefully.
Alternatively, if you can fix the camera (same model, same intrinsic / extrinsic parameters), you can directly find the correlation between same camera's image and distance / object sizes just by giving the image as the only input. However, the NN will most probably will not work for different cameras.


Accuracy in depth estimation - Stereo Vision

I am doing a research in stereo vision and I am interested in accuracy of depth estimation in this question. It depends of several factors like:
Proper stereo calibration (rotation, translation and distortion extraction),
image resolution,
camera and lens quality (the less distortion, proper color capturing),
matching features between two images.
Let's say we have a no low-cost cameras and lenses (no cheap webcams etc).
My question is, what is the accuracy of depth estimation we can achieve in this field?
Anyone knows a real stereo vision system that works with some accuracy?
Can we achieve 1 mm depth estimation accuracy?
My question also aims in systems implemented in opencv. What accuracy did you manage to achieve?
Q. Anyone knows a real stereo vision system that works with some accuracy? Can we achieve 1 mm depth estimation accuracy?
Yes, you definitely can achieve 1mm (and much better) depth estimation accuracy with a stereo rig (heck, you can do stereo recon with a pair of microscopes). Stereo-based industrial inspection systems with accuracies in the 0.1 mm range are in routine use, and have been since the early 1990's at least. To be clear, by "stereo-based" I mean a 3D reconstruction system using 2 or more geometrically separated sensors, where the 3D location of a point is inferred by triangulating matched images of the 3D point in the sensors. Such a system may use structured light projectors to help with the image matching, however, unlike a proper "structured light-based 3D reconstruction system", it does not rely on a calibrated geometry for the light projector itself.
However, most (likely, all) such stereo systems designed for high accuracy use either some form of structured lighting, or some prior information about the geometry of the reconstructed shapes (or a combination of both), in order to tightly constrain the matching of points to be triangulated. The reason is that, generally speaking, one can triangulate more accurately than they can match, so matching accuracy is the limiting factor for reconstruction accuracy.
One intuitive way to see why this is the case is to look at the simple form of the stereo reconstruction equation: z = f b / d. Here "f" (focal length) and "b" (baseline) summarize the properties of the rig, and they are estimated by calibration, whereas "d" (disparity) expresses the match of the two images of the same 3D point.
Now, crucially, the calibration parameters are "global" ones, and they are estimated based on many measurements taken over the field of view and depth range of interest. Therefore, assuming the calibration procedure is unbiased and that the system is approximately time-invariant, the errors in each of the measurements are averaged out in the parameter estimates. So it is possible, by taking lots of measurements, and by tightly controlling the rig optics, geometry and environment (including vibrations, temperature and humidity changes, etc), to estimate the calibration parameters very accurately, that is, with unbiased estimated values affected by uncertainty of the order of the sensor's resolution, or better, so that the effect of their residual inaccuracies can be neglected within a known volume of space where the rig operates.
However, disparities are point-wise estimates: one states that point p in left image matches (maybe) point q in right image, and any error in the disparity d = (q - p) appears in z scaled by f b. It's a one-shot thing. Worse, the estimation of disparity is, in all nontrivial cases, affected by the (a-priori unknown) geometry and surface properties of the object being analyzed, and by their interaction with the lighting. These conspire - through whatever matching algorithm one uses - to reduce the practical accuracy of reconstruction one can achieve. Structured lighting helps here because it reduces such matching uncertainty: the basic idea is to project sharp, well-focused edges on the object that can be found and matched (often, with subpixel accuracy) in the images. There is a plethora of structured light methods, so I won't go into any details here. But I note that this is an area where using color and carefully choosing the optics of the projector can help a lot.
So, what you can achieve in practice depends, as usual, on how much money you are willing to spend (better optics, lower-noise sensor, rigid materials and design for the rig's mechanics, controlled lighting), and on how well you understand and can constrain your particular reconstruction problem.
I would add that using color is a bad idea even with expensive cameras - just use the gradient of gray intensity. Some producers of high-end stereo cameras (for example Point Grey) used to rely on color and then switched to grey. Also consider a bias and a variance as two components of a stereo matching error. This is important since using a correlation stereo, for example, with a large correlation window would average depth (i.e. model the world as a bunch of fronto-parallel patches) and reduce the bias while increasing the variance and vice versa. So there is always a trade-off.
More than the factors you mentioned above, the accuracy of your stereo will depend on the specifics of the algorithm. It is up to an algorithm to validate depth (important step after stereo estimation) and gracefully patch the holes in textureless areas. For example, consider back-and-forth validation (matching R to L should produce the same candidates as matching L to R), blob noise removal (non Gaussian noise typical for stereo matching removed with connected component algorithm), texture validation (invalidate depth in areas with weak texture), uniqueness validation (having a uni-modal matching score without second and third strong candidates. This is typically a short cut to back-and-forth validation), etc. The accuracy will also depend on sensor noise and sensor's dynamic range.
Finally you have to ask your question about accuracy as a function of depth since d=f*B/z, where B is a baseline between cameras, f is focal length in pixels and z is the distance along optical axis. Thus there is a strong dependence of accuracy on the baseline and distance.
Kinect will provide 1mm accuracy (bias) with quite large variance up to 1m or so. Then it sharply goes down. Kinect would have a dead zone up to 50cm since there is no sufficient overlap of two cameras at a close distance. And yes - Kinect is a stereo camera where one of the cameras is simulated by an IR projector.
I am sure with probabilistic stereo such as Belief Propagation on Markov Random Fields one can achieve a higher accuracy. But those methods assume some strong priors about smoothness of object surfaces or particular surface orientation. See this for example, page 14.
If you wan't to know a bit more about accuracy of the approaches take a look at this site, although is no longer very active the results are pretty much state of the art. Take into account that a couple of the papers presented there went to create companies. What do you mean with real stereo vision system? If you mean commercial there aren't many, most of the commercial reconstruction systems work with structured light or directly scanners. This is because (you missed one important factor in your list), the texture is a key factor for accuracy (or even before that correctness); a white wall cannot be reconstructed by a stereo system unless texture or structured light is added. Nevertheless, in my own experience, systems that involve variational matching can be very accurate (subpixel accuracy in image space) which is generally not achieved by probabilistic approaches. One last remark, the distance between cameras is also important for accuracy: very close cameras will find a lot of correct matches and quickly but the accuracy will be low, more distant cameras will find less matches, will probably take longer but the results could be more accurate; there is an optimal conic region defined in many books.
After all this blabla, I can tell you that using opencv one of the best things you can do is do an initial cameras calibration, use Brox's optical flow to find find matches and reconstruct.

Shape features from canny edge detection

I am trying to implement Canny edge detection found hereCanny edge to differentiate objects based on their shapes. I would like to know what are the features? I need to find a score/metric so that I can define a probability from information like mean of the shape. The purpose is to differentiate between objects of different shapes. So, lets assume that the mean shape(x) of Object1 and Object2 are x1,x2 and the standard deviation(s) is s1,s2 respectively. From what do I calculate these information and How do I find these information?
Canny Algorithm is an edge detector. It searches for high frequencies in the image by computing the magnitude of the derivatives in x and y direction. In the end of you have contours of objects. What you are trying to do is to classify objects and using Canny does not sound like a right way to do it, I am not saying you cannot build features out of edges, but it might perform poorly.
In order to achieve what you want, you need first to identify what features are important for you. You mentioned the shape but is the color a good feature for the class of objects you are trying to find? Your pictures show very colorful objects. Are you only trying to distinguish one object to the other (considering the images only display only the object of interest) or do you want locate them in the screen? Does the image contain only one object or multiple ones?
I will give you some direction regarding feature modeling.
If color is a strong information for your objects, you could model your features using histogram information, compute n bins for all objects and store the distribution of the bins as a feature vector. You can use HOG.
Another possible (naive) solution is to compute all colors of patches (e.g. 7x7) belonging to each object and to compute later the histogram over patches instead of single pixels.
If you are not satisfied with color information and you would like to differentiate objects by comparing information in their neighborhood, you can use local binary patterns, which might be enough for the type of information you have.
Once you decide on the features which are important and modeled them, you can go for the classification (which is gonna determine which object you are seeing given a certain feature).
A probabilistic framework tries to estimate the posterior probability P(X|C), i.e. what is the probability of being object X given that we observed C (C could be your feature) and this is very powerful. You might consider reading about Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Maximum a posteriori. Also, a Naive Bayes classifier is a simple off the shelf algorithm available on Opencv that you could use.
You could use many other algorithms, such as SVM, Boost, Decision Trees, Neural Networks and so on. Bag of visual words is also a nice alternative.
If you are interested how to separate the object of interest from the background you are talking about image segmentation, you can look at K-Means or more powerfully Graph Cuts techniques. Of course you can always segment first and then classify the segmented blobs.

Interpreting a Self Organizing Map

I have been doing reading about Self Organizing Maps, and I understand the Algorithm(I think), however something still eludes me.
How do you interpret the trained network?
How would you then actually use it for say, a classification task(once you have done the clustering with your training data)?
All of the material I seem to find(printed and digital) focuses on the training of the Algorithm. I believe I may be missing something crucial.
SOMs are mainly a dimensionality reduction algorithm, not a classification tool. They are used for the dimensionality reduction just like PCA and similar methods (as once trained, you can check which neuron is activated by your input and use this neuron's position as the value), the only actual difference is their ability to preserve a given topology of output representation.
So what is SOM actually producing is a mapping from your input space X to the reduced space Y (the most common is a 2d lattice, making Y a 2 dimensional space). To perform actual classification you should transform your data through this mapping, and run some other, classificational model (SVM, Neural Network, Decision Tree, etc.).
In other words - SOMs are used for finding other representation of the data. Representation, which is easy for further analyzis by humans (as it is mostly 2dimensional and can be plotted), and very easy for any further classification models. This is a great method of visualizing highly dimensional data, analyzing "what is going on", how are some classes grouped geometricaly, etc.. But they should not be confused with other neural models like artificial neural networks or even growing neural gas (which is a very similar concept, yet giving a direct data clustering) as they serve a different purpose.
Of course one can use SOMs directly for the classification, but this is a modification of the original idea, which requires other data representation, and in general, it does not work that well as using some other classifier on top of it.
There are at least few ways of visualizing the trained SOM:
one can render the SOM's neurons as points in the input space, with edges connecting the topologicaly close ones (this is possible only if the input space has small number of dimensions, like 2-3)
display data classes on the SOM's topology - if your data is labeled with some numbers {1,..k}, we can bind some k colors to them, for binary case let us consider blue and red. Next, for each data point we calculate its corresponding neuron in the SOM and add this label's color to the neuron. Once all data have been processed, we plot the SOM's neurons, each with its original position in the topology, with the color being some agregate (eg. mean) of colors assigned to it. This approach, if we use some simple topology like 2d grid, gives us a nice low-dimensional representation of data. In the following image, subimages from the third one to the end are the results of such visualization, where red color means label 1("yes" answer) andbluemeans label2` ("no" answer)
onc can also visualize the inter-neuron distances by calculating how far away are each connected neurons and plotting it on the SOM's map (second subimage in the above visualization)
one can cluster the neuron's positions with some clustering algorithm (like K-means) and visualize the clusters ids as colors (first subimage)

svm conceptual query

I have some basic conceptual queries on SVM - it will be great if any one can guide me on this. I have been studying books and lectures for a while but have not been able to get answers for these queries correctly
Suppose I have m featured data points - m > 2. How will I know if the data points are linearly separable or not?. If I have understood correctly, linearly separable data points - will not need any special kernel for finding the hyper plane as there is no need to increase the dimension.
Say, I am not sure whether the data is linearly separable or not. I try to get a hyper plane with linear kernel, once with slackness and once without slackness on the lagrange multipliers. What difference will I see on the error rates on training and test data for these two hyper planes. If I understood correctly, if the data is not linearly separable, and if I am not using slackness then there cannot be any optimal plane. If that is the case, should the svm algorithm give me different hyper planes on different runs. Now when I introduce slackness - should I always get the same hyper plane, every run ? And how exactly can I find out from the lagrange multipliers of a hyper plane, whether the data was linearly separable or not.
Now say from 2 I came to know somehow that the data was not linearly separable at m dimensions. So I will try to increase the dimensions and see if it is separable at a higher dimension. How do I know how high I will need to go ? I know the calculations do not go into that space - but is there any way to find out from 2 what should be the best kernel for 3 (i.e I want to find a linearly separating hyper plane).
What is the best way to visualize hyper planes and data points in Matlab where the feature dimensions can be as big as 60 - and the hyperplane is at > 100 dimensions (i,e data points in few hundreds and using Gaussian Kernels the feature vector changes to > 100 dimensions).
I will really appreciate if someone clears these doubts
I'm going to try to focus on your questions (1), (2) and (3). In practice the most important concern is not if the problem becomes linearly separable but how well the classifier performs on unseen data (i.e. how well it classifies). It seems you want to find a good kernel for which data is linearly separable, and you will always be able to do this (consider putting at each training point an extremely narrow gaussian RBF), but what you really want is good performance on unseen data. That being said:
If the problem is not linearly separable and not using slacks the optimization will fail. It depends on the implementation and the specific optimization algorithm how it fails, does it not converge?, does it not find a descent direction? does it run into numerical difficulties? Even if you wanted to determine cases with slacks, you can still run into numerical difficulties that would make and that alone would make your algorithm of linear separability unreliable
How high do you need to go? Well that is a fundamental question. It is called the problem of data representation. For straight forward solutions people use held out data (people don't care about linear separability they care about good performance on held out data) and do parameter search (for example an RBF kernel can is strictly more expressive than a linear kernel) under the correct gammas. So the problem becomes finding a good gamma for your data. See for example this paper:
I don't think there is a trivial connection between the values of the lagrangian multipliers and linear separability. You can try an high alphas whose value is C, but I'm not sure you'll be able to say much.

Face Recognition Logic

I want to develop an application in which user input an image (of a person), a system should be able to identify face from an image of a person. System also works if there are more than one persons in an image.
I need a logic, I dont have any idea how can work on image pixel data in such a manner that it identifies person faces.
Eigenface might be a good algorithm to start with if you're looking to build a system for educational purposes, since it's relatively simple and serves as the starting point for a lot of other algorithms in the field. Basically what you do is take a bunch of face images (training data), switch them to grayscale if they're RGB, resize them so that every image has the same dimensions, make the images into vectors by stacking the columns of the images (which are now 2D matrices) on top of each other, compute the mean of every pixel value in all the images, and subtract that value from every entry in the matrix so that the component vectors won't be affine. Once that's done, you compute the covariance matrix of the result, solve for its eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and find the principal components. These components will serve as the basis for a vector space, and together describe the most significant ways in which face images differ from one another.
Once you've done that, you can compute a similarity score for a new face image by converting it into a face vector, projecting into the new vector space, and computing the linear distance between it and other projected face vectors.
If you decide to go this route, be careful to choose face images that were taken under an appropriate range of lighting conditions and pose angles. Those two factors play a huge role in how well your system will perform when presented with new faces. If the training gallery doesn't account for the properties of a probe image, you're going to get nonsense results. (I once trained an eigenface system on random pictures pulled down from the internet, and it gave me Bill Clinton as the strongest match for a picture of Elizabeth II, even though there was another picture of the Queen in the gallery. They both had white hair, were facing in the same direction, and were photographed under similar lighting conditions, and that was good enough for the computer.)
If you want to pull faces from multiple people in the same image, you're going to need a full system to detect faces, pull them into separate files, and preprocess them so that they're comparable with other faces drawn from other pictures. Those are all huge subjects in their own right. I've seen some good work done by people using skin color and texture-based methods to cut out image components that aren't faces, but these are also highly subject to variations in training data. Color casting is particularly hard to control, which is why grayscale conversion and/or wavelet representations of images are popular.
Machine learning is the keystone of many important processes in an FR system, so I can't stress the importance of good training data enough. There are a bunch of learning algorithms out there, but the most important one in my view is the naive Bayes classifier; the other methods converge on Bayes as the size of the training dataset increases, so you only need to get fancy if you plan to work with smaller datasets. Just remember that the quality of your training data will make or break the system as a whole, and as long as it's solid, you can pick whatever trees you like from the forest of algorithms that have been written to support the enterprise.
EDIT: A good sanity check for your training data is to compute average faces for your probe and gallery images. (This is exactly what it sounds like; after controlling for image size, take the sum of the RGB channels for every image and divide each pixel by the number of images.) The better your preprocessing, the more human the average faces will look. If the two average faces look like different people -- different gender, ethnicity, hair color, whatever -- that's a warning sign that your training data may not be appropriate for what you have in mind.
Have a look at the Face Recognition Hompage - there are algorithms, papers, and even some source code.
There are many many different alghorithms out there. Basically what you are looking for is "computer vision". We had made a project in university based around facial recognition and detection. What you need to do is google extensively and try to understand all this stuff. There is a bit of mathematics involved so be prepared. First go to wikipedia. Then you will want to search for pdf publications of specific algorithms.
You can go a hard way - write an implementaion of all alghorithms by yourself. Or easy way - use some computer vision library like OpenCV or OpenVIDIA.
And actually it is not that hard to make something that will work. So be brave. A lot harder is to make a software that will work under different and constantly varying conditions. And that is where google won't help you. But I suppose you don't want to go that deep.
