Setting the glyph image in a FireMonkey TListView - delphi

I have a FireMonkey TListView in a project. It's using a DynamicAppearance, each item features a couple of text entries and a glyph button. What I cannot seem to figure out is how to set the glyph image for that button when I build the list.
For example, when building the list items, I can do this for a text field:
lviAmount := lvi.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemText>('Amount');
lviAmount.Text := FloatToStrF( tx.amount, ffNumber, 7, 2);
But I cannot see how to do the same thing with a TListItemGlyphButton:
lviDelete := lvi.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemGlyphButton>('DeleteButton');
How can I set/assign the glyph image on a TListItemGlyphButton in a FireMonkey TListView? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You cannot do that with a TListViewGlyphButton. It's only for Add, Delete or CheckBox button types. If you want to have an image of your own, use TListItemImage, and use the Bitmap property, e.g:
lviDelete := lvi.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemImage>('DeleteButton');
lviDelete.Bitmap := SomeBitmap;
You'll also need to use the OnListViewItemClickEx event to determine whether or not it was the image that was clicked


How to change the colour of the stringgrid particular cell using Delphi XE7

I'm using Delphi XE7 for developing Android application. In that I have used TStringGrid component and then I have used
StringGrid.cells[0, 0] := 'Test'
And how can I change the Font colour of that particular cell which I have shown in the code. And also I have this sample code, but I can not change the font colour of the particular cell. Please anybody explain me how to change the font colour of the particular cell value. And I'm using Delphi XE7 and I'm targeting Android mobile.
In a FireMonkey TStringGrid there are no per cell styling options. You will either need to use a third party grid control or roll something yourself from TGrid.
You can find plenty of material on the latter on my site at
At last, I have found the solution which I required. Please follow the Steps. We can able to change the font color in TStringGrid itself, No need to use TGrid. Please follow the below steps.
First assign this in FormCreate event:
StringGrid1.DefaultDrawing := False;
then write this in StringGrid DrawColumnCell event:
Canvas.fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Green;
Canvas.FillText(Bounds, (Value.AsString),
false, 100, [], TTextAlign.taLeading, TTextAlign.taCenter);
Works in XE8 as well for the TStringGrid OnDrawColumnCell event.
Herewith an example that keeps the color on black but sets the font styling to bold. Tip, add 2 pixels padding for the font, from the left margin.
var Rect : TRectF;
Rect := Bounds;
Rect.Left := Rect.Left + 2;
Canvas.Font.Style := [TFontStyle.fsBold];
Canvas.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Black;
Canvas.FillText(Rect, (Value.AsString), false, 100, [], TTextAlign.taLeading, TTextAlign.taCenter);
What I missed in the beginning was not setting the DefaultDrawing to false! After I set that, the event was accepting changes to the Canvas.

How to add a Timage to a TScrollBox in Firemonkey XE6?

Firstly sorry if this has come up before but I am struggling to find anything on the matter.
I'm trying to add a number of TImage's to a scrollbox which is meant to hold the images and allow the user to scroll across them. This creation is done in run time.
The images are stored in an array of TImage.
Below is the code I have to create the images.
procedure TfrmMain.CreateSolutionImages(ImageCount: Integer);
I: Integer;
ImageScale: double;
if sbSolutionImages.ComponentCount > 0 then //destroy the images already in the scrollbox
SetLength(SolutionImages,0); //clear the array of images
SetLength(SolutionImages,ImageCount); //SolutionImages is an array of timage
ImageScale:= ((sbSolutionImages.Width - 20)/Guillotine.StockWidth);
for I := 0 to ImageCount - 1 do
if not Assigned(SolutionImages[I]) then //if not assigned then create and set the parent to the scrollbox
SolutionImages[I]:= TImage.Create(sbSolutionImages);
SolutionImages[I].Parent:= sbSolutionImages;
SolutionImages[I].Width:= trunc(Guillotine.StockWidth * ImageScale); //set image dimentions and positions
SolutionImages[I].Height:= trunc(Guillotine.StockHeight * ImageScale);
SolutionImages[I].Position.X:= 10;
if I = 0 then
SolutionImages[I].Position.Y:= 10;
SolutionImages[I].Position.Y:= SolutionImages[I-1].Position.Y + SolutionImages[I-1].Height + 20;
//forgot to include these lines
What is happening is that the scrollbox (sbSolutionImages) is reporting that it contains the images, i.e. componentcount increases, however it is not drawing the images and no scrollbars appear, which should logically happen as some of the images won't be in the viewable region.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Add a TLayout as a child of the TScrollBox.
Set the Width and Height as appropriate (and set Position=(0,0)).
Add your images as children on the TLayout.
The TScrollBox will then know the bounds of the TLayout and will set it's scroll bars based on this.
Ok sorry. It was a simple stupid issue.
I forgot to set the sizes on the bitmaps of all the images.
Still within the for loop I needed to add.
Ok so it appears that I am still having a problem. The scrollbars are not coming up and trying to the resize the scrollbox (I have a slider between two panels, one is the parent of the scrollbox and the other holds other components) either does nothing (nothing moves) or causes the slider to shoot off the screen to the left, thus hiding everything "off" the application window.
As I am not familiar with firemonkey, this is boggling. I could've done this easily in VCL however we are trying to explore the "acclaimed power" of firemonkey.

How to move a transparent form without border in Delphi?

I already know and have used these methods to create a form without boders that can be moved.
Move form without border style
I'm using the WMNCHitTest override.
The MouseDown event don't work at all.
This form is very simple it is displaying a countdown, a number that changes very second and that's all. The number being painted using a big TLabel with big fonts.
But I also made this form transparent by using Delphi's standard form properties.
Now, if I try to click on the form to move it, the only area I can use is the lines drawing the changing numbers, even if they are not so thin, this is not practical.
I'd like the user to be able to move the numbers to any position of the screen by clicking anywhere near the numbers, let's say inside a "0" or an "8".
I'd think about drawing a transparent rectangle over the numbers and be that the clickable area, but the effect would be the same, the click would go throu.
I know an application that does this, so it is possible, but how?
procedure TfrmCountDown.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
iCount := iCount - 1;
lblTime.Caption := FormatFloat('00', iCount);
procedure TfrmCountDown.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
iCount := 60;
Self.Color := clGray;
Self.TransparentColor := true;
Self.TransparentColorValue := clGray;
procedure TfrmCountDown.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
Pt: TPoint;
Pt := ScreenToClient(SmallPointToPoint(Message.Pos));
if Pt.Y < 160 then
Message.Result := HTCAPTION
VCL Form Transparency (by which presume you to mean the TransparentColor property, as opposed to the Alpha properties) uses Layered Windows to achieve the transparent drawing. Using this technique any transparent area of the window is not only transparent visually but also with respect to hit testing.
i.e. Using VCL form transparency, the transparent areas in your form may as well not exist at all.
What could work is to turn off the VCL form transparency and instead implement your form using the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT window style. This enables visual transparency but allows you to handle hit testing to make different areas of your form transparent, or not, with respect to clicks.
Unfortunately WS_EX_TRANSPARENT is not a complete "transparency" solution - it only tells Windows that your form is transparent, but you also then have to take additional steps to actually be properly transparent, or to interpret what "transparent" means for your specific form.
This means it complicates the visual rendering of your form and you will also have to override the paint mechanism to properly draw your form. From how you describe the content on your form this does not sound like it will be too arduous however, though it is far some straightforward (I do not have a working example unfortunately).
At the very least you will probably be best to replace your TLabel with calls to select an appropriate font and render text into the window client area with a transparent background. But there will be additional house keeping required.
In your WM_NCHITTEST handler, respond with HTNOWHERE for those areas of your form which you wish to be interpreted as "click through" areas, and HTCAPTION for the areas that you wish to support dragging (i.e. from what you describe, within a region defined by the bounds of your text).
Unfortunately I think you will find that there are lots of fiddly aspects to the implementation of painting a transparent window.

How to change the color of a FM TSpeedButton

My Application has several TSpeedButtons with which to choose a color and I want each choice to be shown by the color of the TSpeedButton.
I found this answer on Stackoverflow on how to change the color of a TButton. The second answer (change colors dynamically) appears to be the solution I am looking for. It reads as follows:
var r: TRectangle;
// Find the background TRectangle style element for the button
r := (Button1.FindStyleResource('background') as TRectangle);
if Assigned(r) then
r.Fill.Color := claBlue;
This does not work anymore (i use XE5, this is XE2?). It generates an exception at the r := ... statement with:
"illegal cast".
The FindStyleResource returns a FMXObject.
TRectangle is a TShape->TControl->TFMXObject.
I can cast to TControl but not to TShape. In case you wonder, Button1 is a TButton.
Does anyone know how I do change the color of a TSpeedButton?
As an aside: is there a way to determine which type of object exactly is beging returned? I couldn't find out in the debugger.
The answer to the question you linked to relates to vector styles, where the style constructed entirely from shapes etc (such as the TRectangle).
In newer versions of FireMonkey the 'system' styles (which mimic the OS look) and some other styles use bitmaps.
If you want to edit a bitmap style, you'll need to find the bitmap image in the style, edit it, and then redo/edit the button's style to use the new image. (If you're on mobile this will probably be hard enough that you shouldn't even try it).
Another route would be be to change to one of the bitmap styles supplied with Delphi. You will find them under the redist/styles/fmx folder of your Delphi installation.
As for the class of the object, and as per other comments, examine the ClassName property of the object returned.
But bear in mind that not every style will have an object called 'background'. Both the name of the object and it's class can easily vary between styles. You really ought to look at the style you want to pluck objects from to see what's there. (Note that the objects name ('background') will be in the StyleName property).
It would be much easier to use a TColorButton instead, which directly exposes the Color property. You can find it on the Colors page of the component palette. Here are two on a new FMX form in the IDE's form designer:
As far as "which type of object is being returned", you can use the debugger or a ShowMessage for the TFMXObject.ClassName of the return value:
Obj: TFmxObject;
Obj := Button1.FindResource('background');
if Assigned(Obj) then

How can obtain the image which uses windows 7 to draw the parent nodes in a treeview control?

I'm working in a custom control which mix two windows controls (listview and treeview). In some point, I need to draw the image which uses windows 7 (with themes enabled) to identify the parent nodes, I'm using the DrawThemeBackground function with the TVP_GLYPH part and the GLPS_CLOSED state (I tried with all the parts and states related to the TREEVIEW class without luck), but the result image always is the old (+) or (-).
This image show the issue
I want to draw the Arrow image (inside of black circle) instead of the (+) sign (inside of orange circle).
This is the sample code which I use to draw the image.
procedure TForm40.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
iPartId : integer;
iStateId: integer;
hTheme : THandle;
hTheme := OpenThemeData(Handle, VSCLASS_TREEVIEW);
iPartId := TVP_GLYPH;
//iPartId := TVP_TREEITEM;
//iStateId:= TREIS_NORMAL;
if hTheme <> 0 then
//if (IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(hTheme, iPartId, iStateId)) then
// DrawThemeParentBackground(Handle, PaintBox1.Canvas.Handle, nil);
DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, PaintBox1.Canvas.Handle, iPartId, iStateId, Rect(0, 0, 31, 31), nil);
I check a couple of tools like the application made by Andreas Rejbrand and this too, but I can't find the image which I want.
My question is : how I can obtain the arrow image?
Thanks to the answer posted for Stigma I found additional resources to the values of the parts and states of the Explorer::Treeview class.
VisualStyleRenderer and themes
First of all, in the case of an ordinary ListView or TreeView, one can simply call SetWindowTheme on its handle to apply the proper sort of styling. The example from its MSDN page is as follows:
SetWindowTheme(hwndList, L"Explorer", NULL);
Since we are talking about a custom control, I am not so sure that applies here however. But since SetWindowTheme causes the WM_THEMECHANGED message to be sent to the proper window, it implies that you will just need to use the proper OpenThemeData call for the specific sub theme.
I think Luke's comment is correct. You probably just need to pass 'Explorer::Treeview' rather than the plain style. So, barring years of not having touched Delphi/Pascal:
hTheme := OpenThemeData(Handle, 'Explorer::Treeview');
You must set SetWindowTheme(Handle, 'explorer', nil); before painting to ensure that OpenThemeData will use new explorer style theme. Of course, window handle must be the same for both functions.
