App is NOT Crashing While Debugging - ios

I am facing a strange issue in my currently working app. App is crashing when we install app through diawi or directly install using .ipa . But I am not able to regenerate the issue through debugging. I am totally confused and how can I solve the issue?
I am using Xcode 8.2.1

You can try building the app in Xcode in the Release configuration instead of the Debug configuration.
You do this by
clicking on your app name at the top left (near where you press to run the app)
choosing 'Edit Scheme' from the drop down
clicking on the disclosure indicator by 'Run'
choosing 'Run' from the three choices which appear
there is a drop down called 'Build Configuration'. This will almost certainly be set to Debug. Set this to Release.
Now when you run your app you will be building a far more optimised version - this is the version you build when you are submitting to Apple. It's just the same app optimised for speed/memory instead of debugability.
Hopefully, you should be able to reproduce your crash in Xcode now. However, you'll notice that you get far less debugging information when you hit your crash - this is because Debug builds have lots of extra information in (and are much less optimised by the compiler) specifically to make debugging easier. Being able to reproduce the crash in Xcode should give you a few more clues as to what's going on. At the least you should be able to see the chunk of code causing you issues.
Let us know how you get on.

Use crash tracking tool to track crash here is the detail about installing crashlytics


Worked one day, errored out next on Mac: Error within debug UI #appcelerator

This could be related to the problem here, but since this is happening in my iOS build (not Android), and I have cleaned the project and restarted Appcelerator, I don't know why this would occur.
Note - I did not change my dev environment, update appcelerator, or change any certs on my MBA where I'm developing my app. The only thing that I've changed is app code. I thought that I might see bugs or errors, but I'm not trying to debut either, as I'm building and installing via iTunes sync to my ipod Touch w/9.2. The build process and settings have not changed, so I don't even know where to start.
Work around more than an answer, but for some reason, my device, registered at apple was not being recognized by appcelerator (see note in my comment for related issue). After logging into apple dev center, and going back to appcelerator, the issue appeared to go away. I don't know if this is solved, but the workaround got me in business again.

Why does my distributed app look different than it did while debugging in xcode?

I 'completed' an app and submitted it to the app store. The app was rejected because they couldn't get the app to start. They sent me images and they look different than anything that I have seen while debugging.
I created an ad hoc .ipa and loaded it onto my device and then I was able to see the same symptoms. Some images are missing, including the 'start' button.
It does not cause a crash, so I can't use crash reports to debug the problem.
Are there certain settings that I need to modify to make sure that a distributed app and a debugged app are the same?
I am using Xcode 5.1.1 and Cocos2D.
(Some of the images that are missing are images whose zOrder I modified; I don't know if this is relevant or not).
One of the missing images is 'tower_blank.png' shown in the project navigator in the screen shot below:
I found a solution that fixed the problem. I would love to get some feedback as to whether this is a good idea or not.
Under 'Build Settings->Apple LLVM 5.1 - Code Generation->Optimization Level' I changed the Release setting from 'Fastest,Smallest' to 'None'

Crashlytics is not sending Crash report from iPhone

I've setup the Crashlytics in my one iOS application and installed the application on a real device. My Crashlytics Dashboard is displaying that, I've successfully added the app. However, it's not sending crash report. My internet speed is not so good. But I can check my emails from this device. Can anybody guess, where is the problem?
Xcode debugger does NOT allow Crashlytics to process crash reports. Yeah, that seem weird even to me when I read that first time but it is a fact (Source). That's is the reason we never see crash report When:
- running app in Simulator
- running app on iDevice by directly build and run from Xcode with debugger on.
To make sure a crash is reported during your testing (copied from Crashlytics support site):
1. Launch simulator
2. Press stop
3. Launch your app and force a crash
4. Relaunch the app from simulator
5. See the crash report in the web dashboard.
Added a reference; Crashlytics also provides a short article on a quick way to force a crash.
My be it's late but work 100%
Make some changes in project build settings like in below image
and follow these instructions.
The primary reason any crash reporter won't work on iOS is due to interference from different crash reporters. However, with Crashlytics specifically there could be something specific to them causing the crash report not getting reported.
Xcode debugger does NOT allow Any Crash Reporter to process crash reports. This is because XCode overrides any hooks into the crash handling call backs. This only happens when:
running app in Simulator (with debugger on)
running app on iDevice by directly build and run from Xcode with debugger on.
To make sure a crash is reported during your testing (
Launch simulator
Press stop
Launch your app and force a crash
Relaunch the app from simulator
See the crash report in the web dashboard.
While a super old video it's still relevant, here's a video of the steps above (example from Crittercism):
For me, the problem was that the device was connected to my Mac :)
From this source:
Also, if you have your device connected to your Mac, XCode's debugger
will step in as well. So just disconnect the device before testing :)
I found solution using following steps
1. Go to Edit Scheme
2. Run -> Info
3. Change Build Configuration to release.
Now run the app crash it. You will receive mail.
We recently ran into this issue and I found that somewhere along the way the build script was removed. Adding it back in with the following fixed the issue for us:
./Crashlytics.framework/run <your_api_key> <build_secret>
Note : When using Cocoapods you will want to us the following instead of the above (source):
Adding a build script:
To add a Run Script Build Phase in Xcode 6, select your application target in your project, then select "Build Phases".
Click the small "plus" icon and select "New Run Script Build Phase".
You should now see a Run Script section in the middle of your Build Phase options, as shown above.
Inside the body of the Run Script Build Phase, paste in the script.`
The above quote comes from Crashlytics's visual tutorial, referenced in this post.
Note: I originally posted this answer verbatim for Crashlytics error code: 202 when Submitting files.
From the RayWenderlich site:
You won’t get any crash reports if Xcode intercepts the crash event!
To make all the examples below work, you have to build and run the
application, then click the stop button on Xcode. This way you will
have the latest version installed on the the device. Once that is
done, you can launch the app on the device itself, and then crash it
all you want! All the crashes on your iOS device will be caught and
sent to the server component of the service that you have integrated
into the app. Crash reports are usually sent to the server the next
time you start the app, so the steps to follow to generate a crash
report on the server are as follows: Build and run on Xcode. Press the
stop button. Run the app on your iOS device. Make the app crash. Run
the app again.
Crashlytics works for me until now.
I don't know why but now it doesn't work.
You should turn debug-mode on by
[Crashlytics sharedInstance].debugMode = YES;
My problem is here Crashlytics error code: 202 when Submitting files :(
Make sure you are not forcing the crash too early.
Set [Crashlytics sharedInstance].debugMode to YES;
Watch for
Crashlytics] Settings loaded
on the Xcode console logs.
Then force the crash and restart the app, and the crash will be reported now.
I ran into a similar problem when trying the test crash code.
I was running my app from a device, without Xcode, and the crash wouldn't show up on Crashlytics Dashboard. What worked for me was the following tip from Crashlytics website:
Make sure to launch the app after crashing it, so that the crash can
be uploaded
I commented out the above crash() call, and re-ran the app. Then the crash showed up in the Dashboard.
This is for xcode 9, from crashlytics 3.4.0
After doing this, be patient and wait for a few minutes.
Have you tried running [[Crashlytics sharedInstance] crash] on a device and seeing if that gets reported? There are a few reasons why Crashlytics might not work including other crash reporters etc.
If you don't upload the dSYM file, Crashlytics will not show your crash even though the report successfully uploaded.
You could run into this problem, if you have set up your build-script to only run on your CI server. Then if you have copied your app to your phone via xcode and you run it without being attached to the debugger, the report will be uploaded but ignored, because of the missing dSYM file.
Sometimes, it takes some time for the logs to show up. I am able to find them after 15-20 mins
One of the issue I feel that in the Run Script Phase, it should be a separate Run Script Phase for CrashLytics. When had the run script
With some of my other script, everything was ok, CrashLytics log show report submitted, but nothing was in the web interface.
When I add another Run script phase only with Fabric run, it appears like a magic :)
My first try was with cocoapods, but that did not work.
When I manually add all the framework and a separate run script phase that worked.
This worked for me,
If you're testing on iDevice, just unplug iDevice with your Xcode and run your app.
Now, If crashed it will be updated on dashboard.
I solved by deselecting "Run Script only when installing" option in Run script (one for Fabric(crashlytics))

Ad Hoc test install failing

I have a project I can successfully build/install using developer/debug to a device or simulator.
When I make an ad hoc build i can build-run onto the simulator, but not onto the device.
I'm trying to perform a direct install because the ad hoc installed app is crashing (nil added to array) where the debug version is not.
I also have tried to attach to the running ad hoc installed app. The app will run indefinitely (but crash if i perform a particular use case.) But if I attempt to attach to the running app, it will crash.
It happens to be a Box2d/Cocos2d application - but i don't have any reason to think they are the cause. Xcode 4.3.2, iPhone4 iOS 5.1
the message when build-and-run is attempted:
error: failed to launch '/Users/bshirley/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/foo-bar-evrbckppmbsspqhezhleaxkmymxn/Build/Products/Adhoc-iphoneos/' -- failed to get the task for process 6892
Anyone have some insight into the problem or tracking it down?
Edit, I thought I'd add some key words so searches might be more likely to find:
One issue with diagnosing the post-mortem crash was that the stack trace was not symbolized in the Device Logs of the Organizer in Xcode. That left me with 6+ deep stack trace w/i my code and no real reason to determine where it actually was.
If it is a release build, the app will (in a default setup) have a flag preventing outside processes from hooking into it (for security reasons). This includes the debugger. If you try, you will get the exact error message you indicate.
EDIT Sorry, small error. A release build alone will not cause this. A build with an adhoc certificate will cause this, because it is meant for final install on a device (not debugging).
If borrrden is correct (and it seems reasonable that he is, connecting one app to a signed running app would be a security issue), I can't actively debug the adhoc app.
The most useful thing i found for tracking down this issue, is Build Settings -> Symbols Hidden by Default - this value is only NO for debug. Setting it for NO on adhoc allowed me to see the entire stack trace when inspecting the Device Logs in the Xcode Organizer.
That led me to the particular method that was invoking the crash causing issue. Which led to the question why wasn't it crashing in the debug build. Didn't have time to diagnose that, just fix the problem.

ios Simulator Could Not Find The Application To Simulate

I'm having trouble with the iOS simulator. I'm currently on 10.7 and was using the simulator to test my website. During the testing, I switched the iOS version via the tool bar, and the application froze and quit. Upon restarting, I get the following error message, with a finder window, inviting me to choose an application:
"ios Simulator Could Not Find The Application To Simulate"
Here's what I've tried to fix the issue:
1: Attempt to identify the application it needs, but the only thing i could see to open was a printer app and the ios simulator app, which just results in a "only one iOS simulator can run at a time" error message.
2: Restart the Mac.
3: Download the new Xcode tools from the app store.
4: Restart again.
None of this has helped, and I'm really stuck without it at the moment. If anyone knows how to resolve the problem, I would be grateful to hear any suggestions. Thanks.
Give this a shot.
Open up a new shell, and shoot of this command: sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all (assuming thats the location of the instal).
Then run the Xcode installer you got from the app store.
This removes all the plist files that were also installed with xcode, which aren't removed when you simply reinstall. This is as close as you can come to a complete xcode refresh without reinstalling your OS.
Here's an alternative solution that worked for me... the answer selected here did not. I created a blank, "hello world" project and simply ran it. When you run the app, it sends the app to the simulator and voila! iOS Simulator has an app to simulate. From that point forward, you should be able to open the iOS Simulator without a problem.
After a while longer trying various things, it seems like I may have fixed it.
When asking for an application to open, I opened Xcode, and (weirdly) that opened up and left the testing shell visible, with the tool bar intact. I then selected the current version from the device options and hit the home button, and suddenly everything appeared.
Weird thing to have suddenly happened, but there you go.
I still can't test in iOS 3, so that's a bit of a problem, but not a disaster either!
