Worked one day, errored out next on Mac: Error within debug UI #appcelerator - ios

This could be related to the problem here, but since this is happening in my iOS build (not Android), and I have cleaned the project and restarted Appcelerator, I don't know why this would occur.
Note - I did not change my dev environment, update appcelerator, or change any certs on my MBA where I'm developing my app. The only thing that I've changed is app code. I thought that I might see bugs or errors, but I'm not trying to debut either, as I'm building and installing via iTunes sync to my ipod Touch w/9.2. The build process and settings have not changed, so I don't even know where to start.

Work around more than an answer, but for some reason, my device, registered at apple was not being recognized by appcelerator (see note in my comment for related issue). After logging into apple dev center, and going back to appcelerator, the issue appeared to go away. I don't know if this is solved, but the workaround got me in business again.


Ios share extension does not work when installed by testflight but works installed by xcode

Installed with testflight the application does appear in the list of target applications to share an image with. When I select my application icon in the list I do get a normal Post dialog. After pressing "Post" in the dialog the application does open but nothing else happens.
When the same version of application is installed with xcode the shared file is delivered and the application displays the shared image.
I am not even sure how to debug such an issue as the application installed by testflight does not appear in the list of installed applications in xcode Devices window. Nothing that I can find in device logs either.
Please suggest any approach to troubleshooting the issue.
Update: I found a way to get much more detailed logs from device than the one provided by xcode's "Devices" window: deviceconsole utility. This gives at least some information to approach troubleshooting.
Update 1: It turns out that the application installed through ad hoc ipa file exported from the same archive that was submitted to testflight shows the same problem. This allows much quicker testing turn around.
This answer indicates that the problem can be caused by "Deployment Target" of extension set above the ios version of test device. I did try different combination of this setting in the application and extension, nothing helped thus far.
Update 2: I created code-level support request with apple for this issue and provided full source of the application to them. After few months of apathetic communications they concluded that the problem is due to a bug and suggested to create report Apple Bug Reporter. I did that and after another few months of more apathetic communications the issue was promptly closed on the basis that the application does not crash. Frustrating, but I still need to resolve the problem, now looks like without help from vendor.
If the deployment target is higher than the version number of the actual phone, your code cannot run. So the only choice is reducing the deployment target of the extension to be the same as the app.
I’d check if you have somehow set different deployment targets for debug and release.

Xcode 9 issues after cloning repo

This is an app I'm helping out with remotely. I have some issues right after cloning repo..
Assets folder is marked as modified. git status results: modified: AppName/Resources/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json. One of many compile warnings says "A 1024x1024 app store icon is required for iOS apps". Is new 1024x1024 asset placeholder the modification that was made?
Many warnings:
The app is running well in App Store and has support for iPhoneX, so if I clone, shouldn't all this stuff be sorted out already? I still see layout issues when I run in simulator on any device size that were apparently fixed for iphoneX compatibility. When I was running Xcode 8.3 I didn't have these issues.
I need to add a feature, push and make build available on TestFlight, but I'm worried about pushing with all these compile errors & bet it wont even archive with missing 1024x1024 asset.
Should I just go back to previous version of Xcode rather than sticking with 9.1 or resolve all this stuff myself? Devs aren't really available for me to consult with since initial app was developed through full-service software dev company.
Im mainly in contact with business ops/project managers who don't really have knowledge of tech at this level. Im no seasoned dev myself so I'd like some advice here before expressing concerns with managers or getting strings pulled to talk with devs who last worked on it.
I'm hoping the first comment isn't that this question doesn't belong here. I think its a fine line.
Thanks for your time.
The app in the appstore could be submitted and released to the appstore with issues listed in the issue navigator of the xcode on posted screenshot.
So, switching to a version of Xcode which was used for a last submit to the app store by previous developers does not guarantee that those issues will be not present.
There is only one issue which you have to resolve is "1024x1024 app store icon is required for iOS app" and this can be done only within Xcode 9

App is NOT Crashing While Debugging

I am facing a strange issue in my currently working app. App is crashing when we install app through diawi or directly install using .ipa . But I am not able to regenerate the issue through debugging. I am totally confused and how can I solve the issue?
I am using Xcode 8.2.1
You can try building the app in Xcode in the Release configuration instead of the Debug configuration.
You do this by
clicking on your app name at the top left (near where you press to run the app)
choosing 'Edit Scheme' from the drop down
clicking on the disclosure indicator by 'Run'
choosing 'Run' from the three choices which appear
there is a drop down called 'Build Configuration'. This will almost certainly be set to Debug. Set this to Release.
Now when you run your app you will be building a far more optimised version - this is the version you build when you are submitting to Apple. It's just the same app optimised for speed/memory instead of debugability.
Hopefully, you should be able to reproduce your crash in Xcode now. However, you'll notice that you get far less debugging information when you hit your crash - this is because Debug builds have lots of extra information in (and are much less optimised by the compiler) specifically to make debugging easier. Being able to reproduce the crash in Xcode should give you a few more clues as to what's going on. At the least you should be able to see the chunk of code causing you issues.
Let us know how you get on.
Use crash tracking tool to track crash here is the detail about installing crashlytics

unable to verify mobile app on IOS9 using Xcode 7

I have been trying to take advantage of Xcode now allowing developers to test on devices without being enrolled on the developer program.
This was working just a few weeks ago, no problems at all
however, for no apparent reason, I am getting this error message whenever i try to run my app on the iPhone:
after some googling a website led me to this page in the settings app:
From what i can gather on google, The problem is that the app isn't verified. However when i click verify nothing changes. The text at the top of the screen changes very briefly (i assume it's saying loading)
I have tried deleting the provisioning profile, that Xcode had created, and clicking fix when Xcode tells me it can't find the profile. Nothing changed
so my question is: does anybody know what the problem is here and how to fix it?
I've never seen a problem with that before but with x-code there are usually 3 really annoying but normally foolproof steps to solving a problem such as this.
1) Update your IOS and make sure you are on the most recent version
2) Reinstall X-code
3) Recreate the app
Like I said those 3 steps can normally solve any non code related problem.
Hope that helps!

Why does my app work in the simulator but get stuck on the splash screen when I run it on my iPhone?

My app runs fine on the simulator. However, when I run it on my iPhone, it gets as far as displaying the splash screen and then just stays there. It's an iPhone 3GS and the software version is 5.0.1. That's what happens when Debugger = None. When Debugger = GDB, I get an error message, 'Thread 1: Program received signal: "SIGABRT"', which I have learned can mean almost anything. I'm running Xcode 4.2.1.
I'm coming off a long hard night of battling with this error message, which appeared seemingly out of nowhere in a stable mature app. I tried to roll back with time machine, I deleted the Derived data for my project in Organizer a few times and did some of the other stuff recommended in this thread.
XCode 4 hangs at "Attaching to (app name)"
It got ugly. For a while, I couldn't even reboot my machine. Eventually, I was able to relaunch finder and suddenly the Simulator was working again. Two more pieces of information, I used to have to click allow in two dialog boxes when running on my phone but now it's only one (the one about code signing, I forget what the other one was about). Second, I find all the build architecture target stuff confusing but I set all my Base SDKs to be latest iOS. Lastly, I tried Product --> Clean and then Build but that didn't fix it. As you may have gathered, I'm getting my butt kicked. Any help would be much appreciated.
Many times I have experienced Xcode going "crazy" with a physical device connected. At times I saw the behavior you describes; other the app simply refused to start;
In all of those cases, I could fixed it in either of two ways:
disconnect the iphone and connect it again;
reboot the device.
This is a very common problem that is easily fixable.
1) remove the app from the device
2) reboot the device
3) close Xcode and you must restart, logging out will not work
