Add ignored file - plasticscm

cm add file\that\is.ignored results in file\that\is.ignored has been excluded. Is there a way to accomplish this without needing to add an exclusion to ignore.conf?

I'm sorry but's there's no way to force the add operation for an ignored item.
You'll need to exclude it from the ignore.conf file and then add it.


How can a Bazel `repository_rule` adjust a `label_flag` (or a `config_setting` more generally)?

I can create a label_flag in Bazel to allow command line flags to in turn be matched with a config_setting in a Bazel BUILD file.
However, I'd like to not hard-code the default value of the label_flag, and instead compute a good default based on the system when evaluating a repository_rule (or some other part of the WORKSPACE file).
The best (but awful) way I've come up with to do this is to have the default value loaded from a .bzl file that is generated using the template function on the repository_ctx.
I feel like generating a new file by doing textual substitutions probably isn't the right way to do this, but I can't find anything else. Ideas? help?
Generating a bzl file using the repository rule that inspects the host system is the only way to achieve what you need right now. So you're holding it "right" :)

How to add custom room option in mod_muc_room.erl for opts table field (muc_room) in ejabberd

I need to add new custom option in opts in muc_room table field in ejabberd db, but i also need to modify the mod_muc_room erl files and other related file. please help proper way to modify it.
Define the new option in include/mod_muc_room.hrl and add it in mod_muc_room.erl like all the other options. The best way is to copy code already written for another option.

Modify the default report folder of pitest target/pit-reports/YYYYMMDDHHMI

is it possible to rename the report default folder ?
I don't want to have "YYYYMMDDHHMI", I'm trying to rename it to something simple and constant. Thanks
This is controlled by the timestampedReports parameter. If you set it to false pitest will use a constant location.

How do I find a particular sub directory using Ant and then use it to create a symlink?

I need to create a symlink to a sub-directory using Ant. The issue is that I don't know where the target sub-directory is.
To create a symlink with ant I do this:
<symlink link="${parent.dir}/FOO/linkname" resource="${parent.dir}/BAR/target"/>
But I don't know what BAR is called in advance so I need to do a search for "target" under parent.dir and then pass the one result into the resource.
Is this possible using fileset? Or another way?
It might be possible to use a fileset but that might give you several symlinks or none.
A much better approach is to define the path to BAR in a property. If there is a dynamic part in this path, change the code so that Ant evaluates the dynamic part and everyone else uses Ant's value.
The typical example here is that the path contains a version or timestamp. Define those in your build file so you can use them everywhere. If a Java process needs the values, pass them to the process as a system property (-D...).

Does Texniccenter or any other tex editor auto-complete references in Latex?

I want to use a latex editor that has auto completion feature for existing references in a latex file. Do you know any good ones? I am trying to find this feature in texniccenter, but I guess it doesn't exist or I could't find it yet.
Ok, I found how to enable auto completion in Texniccenter. I needed first create a project. Then open the file in this project (or copy its text). Now Ctrl-Space inside a \ref{} tag completes the reference automatically.
Texlipse does this, also with Ctrl+Space.
Inlage includes such a function, too. New commands and new environments will also appear in the auto completion list. If you use extern BibTex files the \cite{} command will open a list with your articles and books from you .bib file.
Ok, I found it. I needed first create a project. Then open the file in this project (or copy its text). Now Ctrl-Space inside a \ref{} tag completes the reference automatically.
Kile has reference completion. If you type Ctrl+Space inside of a \ref{}, you get a list of all the references (that existed last time you compiled, of course).
LEd presents a click list of them when in a \ref{}
The RefTeX mode for Emacs will do what you're asking for: the shortcut C-c ) activates the "insert a \ref" mode (of course, you can customize which type of reference: fancyref, hyperref, etc) and pressing TAB will allow you to start typing and autocomplete by tabbing again after typing some characters.
It also figures out (or asks if it can't) what sort of ref you're inserting and shows a list of all the defined \labels in your document, selectable with the arrow keys or C-n / C-p.
Now we just need a Vi user to come along and tell us how to do it there...
Now texmaker does, not need any special key.
