How do I find a particular sub directory using Ant and then use it to create a symlink? - ant

I need to create a symlink to a sub-directory using Ant. The issue is that I don't know where the target sub-directory is.
To create a symlink with ant I do this:
<symlink link="${parent.dir}/FOO/linkname" resource="${parent.dir}/BAR/target"/>
But I don't know what BAR is called in advance so I need to do a search for "target" under parent.dir and then pass the one result into the resource.
Is this possible using fileset? Or another way?

It might be possible to use a fileset but that might give you several symlinks or none.
A much better approach is to define the path to BAR in a property. If there is a dynamic part in this path, change the code so that Ant evaluates the dynamic part and everyone else uses Ant's value.
The typical example here is that the path contains a version or timestamp. Define those in your build file so you can use them everywhere. If a Java process needs the values, pass them to the process as a system property (-D...).


How can a Bazel `repository_rule` adjust a `label_flag` (or a `config_setting` more generally)?

I can create a label_flag in Bazel to allow command line flags to in turn be matched with a config_setting in a Bazel BUILD file.
However, I'd like to not hard-code the default value of the label_flag, and instead compute a good default based on the system when evaluating a repository_rule (or some other part of the WORKSPACE file).
The best (but awful) way I've come up with to do this is to have the default value loaded from a .bzl file that is generated using the template function on the repository_ctx.
I feel like generating a new file by doing textual substitutions probably isn't the right way to do this, but I can't find anything else. Ideas? help?
Generating a bzl file using the repository rule that inspects the host system is the only way to achieve what you need right now. So you're holding it "right" :)

How to make a path from a string in starlark?

I'm writing some validation code for a bazel build rule and I need to do some path validation. I need to check that a certain file exists in the same directory as the BUILD file. I notice that there's a context attribute build_file_path which points to the BUILD file. I'd like to extract the parent directory from this.
It looks like I can't create a new path object - I don't see a constructor/initializer. It also seems like Starlark doesn't support os.path like python because imports aren't supported.
What's the canonical way to get the parent directory of a string object representing a path in Starlark?
I can't answer your final question, but hopefully the following will help with the initial problem:
You could use the Label of the target for which this instance of the rule is being built and find its package. This will give you a string representing the parent directory of the BUILD file.
i.e. ctx.label.package
load("#bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")

Project level environment variable in source path

I'd like to specify an environment variable for use in the source path (library path) at a project level.
We often have a couple of versions checked out of our SVN repository at the same time in different directories, and I'd like to specify the repository root for a project in relative terms at a project level. I could then use that path in a project's source path and I wouldn't have to include indecipherable dot dot slashes (..\) in paths.
For example, say I have checked out trunk to c:\projects\trunk. Then underneath there I have a project in <repositoryroot>\Foo\Bar\ under trunk which uses the Delphi Spring framework under <repositoryroot>\components\external\Spring4d. I end up with a whole bunch of directories in the search path with ..\..\External\Spring4D\Source at the beginning. For example ..\..\External\Spring4D\Source\Base\Collections. I would like to be able to be able to use ${Spring4D} instead, producing ${Spring4D}\Base\Collections\, which is much less wordy and it means that if you move a project or component you can change one value and it updates all paths.
I know that you can do this on a Delphi level by specifying paths in Delphi's environment variables, but I would like to achieve the same thing on a project level or repository level.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve this? Are there any settings or even add-ins that would allow this sort of functionality?
You can manually edit your project file (.dproj) and add a variable there:
Later on, you can refer to the content of that variable:
You can also define a new environment variable (SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe -> Environment variables -> Add) and then refer to that variable using the same syntax, e.g.:
(Note that it is a very bad idea to use PATH here, it's only an example of a variable which will exist in your environment.)
You could also employ some cmd script magic to to create environment variables that point to those subdirectories and at the end call the IDE, so these environment variables are available in the IDE in the same way as global environment variables would be (see pepak's answer for that).
%0 is the name of the current cmd file
use tilde for file name parts

how to find and deploy the correct files with Bazel's pkg_tar() in Windows?

please take a look at the bin-win target in my repository here:
it seems to be properly packing the executable inside a file named bin-win.tar.gz, but I still have some questions:
1- in my machine, the file is being generated at this directory:
which makes finding the tar.gz file a cumbersome task.
The question is how can I make my bin-win target to move the file from there to a "better location"? (perhaps defined by an environment variable or a cmd line parameter/flag)
2- how can I include more files with my executable? My actual use case is I want to supply data files and some DLLs together with the executable. Should I use a filegroup() rule and refer its name in the "srcs" attribute as well?
2a- for the DLLs, is there a way to make a filegroup() rule to interpret environment variables? (e.g: the directories of the DLLs)
Look for the bazel-bin and bazel-genfiles directories in your workspace. These are actually junctions (directory symlinks) that Bazel updates after every build. If you bazel build //:demo, you can access its output as bazel-bin\demo.
(a) You can also set TMP and TEMP in your environment to point to e.g. c:\tmp. Bazel will pick those up instead of C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp, so the full path for the output directory (that bazel-bin points to) will be c:\tmp\aS4O8v3V\execroot\__main__\bazel-out\x64_windows-fastbuild\bin.
(b) Or you can pass the --output_user_root startup flag, e.g. bazel--output_user_root=c:\tmp build //:demo. That will have the same effect as (a).
There's currently no way to get rid of the _bazel_John\aS4O8v3V\execroot part of the path.
Yes, I think you need to put those files in pkg_tar.srcs. Whether you use a filegroup() rule is irrelevant; filegroup just lets you group files together, so you can refer to the group by name, which is useful when you need to refer to the same files in multiple rules.
2.a. I don't think so.

Dynamic basedir for Ant in Eclipse

The title might not be the best so let me explain what I am trying to do.
I have made an Ant buildfile that will help me with Maven goals. It's so much easier having to scope to Ant view and choose what I want to do. The biggest benefit with this is that I can use it in almost any project. Whether I deploy to tomcat or jboss or sakai(:deploy) or I handle mutiple instaces of the same server or skip tests... worst case I just change some path properties.
The drawback right now is that I have to keep a copy of this buildfile in every project.
What I am trying to do is have only 1 buildfile, in the workspace, and dinamicaly optain, from eclipse, the current project that I am working on. Be it module or parent I can refine that later.
So basically change the basedir for ant tasks based on the selected project in eclipse.
I have tried Ant Runtime Properties but for some reason properties like
fail to give me what their description say. I get this:
Variable references empty selection: ${project_path}
I hope it is clear what I am trying to do. So my question, I know it's possible, I'm just missing something and I hope some of you can help me with this.
I believe the trouble is in the Ant Runtime properties. I'm not 100% sure how I should use those.
Thank you!
EDIT after comment and further investigation..
Make the projectdir available as basedir property for ant like that :
Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Properties
and create a property named basedir with value either :
<project basedir="${basedir}">
<echo>$${basedir} = ${basedir}</echo>
will work as expected, means echoing eclipse/yourworkspace/projectdir
Maybe there are other ways, i.e. via Ant Addon Ant4Eclipse, which aims to make Eclipse settings available for ant, never used it.
