Breakpoint exception occurs on run in simulator and device - ios

I am experiencing an exception at runtime in my appdelegate. It happens when I try to instantiate viewcontrollers in 2 places in the app, even though I instantiate viewcontrollers in many places with no problem. Also, when I comment out the lines where the exceptions occur, the exception just appears a few lines of code later.

I can't explain why this solution works but it appears to have solved the issue. When I remove customFonts from the sourcecode of my xib and storyboard files, the exceptions no longer occur.


Getting random crashes while pushing to another view controller

I am getting random crashes while pushing to another view controller.

It was too difficult to find out such a crash, we spent the almost 2-3 days to solve this issue. seems like the crash was due to the one extra view outlet got connected to the main view in the storyboard. Which created the nil reference for some objects of the view controller and applications crashes.
But something surprising to us that how Xcode allowing me to connect the two outlets to the main view. I have again tried connecting the same but this time it is not allowing me to connect.  Attaching the screenshot for the same.

Any kind of help/explanation is appreciated.
Please add crash logs. We should check them. Theres any data moving between two ViewControllers
It is problem with Xcode sometimes while editing the outlets.Find the controller on which app crashes and reconnect the outlets and run again.I don't know the exact reason but that solve my problem.

Weird crash while navigating back

My app crashes randomly when navigating back in a NavigationController. Here is what I know:
It happens randomly (sometimes, I can come back once or twice and if I reload the viewController and press "back" again it will crash)
It happens even with an empty ViewController (I tried to comment out all my code in ViewController.h and .m and to remove all the outlets links)
Nothing shows up in the debug console, only a EXEC_BAD_ACCESS is shown in main.m
I spent the afternoon on this and tried everything.
I don't include code right now because I have no idea where to look. As I said, it even happens with an empty ViewController.
Any thoughts or similar experience ?
Yes I tried to add an exception breakpoint
I even tried to find some observer issues with Spark debugger.
Actually, the ViewControllers were not that empty. The import on an UIView category was the problem. Check my answer below.
It's difficult to say exactly what could be causing it without more information, but in my experience the most common reason for an EXC_BAD_ACCESS is when someone tries to call a selector on a deallocated instance. This issue can be a lot easier to debug if you enable zombie objects.
Edit Scheme -> Diagnostics -> Enable Zombie Objects
Now instead of getting a bad access exception you should get a more helpful "message sent to deallocated instance" error (assuming that's actually the problem), along with what method was being called on which class of object.
The problem was that some of my views were importing a custom UIView category that included a dealloc method. I deleted the dealloc method from the category and everything is fine now.

drawWithRect crashing with an exception breakpoint on iOS 8 (Does not crash without exception breakpoint)

Happy iPhone Day everyone! I hope everyone managed to get their hands on one.
I have a strange issue. In my code, I have a UITableView and if the user selects the Email icon in the UINavigationBar, it does two things:
1) Opens up the MFMailComposer
2) Creates a PDF in the background of the contents of the UITableView and attaches it to the email
This has so far been working very well in iOS 7. With iOS 8, if I set an exception breakpoint in my code and run it on an iOS 8 device, it will crash when I click the email icon (iPhone 5s), pointing to the code below:
[strheader drawWithRect:CGRectMake(65, -670, 1024, 100) options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:headerFont} context:nil];
It doesn't let me jump in or out of this breakpoint or do anything to find out what's going on. If I remove the Exception breakpoint, there's no crash. If I run the app on my device and disconnect the device from Xcode, run it again, there's no crash.
So ultimately, there's no crash when running my app, but it makes me extremely nervous that with an exception breakpoint, it crashes at that code above which means something isn't right somewhere.
There are no warnings in my code. The method that does the saving of the PDF to the email (which contains that code) is extremely long; if it's required, I'll paste it here but I don't want to make this question longer than it needs to be.
If I remove the exception breakpoint from that line and just set a regular breakpoint, as expected, it stops at that point. I run through and there are no errors at all. If I run through the whole breakpoint, it does what it needs to and then shows the MFMailComposer in the App. So it's not actually "crashing", but the exception breakpoint clearly has a problem with it.
How can I find out WHY it's crashing? More importantly, how can I fix it? (which will probably only be answerable after the first question gets answered).

iOS7 UIToolbar crash

I have an iPad app that has been running fine until iOS7. This issue seems to be only on ipad 2nd gen models and earlier when iOS7 is installed. Anyway, I've been tearing my hair out trying to figure out where this error is coming from, but have had no luck. The console in xcode (5) reports the following error after I perform a logged in segue:
2013-11-18 11:17:31.768 MyApp[400:60b] *** -[UIToolbar backdropView:willChangeToGraphicsQuality:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x18ec23e0
I can't lookup the address for more info (image lookup -a 0x18ec23e0) it just returns nothing.
In instruments running zombies, it reports that a message was sent to a UIToolbar like so:
When I inspect the instance, I get the following:
How do I debug this? I have no idea where this call is being made and it seems dependent upon a physical deivce (doesn't happen on the iPad mini or ipad 3/4)
I was struggling with a very similar error, also with a UIToolbar, that I couldn’t figure out until a couple hours ago. I also had to use and try to understand the zombies’ instrument but without any luck.
What I did was to pay a close attention to the call stack that was presented when the Exception Breakpoint was activated as described in the following tutorial:
Even though the call stack didn’t point me to the exact code line, I noticed that the app was trying to add a UIToolbar to a ViewController. Turns out that what I was doing was creating a local UIToolbar inside of a method and adding it to the presented UIView. After have modified this behavior, I stopped having the annoying sudden crash. It was difficult for me to find the issue because looking at the code of the ViewController that caused the crash, there was no code that created or used a UIToolbar; however this VC included a custom view that did exactly that, as I explained before.
Have said all of this I recommend you to closely inspect the VC that generates the crash. If you need to create a UIToolbar programmatically I recommend you to declare it as a strong property to maintain the memory reference as long as needed.
I hope this helps you.
I struggled with this for a while today. I had two storyboards, one for login/signup (set as the main storyboard for the project) and another with the rest of the application. The app delegate would detect if a user was logged in and instantiate the root view controller of the other storyboard. The root view controller of the login storyboard is a navigation controller and after after some investigation with instruments I realized there was a UIToolbar being instantiated from the nib. Opening up the storyboard file revealed an off-screen UIToolbar object in the root view controller. I deleted it and I'm not crashing any more.
I should also mention this crash was only occurring when I was using MKMapView.

App pausing but not getting an error after running a clean

I have no idea what is after going wrong but I'll state the events that happened before the error occurred
1: App was running fine as I was adding functionality.
2: I noticed that one of the view controllers was not showing the correct version but an older one. (I had added in a segmented control and it wasn't showing up)
3: I tried to uninstall the from my phone and build it again but it was still showing the old controller
4: I tried cleaning the project to recompile everything, after this step the application started to give me this problem
Some extra information:
1: This error occurs on the black screen before any view controllers load
2: The view controller I was working on was not the first view controller (so I do not think that it is the problem)
3: The main view controller has not been changed in days and was working perfectly since it was finished
I have absolutely no idea what is going wrong, and help would be greatly appreciated
New error message
Screenshot of storyboard and a finder window that opened when I clicked "show in finder on the storyboard". This would lead me to believe that it does know where the file is
You've (probably accidentally) set a breakpoint at the return UIApp...-line.
You can identify a breakpoint by it's blue color at the left of a line. If it's activated, it's dark blue, else it's light blue. You can just drag it either to the trash can or somewhere else in your window to completely delete the breakpoint.
your app is getting crashed due to exception check the pannel objc_exception_throw
add exception breakpoint and you'll get the line of code where your app is crashing
It sounds like something is broken, and throws an exception. You're just seeing the exception being caught.
The way to investigate what is throwing is to add an exception breakpoint. Go to the breakpoints list and hit +, choose exception breakpoint and leave it at all. This should give you a breakpoing at the point where the except is being thrown.
As to what is happening. You had an app that ran with an old VC, you deleted the app and re-installed and now it crashes, so best guess is that your old version had the VC, but new one doesn't. Sounds like a missing xib or storyboard. It clearly isn't missing from the project, as you'd see that immediately, but check for target membership, changed name or localization problems.
I fixed the problem by renaming the storyboard to MainStoryboard1 and changing the target in
project > target > summary > iphone/ipod deployment
