Odoo 10 Print multiple reports with one click - printing

Is there any way to print more than one report by one click in Odoo 10? For example i have one report template and some employees. Each employee should has own report with same template. And i want to print all report by one button.
I created template and python file. But could not print for each employee. Can you help me please?

you must have to extend qweb report like this
class orders_print(report_sxw.rml_parse):
def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context):
super(orders_print,self).__init__(cr,uid, name, context=context)
class SaleOrderReport(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'report.sale.report_saleorder'
_inherit = 'report.abstract_report'
_template = 'sale.report_saleorder'
_wrapped_report_class = orders_print
def render_html(self, docids,data=None,context=None):
report_obj = self.env['report']
report = report_obj._get_report_from_name('sale.report_saleorder')
if data['data']:
d = ast.literal_eval(data['data']['options'])
docs = self.env[report.model].browse(d['ids'])
docargs = {
'doc_ids': self._ids,
'doc_model': 'sale.order',
'docs': docs,
return report_obj.render('sale.report_saleorder', docargs)
return super(SaleOrderReport,self).render_html(docids,data=data)


In Networkx is there a way to select when to save to a file, when show on screen and when both?

At the moment, I am doing both:
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
f1 = plt.figure(figsize=(18,10))
default_axes = plt.axes(frameon=True)
nx.draw_networkx(G, node_size=600, alpha=0.8, ax=default_axes, pos=pos)
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "weight")
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos=pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
I would like to be able to select if to display, save or both (what I am doing now)
There is no built-in option for that in networkx. One option is to wrap the code in a function along these lines:
def custom(G, plot=True, save_file=False):
'''plots G by default. save_file should be a string'''
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
f1 = plt.figure(figsize=(18,10))
default_axes = plt.axes(frameon=True)
nx.draw_networkx(G, node_size=600, alpha=0.8, ax=default_axes, pos=pos)
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "weight")
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos=pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
if save: plt.savefig(save) # can allow custom save name
if plot: plt.show()
Note that if the figure displays regardless of the option passed to the command, then the inline option might need to be disabled.

I am working on the auto suggestion list box the logic is good

I am working on the project the application is working fine
but small issue with list box,
I created a class where we can call get suggestion from the entry data a sample code is given below
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
search = StringVar()
search1 = StringVar()
search_list = ["Apple", "Ball", "cat", "dog"]
Label(root, text="Search :").pack(pady=15)
search1_ent = Entry(root, textvariable=search)
search2_ent = Entry(root, textvariable=search1)
list_box = Listbox(root, height=10, width=20)
EntryList.EntryBoxListLink(search_list, list_box, search1_ent, search, 90, 87, 20)
I created a py file on the name Entry list in that created a class Entry box list link,
It may not be perfect code but worked fine.
the class code is
import contextlib
from tkinter import *
class EntryBoxListLink:
"""this class is created to link entry box and the listbox"""
def __init__(self, list_data='', list_box='', entry_box=None, set_variable='', x_axis=38, y_axis=52, width=20,
self.list_data = list_data
self.list_box = list_box
self.entry_box = entry_box
self.set_variable = set_variable
self.x_axis = x_axis
self.y_axis = y_axis
self.width = width
def destroyListBox(event):
"""this is the command when the list box to place forget"""
with contextlib.suppress(BaseException):
def searchIList(event):
"""this gives the list box where the data no are aligned"""
self.list_box.place(x=self.x_axis, y=self.y_axis)
self.list_box.bind('<Leave>', destroyListBox)
self.list_box.bind('<Double-1>', itemsSelected)
self.list_box.bind('<Return>', itemsSelected)
if self.list_data is not None:
match = [i for i in self.list_data if
(self.set_variable.get().lower() or self.set_variable.get().capitalize()) in i]
self.list_box.delete(0, END)
for c in match:
self.list_box.insert(END, c.title())
except BaseException:
self.list_box.insert(END, c)
if not match:
if self.set_variable.get() == "":
def itemsSelected(event):
"""when the no is selected from list box it aligned to
the phone number and gives the data"""
for i in self.list_box.curselection():
if next_entry is not None:
def set_entry_focus(event):
if list_box.curselection()[0] == 0:
return self.entry_box.focus_set()
def focusAndSelect():
self.entry_box.bind("<KeyRelease>", searchIList)
self.entry_box.bind("<Down>", lambda event: focusAndSelect())
self.list_box.bind("<Up>", set_entry_focus)
the issue is when I select the second entry box the list box should be gone,
to be more frank when the search1 and listbox are not in focus the list box should be place forget!

Biopython Genbank.Record : trying to understand source code

I am writing a csv reader to generate Genbank files to capture annotations with sequence.
First I used a Bio.SeqRecord and got correctly formatted output but the SeqRecord class lacks fields that I need.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
HCDR1 27..35
HCDR2 50..66
HCDR3 99..109
I switched to Bio.GenBank.Record and have the needed fields except now the annotation formatting is wrong. It can't have the extra "type:" "location:" and "qualifiers:" text and the information should all be on one line.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
type: HCDR1
location: [26:35]
type: HCDR2
location: [49:66]
type: HCDR3
location: [98:109]
The code for pulling annotations is the same for both versions. Only the class changed.
# Read csv entries and create a container with the data
container = Record()
container.locus = row['Sample']
container.size = len(row['Seq'])
container.date = (datetime.date.today().strftime("%d-%b-%Y")) # today's date
container.definition = row['FullCloneName']
container.accession = [row['Vgene'],row['HCDR3']]
container.version = getpass.getuser()
container.keywords = [row['ProjectName']]
container.source = "test"
container.organism = "Homo Sapiens"
container.sequence = row['Seq']
annotations = []
CDRS = ["HCDR1", "HCDR2", "HCDR3"]
for CDR in CDRS:
start = row['Seq'].find(row[CDR])
end = start + len(row[CDR])
feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(start=start, end=end), type=CDR)
I have looked at the source code for Bio.Genbank.Record but can't figure out why the SeqFeature class has different formatting output compared to Bio.SeqRecord.
Is there an elegant fix or do I write a separate tool to reformat the annotations in the Genbank file?
After reading the source code again, I discovered Bio.Genbank.Record has its own Features method that takes key and location as strings. These are formatted correctly in the output Genbank file.
CDRS = ["HCDR1", "HCDR2", "HCDR3"]
for CDR in CDRS:
start = row['Seq'].find(row[CDR])
end = start + len(row[CDR])
feature = Feature()
feature.key = "{}".format(CDR)
feature.location = "{}..{}".format(start, end)

Calculate no of attachments and show it in tree view in openerp 7.0

I am using the following code to add a new column in stock.picking.in object and update the no of attachments to it (to show in tree view the count of attachments).
class stock_picking(osv.osv):
_inherit = "stock.picking.in"
_name = 'stock.picking.in'
def count_attachments(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, arg, context):
obj_attachment = self.pool.get('ir.attachment')
for record in self:
_logger.info("record now in tree view:"+record)
record.attachment_count =0
attachment_ids = obj_attachment.search([('res_model','=','stock.picking.in'),('res_id','=',record.id)]).ids
if attachment_ids:
record.attachment_count =len(attachment_ids)
return record
_columns = {
'attachment_count' :fields.function(count_attachments,method=True,string="Attachment Count" ,type='integer')
Then I have added the following line to the tree view.
<field name="attachment_count">
to show the count in tree view.
However the values are not getting updated and the count_attachments is not getting called.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Try following,
class stock_picking(osv.osv):
_inherit = "stock.picking.in"
_name = 'stock.picking.in'
def count_attachments(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, arg, context=None):
obj_attachment = self.pool.get('ir.attachment')
res = {}
for record in self:
res[record.id] = 0
_logger.info("record now in tree view:"+record)
attachment_ids = obj_attachment.search([('res_model','=','stock.picking.in'),('res_id','=',record.id)]).ids
if attachment_ids:
res[record.id] = len(attachment_ids)
return res
_columns = {
'attachment_count' :fields.function(count_attachments,method=True,string="Attachment Count" ,type='integer')

Django-Admin Exception Value: 'DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass' object is not iterable

I have one form in forms.py
class EmailForm(forms.Form):
recipient = forms.CharField(max_length=14, min_length=12,
message = forms.CharField(max_length=140, min_length=1,
widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 30, 'rows': 5}))
and my site url is
urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^admin/(.*)',
now I want it to be shown on admin interface
I tried so far
First attempt
from myapps.forms import EmailForm
class EmailAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = EmailForm
did not work Exception Value:
'DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass' object is not iterable
Second attempt
and now I followed http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/admin/#django.contri...
but could not get help
class EmailAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def my_view(self,request):
return admin_my_view(request,self)
def get_urls(self):
urls = super(SmsAdmin, self).get_urls()
my_urls = patterns('',(r'^my_view/
return my_urls + urls
def admin_my_view(request, model_admin):
opts = model_admin.model._meta
admin_site = model_admin.admin_site
has_perm = request.user.has_perm(opts.app_label \
+ '.' + opts.get_change_permission())
context = {'admin_site': admin_site.name,
'title': "My Custom View",
'opts': opts,
'root_path': '/%s' % admin_site.root_path,
'app_label': opts.app_label,
'has_change_permission': has_perm}
template = 'admin/demo_app/admin_my_view.html'
return render_to_response(template,
and when I run server and type on browser localhost:8000/admin
and hit enter button
Exception Value:
'DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass' object is not iterable
and second time just after first time when I again enter then it show
me the admin page but I can't see my EmailAdmin in admin interface..
Just help me or suggest me any link.
(This is my attempt at reformatting your model code):
class EmailForm(forms.Form):
recipient = forms.CharField(max_length=14, min_length=12,
message = forms.CharField(max_length=140, min_length=1,
widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 30, 'rows': 5}))
I would put my money on the bit that says "attrs=require" -- if that's not a typo.
What you want instead is something like this:
recipient = forms.CharField(max_length=14, min_length=12,
widget=forms.TextInput(), required=True)
