Revulytics data not showing in Dashboard - sdk

I am using Revulytics SDK to track feature usage and came across the below problem.
I am sending feature usage after properly setting up the SDK configuration etc, using the EventTrack() method like this:
GenericReturn grTest = telemetryObj.EventTrack("FeatureUsage", textBoxName.Text.ToString(), null, false);
This returns OK and usually, I can see the usage data in the dashboard. However, after multiple tests, the data I am sending does not show up on the dashboard.
Can anyone hint me how to debug this? Thanks for any help!

I hit a similar issue when first working with this SDK.
I was able to address this as soon as I understood the following:
There are event quotas for the incoming events;
Event names are used for making the distinction.
So when I was sending dummy test data, it made it there, but when I sent some demo data for stakeholders, it was not showing up.
I think the same happens here. You're getting the event name form textbox.text... Pretty sure that varies every time you run the code.
Here are the things to keep in mind when testing your code:
the server has a mechanism to discard / consider events;
implicitly, it allows first xx events depending on the quota;
if you are sending more than xx events, they will not show up in reports.
So, you must control which events to discard and which to consider (there are a couple of levels you can configure, and based of them you can get the events in various types of reports).
Find the "Tracked Events Whitelist Management". You will be able to control these things form there.
This blog helped me (it is not SDK documentation):
Good luck!


Disable multi-tab browsing for single session/user

[Disclaimer: I'm not sure if this kind of question is accepted here as it is about a piece of software deployed already. Rest assured I didn't drop any confidential information. Also do tell me if I violated any rules in SO by posting this so I can take it down immediately]
I have a working Learning Management System web application and I recently received a bug report about a button not showing. After investigating, I have proved that the user was not using the web app as intended. When taking an exam, he was opening multiple tabs to exploit the feature that informs him whether the answer was correct or not. He then will use this information to eliminate the wrong answers and submit all the right answers in another tab/window.
I'm using Rails 4.2. Is there a way to prevent multi-tab browsing? I'm thinking like if a user is signed in and he attempted to open a new tab of the webapp, he should see something like "Please use one tab" and all the features/hyperlinks/buttons are disabled.
Here's a screenshot of how I proved he was using multiple tabs. Notice that there are multiple logs of the same attempt # because the current implementation allows saving a study session and resuming later (this is the part that's exploited). The opening of multiple tabs searches for the most recent attempt session and continues from there. This is also the reason why most of the sessions don't have a duration value -- the user only finishes a study session for one tab (by clicking a button that ends the study session). The system cannot compute for the duration because the other sessions don't have an end timestamp.
This is what a single-tab user looks like:
This is more of an application misuse issue more than a bug.
You should add protection not only from multi tab, but for multi browsers aw well, so it can't be purely FrontEnd check.
One of the solutions could be using ActionCable to check if a user has an active connection already and then act accordingly.
Another, for example, generate a GUID in JS and pass it with every answer. If its different from previous answer, it means user opened a new window.
But of course the solution would depend on your current architecture, without knowing how do you currently organise client-server communication it's hard to give exact and optimal solution.
I found an answer here. I just placed this js in the application view to prevent any extra instance of the website.
Thanks for everyone who pitched in.

Posting to google analytics from Delphi app

I've been tasked with sending data from a Delphi 2010 desktop app to google analytics so we can track which parts of the program are being used more heavily (or used at all). I'm using Indy to post, and the post seems to be generating a valid response, but I'm not seeing anything on the Google Analytics side. I'm totally new to Google Analytics, so might be doing something wrong with what I'm posting or in how I am viewing it. I did create an app view in analytics, but don't know if I set it up correctly.
Parameters := TStringList.Create;
Parameters.Add('v=1'); //Version
Parameters.Add('&tid=UA-nnnnnnnn-n'); //Tracking ID
Parameters.Add('&cid=555'); //
Parameters.Add('&t=test2'); // Screenview hit type.
Parameters.Add('&an=AppName'); // App name
Parameters.Add('&av=' + sAppVersion); // App version
Parameters.Add('&aid=12345'); // App Id
Parameters.Add('&aiid=InstallerID'); // App Installer Id
Result:= IdHTTP.ResponseText;
I've verified that the tracking ID (replaced with UA-nnnnnnnn-n above) is correct. Would like to know if what I'm submitting is complete and/or if there's something I need to do to see the hit on the GA side. Thanks.
You can use the /debug/collect/ endpoint instead of /collect/ to validate your hits and receive a response containing any possible errors for each request.
Solved this one. Turned out to be three things that needed help:
When manually constructing https parameters, one generally needs an & before each new parameter. When passing parameters in a TStringList with Indy's TIdHTTP.Post, an & before parameters doesn't generate any error that returns, but it also doesn't work. Taking the & out of the parameters.Add fixes this.
To figure out which parameters must be included together, the analytics hit builder provides a way to quickly determine whether a hit is valid or whether there's a missing parameter. (Some parameters are required only in combination.)
An incoming hit (even in valid format from the hit builder) can result in no visible results without building a dashboard/widgit or report specifically designed to show the type of hit you are generating. Thus, an existing site that has been configured to count web page views doesn't seem to show app hits or events or types of hits that are different than the existing views are configured for.
Fix them all, and things work.

Twitter - public Stream handling deletion notices

I am using the Twitter public stream API to search for some keywords. I am writing my script in Java and therefore I use twitter4j. Now I stumbled over the information about status deletion notices:
Status deletion notices (delete)
These messages indicate that a given Tweet has been deleted. Client
code must honor these messages by clearing the referenced Tweet from
memory and any storage or archive, even in the rare case where a
deletion message arrives earlier in the stream that the Tweet it
So I created methods to remove records from my database when such a notice occurs. Unfortunately such a notice never occurs. I searched to find out what I am doing wrong and found some posts in the twitter developer section concerning the same problem:
but unfortunately all these discussions got no answer. So for me it seems like I did no mistake with my code but twitter4j never sends me an deletion notice.
I want to respect the privacy of the twitter users - at least for legal reasons. So my question is:
What can I do to respect the privacy of the users ?
What do I have to do to satisfy my legal duties ?
One alternative seems to be to periodically iterate through all saved Tweets in my Database and request them from twitter to see whether I get a result back or not (so they were deleted). But this doesn't seem to be a practicable way because the data will get more and more and therefore at some point of time I will have limitations (in time, allowed twitter requests, ...). So what should I do?
Thanks in advance! Your help is greatly appreciated.
twitter4j v.3.0.6
Given the nature of the volume of tweets, it's unreasonable to assume that you would check to see if all the tweets are still there. You should make sure that you properly act on a delete notice from twitter. The onus is on them to actually send the delete notification.
That being said, I receive delete notifications from twitter. However, we aren't using the public stream, we are using sitestreams, which relies on authorizing specific social accounts and streaming all updates for those accounts (e.g. favorites, follows, blocks, tweets, retweets, etc) to us in realtime.
If you are doing a stream with filters, for example, it's probably not feasible (or at least very taxing) to run all deleted items through the same pipeline as new items. Or perhaps, to guess at which you were sent based on the times that you were running your filter.
As noted in the issue you linked to, the public streaming API will not necessarily send them out. I'd endeavor to handle them, and possibly provide a tool to manually remove any if a request comes in through another channel, but not worry too much about it, given that twitter doesn't provide the proper facility to be notified of such instances.

background file uploader?

So after two days of googling incessantly and apparently asking the wrong questions, I think I have figured out a way to word it so I get the response I'm looking for.
I have a Project Management application, written in MVC3. Sometimes, the users have to attach large files and upload them to the applications. (100-200 mb) is typical. The problem of course is that this is currently handled synchronously, and varying network speeds mean that the application can be completely blocked for 10 minutes to an hour if someone's on a slow connection. FTP is NOT an option here (my hands are tied by our network guys on that one).
So I am looking for a way to do the following workflow:
user clicks Upload File
user selects File to upload
user clicks "Go" or whatever button
Application says "your file is being uploaded. You will be notified when it's complete"
user continues to use the application as normal.
Some things to be aware of: I already have an internal messaging system implemented. So when I say that the app will notify the user when it's complete - all it needs to do is insert a new message into the queue. It DOES NOT need to notify the user's current screen or anything like that - so I'm not worried about a return value of any kind. I also have a background Error log implemented, so I can insert a message into the log if something goes wrong and again - inform the user via the internal messaging system.
So I am stumped on how to implement this. I thought an Async Controller was the right way to go, but if I understand all the stuff I've been seeing - it's not. Feel free to correct me. I implemented a version using Async but when addressing the one problem it had, I was informed that I was doing it wrong anyway.
So I'm all ears.
If you can use 3rd party controls then take a look at the Telerik controls:
It has an Asynchronous File Upload control.

Searching for a song while using multiple API's

I'm going to attempt to create an open project which compares the most common MP3 download providers.
This will require a user to enter a track/album/artist name i.e. Deadmau5 this will then pull the relevant prices from the API's.
I have a few questions that some of you may have encountered before:
Should I have one server side page that requests all the data and it is all loaded simultaneously. If so, how would you deal with timeouts or any other problems that may arise. Or should the page load, then each price get pulled in one by one (ajax). What are your experiences when running a comparison check?
The main feature will to compare prices, but how can I be sure that the products are the same. I was thinking running time, track numbers but I would still have to set one source as my primary.
I'm making this a wiki, please add and edit any issues that you can think of.
Thanks for your help. Look out for a future blog!
I would check amazon first. they will give you a SKU (the barcode on the back of the album, I think amazon calls it an EAN) If the other providers use this, you can make sure they are looking at the right item.
I would cache all results into a database, and expire them after a reasonable time. This way when you get 100 requests for Britney Spears, you don't have to hammer the other sites and slow down your application.
You should also make sure you are multithreading whatever requests you are doing server side. Curl for instance allows you to pull multiple urls, and assigns a user defined callback. I'd have the callback send a some data so you can update your page with as the results come back. GETTUNES => curl callback returns some data for each url while connection is open that you parse it on the client side.
