I'm quite a newbie at F# and want to find how many times a value x has occurred in a list ys
So for example multiplicity (2, [1;2;3;4;2]) returns 2. The code I've written below returns 4 on the above example. What am I missing?
let rec multiplicity (x, ys) =
match ys with
| [] -> 0
| y::tail when x=y -> x + multiplicity(x, tail)
| y::tail -> multiplicity(x, tail)
If you're not writing this as a recursive function as a learning exercise, it's probably more idiomatic to use the built-in collection functions:
[1;2;3;4;2] |> Seq.filter ((=) 2) |> Seq.length
[1;2;3;4;2] |> List.sumBy (fun x -> if x = 2 then 1 else 0)
Alright, this is a good example of why it's always a good idea to write down a problem/question.
I figured out, I should do this instead:
let rec multiplicity (x, ys) =
match ys with
| [] -> 0
| y::tail when x=y -> 1 + multiplicity(x, tail)
| y::tail -> multiplicity(x, tail)
It should be 1 and not x, which is added to the recursive call, doh.
I find it's a good idea to replace recursion with fold, so here is another version:
let xs = [1;2;3;4;2]
(0,xs) ||> List.fold (fun acc elem -> match elem with
| 2 -> acc + 1
| _ -> acc)
You can also use countBy, which will return a list of tuples with true and false.
xs |> List.countBy (fun x -> x = 2)
I have to write a program which give in output a tuple with: min and max of a not-empty list and the value that appears most often.
In particular:
min_max [1;0;-1;2;0;-4] ==> (-4; 2)
min_max: int list -> (int * int)
mode [-1;2;1;2;5;-1;5;5;2] ==> 2
mode: int list -> int
This is the code that I wrote for max (min is almost equal) but how can I do to receive as output a tuple with the two values?
let rec max_list xs =
match xs with
| [] -> failwith "xs" "Empty list"
| [x] -> x
| x1::x2::xs' -> max_list((max2 x1 x2)::xs');;
I'll take the first suggestion from #Mark Seemann's answer and run with it, in order to make it generic, working with any collection type, and handle the case of the empty collection sensibly.
let tryMinMax xs =
Seq.fold (function
| Some(mn, mx) -> fun i -> Some(min mn i, max mx i)
| None -> fun i -> Some(i, i) ) None xs
|> tryMinMax
// val it : (int * int) option = Some (-4, 2)
For the most frequent part of the question:
let mostFrequent xs =
|> Seq.countBy id
|> Seq.maxBy snd
|> fst
|> mostFrequent
// val it : int = 0
let minMax xs =
|> List.fold
(fun (mn, mx) i -> min mn i, max mx i)
(System.Int32.MaxValue, System.Int32.MinValue)
Not particularly efficient, but fun to write:
let mode xs =
|> List.groupBy id
|> List.map (fun (i, is) -> i, Seq.length is)
|> List.maxBy snd
|> fst
Option without the use of standard modules:
open System
let tryMinMax xs =
let rec minMax xs mn mx =
match xs with | [] -> mn, mx | h::t -> minMax t (min mn h) (max mx h)
match xs with | [] -> None | _ -> Some(minMax xs Int32.MaxValue Int32.MinValue)
On the second question - show their attempts to solve.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
F# - cross product of two lists
Projecting a list of lists efficiently in F#
I have a function that takes two integer lists and returns a single list with all the cartesian products. I think i have the correct idea but not the right implementation. Can I get some pointers?
let rec cartesian = function
| ([],[]) -> []
| (xs,[]) -> []
| ([],ys) -> []
| (x::xs,ys) -> List.map(fun y -> (x,y)::[]) cartesian (xs,ys)
This is a quick fix:
let rec cartesian = function
| ([],[]) -> []
| (xs,[]) -> []
| ([],ys) -> []
| (x::xs, ys) -> (List.map(fun y -> x,y) ys) # (cartesian (xs,ys))
The idea is that with each element x, you generate a list [(x, y1); (x, y2); ...; (x, yn)] and concatenate those lists altogether.
In your function, the first pattern matching case is redundant. And the arguments are more convenient to be in the curried form. The function could look like this:
let rec cartesian xs ys =
match xs, ys with
| _, [] -> []
| [], _ -> []
| x::xs', _ -> (List.map (fun y -> x, y) ys) # (cartesian xs' ys)
Once you understand the idea, you can see that the high-order function List.collect perfectly matches the task:
let cartesian xs ys =
xs |> List.collect (fun x -> ys |> List.map (fun y -> x, y))
I'm positive that there is a better way to swap items in a list by pairs ( [1;2;3;4] -> [2;1;4;3] ) as I'm doing too many appends for my liking but I'm not sure how best to do it.
let swapItems lst =
let f acc item =
match acc with
| [] -> [item]
| hd :: next :: tl when tl <> [] -> [next] # tl # [item;hd]
| _ -> item :: acc
List.fold f [] lst
How can I improve this? This only works on lists that have an even length.
Simplest possible solution:
let rec swapItems = function
| a::b::xs -> b::a::swapItems xs
| xs -> xs
I like to make the names of variables that are sequences like lists "plural", e.g. xs instead of x.
Note that this is not tail recursive so it will stack overflow if you give it a very long list.
What about this:
let rec swapItems = function
| []
| _::[] as l -> l
| a::b::t ->
b::a::(swapItems t)
Using higher order functions this can be done as:
let swapItems l =
l |> List.toSeq |> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.mapi (fun i (a,b) -> if i % 2 = 0 then seq [b;a] else Seq.empty)
|> Seq.concat |> Seq.toList
I have a list of integers and any integers that occur multiple times will do so consecutively. I would like to convert this to a list of tuples, containing each object together with its count.
I have come up with the below, but there is a problem with the return type of temp: "The type 'int' does not match the type ''a list'". However, the three return types look consistent to me. What have I done wrong? If what I've done is not good F# and should be done in a completely different way, please also let me know.
let countoccurences list =
match list with
| x::xs -> let rec temp list collecting counted =
match list with
| x::xs when x=collecting -> temp xs collecting counted+1
| x::xs -> (collecting,counted)::temp xs x 1
| [] -> (collecting,counted)::[]
temp xs x 1
| [] -> []
EDIT: Oops, this does not answer your question, since you said "consecutive". But I'll leave it here since someone searching the question title may find it useful.
Seq.countBy does this.
let list = [1;2;3;4;5;6;1;2;3;1;1;2]
let results = list |> Seq.countBy id |> Seq.toList
printfn "%A" results
// [(1, 4); (2, 3); (3, 2); (4, 1); (5, 1); (6, 1)]
What about this one?
lst |> Seq.groupBy (fun x -> x) |> Seq.map (fun (a,b) -> (a, Seq.length(b)))
In this line:
| x::xs when x=collecting -> temp xs collecting counted+1
the compiler interprets your code as
| x::xs when x=collecting -> (temp xs collecting counted)+1
but what you want is
| x::xs when x=collecting -> temp xs collecting (counted+1)
However, even with this change, one problem with your algorithm is that the temp function is not tail-recursive, which means that it can cause a stack overflow when called on a long list (e.g. countoccurences [1..10000] fails on my machine). If this is important to you, then you should rewrite your temp helper function to be tail recursive. The easiest way to do this is to add an accumulated list parameter and reverse the list afterwards.
let countoccurences list =
match list with
| x::xs ->
let rec temp list collecting counted acc =
match list with
| x::xs when x = collecting -> temp xs collecting (counted+1) acc
| x::xs -> temp xs x 1 ((collecting, counted)::acc)
| [] -> (collecting, counted)::acc
temp xs x 1 []
|> List.rev
| [] -> []
I would probably use a mutable solution for this. Maybe something like:
let countOccurrences l =
let counts = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary()
l |> List.iter (fun x ->
match counts.TryGetValue(x) with
| true, i -> counts.[x] <- i + 1
| _ -> counts.Add(x, 1))
counts |> Seq.map (|KeyValue|)
I forgot about countBy (which is implemented similarly).
If you're using recursion to traverse a list, you can always use fold.
let countOccurrences = function
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> ([(x,1)],xs)
||> List.fold(fun ((y,c)::acc) x -> if x = y then (y,c+1)::acc else (x,1)::(y,c)::acc)
|> List.rev
This question already has answers here:
Merge two lists
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am looking to write a recursive function to merge to integer lists in F#
I started with this, but not sure what to do next.
let rec merge xs ys =
match xs with
| [] -> ys
let li = [1;3;5;7;]
let ll = [2;4;5;8;]
As I said in my comment, it's probably easiest if you pattern match on xs and ys simultaneously:
let rec merge xs ys =
match xs,ys with
| [],l | l,[] -> l
| x::xs', y::ys' ->
if x < y then x :: (merge xs' ys) //'
else y :: (merge xs ys') //'
I found a way that might suit what the asker wanted. I for one had to solve this very same problem and was barely given a week's worth of lessons on F# so the whole syntax wasn't discussed in class and when I saw the answer above the use of multiple matching ( match lst1, list2 with ... ) I recognized it's use instantly but the professor wouldn't allow it's use, therefor I had to come up with this other alternative. Even thought it's basically the same algorithm it uses more basic code. Just thought I should post it =)
let rec merge2 list1 list2 =
let head list = match list with | [] -> 0 | h::t -> h
let tail list = match list with | [] -> [] | h::t -> t
match list1 with
| [] -> []
| h::t ->
//list2's head is 0 then list is empty then return whats in the first list
//(i.e no more values of second list to compare)
if head list2 = 0 then list1
elif h < head list2 then h :: merge2 t list2
else head list2 :: merge2 list1 (tail list2)
You already have one of the base cases right: If xs is empty, just return ys.
Likewise, if ys empty, return xs.
For the case where both xs and ys are not empty, you need to look at xs's and ys's first elements (let's call them x and y):
If x is less than y, than it needs to be inserted before y in the final list. So you take y and prepend to the result of merging the tail of xs with ys (including y).
Otherwise y needs to come first. So prepend y to the result of merging xs (including x) with the tail of ys.
It's not recursive, but if the inputs aren't sorted:
let merge xs ys = (Seq.append xs ys) |> Seq.sort |> Seq.toList
I would use List.fold to do this:
let merge a b =
List.fold (fun acc x ->
if List.exists ((=)x) acc = false then
elem :: acc
) (List.sort a) b
This may not be the fastest way to do it, though.
I don't think this is a recursion problem
let a = [1;3;5]
let b = [2;4;6]
let c = Seq.append a b |> Seq.sort
output from fsi session:
val it : seq<int> = seq [1; 2; 3; 4; ...]