How to predict multi-label dataset using svm - machine-learning

I'm using a dataset with all decimal values and timestamp which has the following features :
1. sno
2. timestamp
3. v1
4. v2
5. v3
I've the data for 5 months with timestamps for every minute. I need to predict if v1, v2 ,v3 is being used at any time in the future. The values of v1,v2,v3 are between 0 to 25.
How can I do this ?
I've used binary classification before but I've no clue how to process with the multi-label problem to predict. I've used the code below all the time . How should I train the model and how should I use v1,v2,v3 to fit into 'y'?
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(train, y, test_size=0.2)
sno power voltage v1 v2 v3 timestamp
1 3.74 235.24 0 16 18 2006-12-16 18:03:00
2 4.928 237.14 0 37 16 2006-12-16 18:04:00
3 6.052 236.73 0 37 17 2006-12-16 18:05:00
4 6.752 237.06 0 36 17 2006-12-16 18:06:00
5 6.474 237.13 0 37 16 2006-12-16 18:07:00
6 6.308 235.84 0 36 17 2006-12-16 18:08:00
7 4.464 232.69 0 37 16 2006-12-16 18:09:00
8 3.396 230.98 0 22 18 2006-12-16 18:10:00
9 3.09 232.21 0 12 17 2006-12-16 18:11:00
10 3.73 234.19 0 27 17 2006-12-16 18:12:00
11 2.308 234.96 0 1 17 2006-12-16 18:13:00
12 2.388 236.66 0 1 17 2006-12-16 18:14:00
13 4.598 235.84 0 20 17 2006-12-16 18:15:00
14 4.524 235.6 0 9 17 2006-12-16 18:16:00
15 4.202 235.49 0 1 17 2006-12-16 18:17:00

Following the documentation:
The multiclass support is handled according to a one-vs-one scheme (and should thus support one-vs-all strategy).
one-vs-one strat
The one-vs-one scheme basically refers to using a classifier per pair of classes. At a prediction stage, the class that receives the most votes (the outputs of the each classifier) is eventually selected as a prediction. If such a voting has a tie, i.e. having two classes with an equal amount of votes, then the classification confidence plays a role.
To use SVM with such a scheme, one should go:
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsOneClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
subclf = SVC(**params)
clf = OneVsOneClassifier(estimator=subclf)
one-vs-rest strat
The other way around would be to use a one-vs-all strategy. This strategy fits a classifier per class and against all other classes in the data. It is more popular than the first scheme as it is fairly easier to interpert the results, and the computational time is much weaker. It is as simple to use as the first example:
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
subclf = SVC(**params)
clf = OneVsRestClassifier(estimator=subclf)
To read more about multi-label classification and learning proceed here
Aftermath variable coding
So, the basic idea is to instantiate a complex (i.e. multi-label) target variable in a way that:
y equals to 0 if v1 v2 v3 are zeros
y equals to 1 if either v1 or v2 or v3 is one
y equals to 2 if either v1 v2 or v1 v3 or v2 v3 are ones
y equals to 3 if v1 v2 v3 are ones
The workaround may be the following:
import numpy as np
y = []
for i, j, k in zip(data['v1'], data['v2'], data['v3']):
if i and j and k > 0:
elif i and j or i and k or j and k > 0:
elif i or j or k > 0:


Which clustering model can I use to predict the following outcome?

I have three columns in my dataset. This is the list of restaurants that come under the category 'pizza'.This data was derived from the yelp dataset.There are three columns for each restaurant present. Latitude,Longitude,Checkins. I am supposed to build a model where I should be able to predict the coordinates(latitude,longitude) where I should start a new restaurant so that the number of checkins can be high. There are totally 4951 rows
checkins latitude longitude
0 2 33.394877 -111.600194
1 2 43.841217 -79.303936
2 1 40.442828 -80.186293
3 1 41.141631 -81.356603
4 1 40.434399 -79.922983
5 1 33.552870 -112.133712
6 1 43.686836 -79.293838
7 2 41.131282 -81.490180
8 1 40.500796 -79.943429
9 12 36.010086 -115.118656
10 2 41.484475 -81.921150
11 1 43.842450 -79.027990
12 1 43.724840 -79.289919
13 2 45.448630 -73.608719
14 1 45.577027 -73.330855
15 1 36.238059 -115.210341
16 1 33.623055 -112.339758
17 1 43.762768 -79.491417
18 1 43.708415 -79.475884
19 1 45.588257 -73.428926
20 4 41.152875 -81.358754
21 1 41.608833 -81.525020
22 1 41.425152 -81.896178
23 1 43.694716 -79.304879
24 1 40.442147 -79.956513
25 1 41.336466 -81.784790
26 1 33.231942 -111.721218
27 2 36.291436 -115.287016
28 2 33.641847 -111.995571
29 1 43.570217 -79.566431
... ... ... ...
I tried to approach the problem with clustering using DBSCAN and ended with the following graph. But I am not able to make any sense of it. How do I Proceed further or how do I approach the problem in a different way to get my results?
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
db = DBSCAN(eps=2,min_samples=5)
y_pred = db.fit_predict(arr)
plt.scatter(arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], c=y_pred, cmap="plasma")
plt.xlabel("Feature 0")
plt.ylabel("Feature 1")
Here's the plot I got
This is not a clustering problem.
What you want to do is density estimation, where you estimate density based on previous check-in frequencies.

GridSearchCV freezing with linear svm

I have problem with GridSearchCV freezing (CPU is active but program in not advancing) with linear svm (but with rbf svm it works fine).
Depending on the random_state that I use for splitting my data, I have this freezing in different splits points of cv for different PCA components?
The features of one sample looks like the following(it is about 39 features)
[1 117 137 2 80 16 2 39 228 88 5 6 0 10 13 6 22 23 1 227 246 7 1.656934307 0 5 0.434195726 0.010123735 0.55568054 5 275 119.48398 0.9359527 0.80484825 3.1272728 98 334 526 0.13454546 0.10181818]
Another sample's features:
[23149 4 31839 9 219 117 23 5 31897 12389 108 2 0 33 23 0 0 18 0 0 0 23149 0 0 74 0.996405221 0.003549844 4.49347E-05 74 5144 6.4480677 0.286384 0.9947901 3.833787 20 5135 14586 0.0060264384 0.011664075]
If I delete the last 10 feature I don't have this problem ( The 10 new features that I added before my code worked fine). I did not check other combinations of the 10 last new features to check if a specific feature is causing this problem.
Also I use StandardScaler to scale the features but still facing this issue. I have less of this problem if I use MinMaxScaler scaler (but read soewhere it is not good for svm).
I also put n_jobs to different numbers and it only could advance by little but freezes again.
What do you suggest?
I followed part of this code to write my code:
TypeError grid seach

Classification Supervised Training Confusion

So I am new to supervised machine learning, but I've been reading books and articles about it and I'm stuck on a problem. (Not stuck, but I don't understand the logic behind classification algorithms). I am trying to classify records as being wrong or not based on historical data.
So this is the original data (training data):
Name Office Age isWrong
F1 1 32 0
F2 2 61 1
F3 1 35 0
F4 0 25 0
F5 1 36 0
F6 2 52 0
F7 2 48 0
F8 1 17 1
F9 2 51 0
F10 0 24 0
F11 4 34 1
F12 0 21 0
F13 2 51 0
F14 0 27 0
F15 3 37 1
(only showing top 15 results of 200 results)
A wrong record is any record which reports an age LOWER than 18 or HIGHER than 60, or an office location that is NOT {0, 1, 2}. I have more records that display a 1 when any of the mentioned conditions are met. I trained my model with this dataset and I created a test dataset to test the results. However, I end up getting 0 on the prediction column of every record. I used a Naïve Bayes approach because this approach assumes independence between the features variables which is my case (no relationship between the office number and age). I know there are other methods like Logistic Regression and SVC(SVM), but I assume that they require a degree of relationship between the features variables. Despite that, I still tried those two approaches and got the same results. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to specify something before training my model?
Here is what I did (very simple):
NaiveBayes nb = new NaiveBayes().setLabelCol("isWrong");
NaiveBayesModel nbm =;
Here is dataset2 (top 15):
Name Office Age
F1 9 36 //wrong, office is 9
F2 2 20
F3 1 17
F4 2 43
F5 2 90 // wrong, age is >60
F6 1 36
F7 1 40
F8 2 52
F9 2 49
F10 1 38
F11 0 28
F12 0 18
F13 1 40
F14 1 31
F15 2 45
But like I said, the prediction column displays 0 every time. Any idea why?
I don't know why you are opting for transform(). It just tries to cast the result dtype to the same one as the original column has
To get the probability you should be using the function:
predict_proba(X): Return probability estimates for the test vector X.
The following code should work perfectly in your scenario
NaiveBayes nb = new NaiveBayes().setLabelCol("isWrong");

How would one use Kernel Density Estimation as a 1D clustering method in scikit learn?

I need to cluster a simple univariate data set into a preset number of clusters. Technically it would be closer to binning or sorting the data since it is only 1D, but my boss is calling it clustering, so I'm going to stick to that name.
The current method used by the system I'm on is K-means, but that seems like overkill.
Is there a better way of performing this task?
Answers to some other posts are mentioning KDE (Kernel Density Estimation), but that is a density estimation method, how would that work?
I see how KDE returns a density, but how do I tell it to split the data into bins?
How do I have a fixed number of bins independent of the data (that's one of my requirements) ?
More specifically, how would one pull this off using scikit learn?
My input file looks like:
str ID sls
1 10
2 11
3 9
4 23
5 21
6 11
7 45
8 20
9 11
10 12
I want to group the sls number into clusters or bins, such that:
Cluster 1: [10 11 9 11 11 12]
Cluster 2: [23 21 20]
Cluster 3: [45]
And my output file will look like:
str ID sls Cluster ID Cluster centroid
1 10 1 10.66
2 11 1 10.66
3 9 1 10.66
4 23 2 21.33
5 21 2 21.33
6 11 1 10.66
7 45 3 45
8 20 2 21.33
9 11 1 10.66
10 12 1 10.66
Write code yourself. Then it fits your problem best!
Boilerplate: Never assume code you download from the net to be correct or optimal... make sure to fully understand it before using it.
%matplotlib inline
from numpy import array, linspace
from sklearn.neighbors.kde import KernelDensity
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
a = array([10,11,9,23,21,11,45,20,11,12]).reshape(-1, 1)
kde = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=3).fit(a)
s = linspace(0,50)
e = kde.score_samples(s.reshape(-1,1))
plot(s, e)
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
mi, ma = argrelextrema(e, np.less)[0], argrelextrema(e, np.greater)[0]
print "Minima:", s[mi]
print "Maxima:", s[ma]
> Minima: [ 17.34693878 33.67346939]
> Maxima: [ 10.20408163 21.42857143 44.89795918]
Your clusters therefore are
print a[a < mi[0]], a[(a >= mi[0]) * (a <= mi[1])], a[a >= mi[1]]
> [10 11 9 11 11 12] [23 21 20] [45]
and visually, we did this split:
plot(s[:mi[0]+1], e[:mi[0]+1], 'r',
s[mi[0]:mi[1]+1], e[mi[0]:mi[1]+1], 'g',
s[mi[1]:], e[mi[1]:], 'b',
s[ma], e[ma], 'go',
s[mi], e[mi], 'ro')
We cut at the red markers. The green markers are our best estimates for the cluster centers.
There is a little error in the accepted answer by #Has QUIT--Anony-Mousse (I can't comment nor suggest an edit due my reputation).
The line:
print(a[a < mi[0]], a[(a >= mi[0]) * (a <= mi[1])], a[a >= mi[1]])
Should be edited into:
print(a[a < s[mi][0]], a[(a >= s[mi][0]) * (a <= s[mi][1])], a[a >= s[mi][1]])
That's because mi and ma is an index, where s[mi] and s[ma] is the value. If you use mi[0] as the limit, you risk and error splitting if your upper and lower linspace >> your upper and lower data. For example, run this code and see the difference in split result:
import numpy as np
from numpy import array, linspace
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
a = array([10,11,9,23,21,11,45,20,11,12]).reshape(-1, 1)
kde = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=3).fit(a)
s = linspace(0,100)
e = kde.score_samples(s.reshape(-1,1))
mi, ma = argrelextrema(e, np.less)[0], argrelextrema(e, np.greater)[0]
print('Grouping by HAS QUIT:')
print(a[a < mi[0]], a[(a >= mi[0]) * (a <= mi[1])], a[a >= mi[1]])
print('Grouping by yasirroni:')
print(a[a < s[mi][0]], a[(a >= s[mi][0]) * (a < s[mi][1])], a[a >= s[mi][1]])
Grouping by Has QUIT:
[] [10 11 9 11 11 12] [23 21 45 20]
Grouping by yasirroni:
[10 11 9 11 11 12] [23 21 20] [45]
Further improving the responses above by #yasirroni, to dynamically print all clusters (not just 3 from the above) the line:
print(a[a < s[mi][0]], a[(a >= s[mi][0]) * (a <= s[mi][1])], a[a >= s[mi][1]])
can be changed into:
print(a[a < s[mi][0]]) # print most left cluster
# print all middle cluster
for i_cluster in range(len(mi)-1):
print(a[(a >= s[mi][i_cluster]) * (a <= s[mi][i_cluster+1])])
print(a[a >= s[mi][-1]]) # print most right cluster
This would ensure that all the clusters are taken into account.

Decision Trees (Random Forest and Random Tree) classification on a small data set. Something wrong?

I performed classification on a small data set 65x9 using Decision Trees (Random Forest and Random Tree). I have four classes and 8 Attributes and 65 Instances.
My Application is in assistive robotics. So,Im extracting some parameters from my sensor data that I think are relevant to classify the users run while they are performing some task. I get the movement data from the sensor package deployed on the wheelchair. Im classify certain action like turning 180 degree, and Im giving him a mark (from 1 to 4) So from the sensor package and the software I had extracted parameters like velocity, distance, time, standard deviation of the velocity etc. that are relevant for the classification of the users run. So my data are all numbers.
When I performed Decision Trees Classify I got this Results
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
Random forest of 10 trees, each constructed while considering 4 random features.
Out of bag error: 0.5231
Time taken to build model: 0.01 seconds
=== Evaluation on training set ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances 64 98.4615 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 1 1.5385 %
Kappa statistic 0.9791
Mean absolute error 0.0715
Root mean squared error 0.1243
Relative absolute error 19.4396 %
Root relative squared error 29.0038 %
Total Number of Instances 65
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area Class
1 0 1 1 1 1 c1
1 0 1 1 1 1 c2
0.952 0 1 0.952 0.976 1 c3
1 0.019 0.917 1 0.957 1 c4
Weighted Avg. 0.985 0.003 0.986 0.985 0.985 1
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b c d <-- classified as
14 0 0 0 | a = c1
0 19 0 0 | b = c2
0 0 20 1 | c = c3
0 0 0 11 | d = c4
This is too good. Am I doing something wrong?
